
【题目】 Will it be ages ______ he goes back to school? I'm so worried about him.

A. before B. after C. when D. as



试题分析:A. before……之前;B. after……之后;C. when ……时;D. as 随着。根据句意他回到学校还要很长时间吗可知本题为固定结构It will be +一段时间+before...要过多久才发生某事,after,when和as均与语境不符,故选A。


【题目】 It all started when Campbell Remess was nine years old and asked his parents if he could buy Christmas gifts for sick children, for he wanted to do something to brighten their spirits. His parents had to turn down his request, for Campbell is one of nine children and ... well, money, you know? However, Campbell took up the challenge and started creating his own bears. Meanwhile, he named the project “Project 365" , which means making a bear a day in a year.

Every week he delivers some bears to sick children not only at the Royal Hobart Hospital near his home but all over the world. He even creates personalized teddy bears, the Winning Bear, for cancer patients to hold onto during treatments and at those down times. Campbell has even sent bears to victims of terrorist attacks in Brussels and Paris. These bears all become a treasured companion and are something to hug during difficult times. But it doesn't end there ...

Not only does Campbell make bears, but he has a variety of fundraising events to help further causes he supports. At one such gala last year, Campbell made a bear on-stage and auctioned (拍卖)it off for $ 5 ,000. The night raised more than 26,000 for the Love Your Sister charity. He hopes to expand the amount and locations of fundraising events he hosts.

Campbell's message of love and kindness has spread around the world, and he has spoken to schools about how each effort counts. Project 365's Facebook page has amassed over 26,271 followers and is a platform for people worldwide to spread positivity.

Campbell, a 14-year-old boy, has a lot of different interests such as film and laboratory work, but whatever path he chooseshe will continue to follow his heart to help people around the world through his acts of kindness!

1On hearing his parents' decision, Campbell _______.

A.gave up his plan

B.tried to find a way out

C.argued with his parents

D.turned to others for help

2Why did Campbell perform making a bear on the stage?

A.To raise money for a charity.

B.To show his love for sisters.

C.To make himself famous.

D.To celebrate the festival.

3To carry out his idea, Campbell _______.

A.got the fund of Facebook

B.expanded the fundraising

C.tried to inspire more people

D.changed his personal interests

4What can we learn from Campbell Remess' story?

A.Details are the key to success.

B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.Every little bit makes a big difference.

D.All things are difficult before they are easy.

【题目】Stories Behind Famous Company Names

Inventor Caleb Bradham had originally wanted to be a doctor but started working in a pharmacy when he returned home to North Carolina. In 1893, he made up what he first called “Brad’s Drink,” a mix of water, sugar, caramel, lemon oil, nutmeg, and other flavors. Five years later, he renamed it Pepsi-Cola. He claimed the drink could help with digestion(消化), or dyspepsia, the term from which Bradham adapted the name Pepsi.

This luxury car maker combined elements from the Ford and Oldsmobile companies when it was started in 1902 and later became known for its innovation and high quality. The company was named after the French explorer Antoine Laumet de la Mothe Cadillac, who founded the city of Detroit in 1701.

Company co-founder Gordon Bowker has said that while brainstorming names, someone brought out a map that featured the old mining town of Starbo. That may have led him to think of Starbuck, the first mate in Herman Melville’s famous novel, Moby Dick. Not only the company name but also the origin of its logo has aroused great curiosity.

The inventor of Rolex, Hans Wilsdorf, was looking to make an elegant, yet precise, wristwatch. He wanted a name that was easy to say, worked in different languages, and looked good on the watches. He settled on Rolex in 1908.

1Which company name has a close relationship with literature?



2Which of the following statements is True?

A.Caleb Bradham aimed to cure dyspepsia with Pepsi.

B.Hans Wilsdorf intended Rolex to be universally accepted.

C.Cadillac was named after the founding father of the company.

D.Starbucks was used due to the co-founder’s love for his hometown.

3From the passage, we can learn that .

A.a famous company name is easy to spell

B.a special story can make a company famous

C.a company name usually has a special meaning in it

D.a company name is related to the founder’s profession

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