【题目】 Riding on the road? Time to review all that you learned in elementary school —especially if you'll be riding in traffic.

Always ride on the right side of the street in the same direction as the traffic. Never ride against traffic. Try to use bike lanes (车道)whenever you can.

Always stop and check for traffic in both directions when leaving your driveway. Some people in cars just don't see cyclists.

Watch traffic closely for turning cars or cars pulling out of driveways.

Don' t ride too closely to parked cars — doors can open suddenly!

Stop at all stop signs and stop at red lights just as cars do. Take special care at crossroads. It's d good idea to walk your bike across busy crossroads using the crosswalk.

Don't wear headphones while biking—you need to hear what's going on around you.

Never change directions or change lanes without first looking behind you and using the correct hand signals. That way everyone knows where you' re going. You can use your left arm for all hand signals. To show you' re making a left turn, hold your arm straight out to the left. To show a right turn, bend your elbow(肘部)holding your arm up in an “L” shape. And before you stop, bend your elbow, pointing your arm downward in an upside down “L” shape. Of course, you can also hold your right arm straight out to the right to show you are going to turn right.

Biking is a fun way to get exercise and a great way to get around, but bike injuries are common. So follow these tips to really enjoy your ride.

1While riding in the street, we shouldn't ride_______ .

A.in heavy trafficB.before parked cars

C.behind turning cars at crossroadsD.in the opposite direction of the traffic

2Listening to music while riding_______ .

A.is harmful to our hearingB.may put us in danger

C.may stop us changing lanesD.is a good way to help us relax

3Which two pictures might show the same direction?

A.a, bB.a, cC.b, dD.c, d

4What's the best title of this passage?

A.Riding safelyB.Riding in traffic

C.Correct hand signalsD.A great way to get around

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

It was 1that students did not write details of how they arrived at their answers or conclusions. I decided to help students write in more detail about what they were thinking when they solved their problems or when they wrote about their ideas.

I chose a common, everyday task that all of us 2 in: choosing what to wear. When I asked them how they decided what they wore that day, there was a(n) 3 moment of silence. It seemed a 4 silly question. A few just said “they wore what they wore.” This was a perfect beginning as it was the same kind of response they were giving as to how they were getting their math answers. I told them how I decided what I wore that day.

First I checked the weather in the paper and by looking outside. I had to decide between wearing a dress or skirt since either one could make a difference in the 5 I wish to give. Most of the girls related to this one. I had to be sure what I wanted to wear was clean and ironed. They 6 no one ironed clothes any more. I had to check to see if I had shoes that went with the possible outfit. I thought about what I had worn 7 as I usually don’t wear the same clothes in the same week. I thought about the color I felt like wearing. I thought about the 8 I would be doing that day both at school and after school.

Each new consideration brought out comments from the students. I could expand on each or just mention it and go on, 9 on how long I wanted the lesson to go. After this discussion, it was clear to students that their thinking process is richer than they first suspected. It was a good lesson for showing details of the thinking process of which we weren’t 10.

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