
The exact data on women in agriculture is difficult to pin down. There are variations between countries and agriculture data is challenging to collect. What is clear, however, is that most small-scale farmers are women, making up 60-80 percent of farmers in developing countries. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) estimates that between 43 percent to even 70 percent of agricultural labor in some countries comes from women.

But women still don’t have the same rights as men when it comes to farming, making food production harder for women because of gender inequality. For female farmers, it is unquestionably a challenging job to engage in food production.

In the first place, purchasing land, farming equipment and hiring labor can be expensive. These costs are even harder on women because many of them lack access to credit. In nearly 48 economies women face legal restrictions to having control of their own finances.

Getting to the bank is hard too. Mobility for women in rural parts of developing countries is a big concern. Better transportation and infrastructure could help make access to credit more practicable for women. Credit and finance should be equal for everyone, especially women who are held back by gender restrictions.

Sadly, women may run the world, but they do not own it. Women are virtually denied property rights. Traditional customs in place can pass down land through the male side of the family, leaving women out of land rights completely. Other times, women need permission from a male relative or husband to own land.

It has been apparent that women are not as productive farmers as men and work longer hours in some countries like Indonesia. This is largely due to a lack of education. When education is considered more valuable for men (and thus mainly given to men), women farmers are less informed about the best production methods, thus producing less yield in crops and becoming “less productive”. This can all be changed through providing education for women. Removing gender inequality can help feed 130 million people who are currently undernourished.

Despite these barriers, women are definitely not leaving the “field”. In countries experiencing urban growth, men are migrating to urban areas for other jobs while women stay in rural areas, taking on jobs in farming and agriculture. Healthier children, education, and investment into the community are all benefits that female farmers are shown to have on their communities.

Let’s close the gender gap and give women the tools they need to succeed. If women farmers in developing countries have the same rights and opportunities, they will be just as productive. With increasing population, and the need for better food security, supporting women in agriculture is something that cannot afford not to be invested in.

Women running most small farms

Women in developing countries 1 for a large proportion of the labor force in the agricultural sector.

Women’s 2 to food production

Without credit, many women farmers can’t 3 the cost of large farms.

* The law sets a 4 on women’s freedom to manage money.

* It is a struggle for women in the countryside to enjoy bank service.

Women in many countries do not have easy 5 to the ownership of property.

* 6 can take over land from the previous generation.

* Without a male’s permission women cannot take possession of land.

The education system 7 men over women, resulting in different levels of productivity.

* Unlike men, women are often ignorant of agricultural science.

* Women could become more 8 if they were to enjoy equal education.

Expected support for women farmers

Considering women’s 9 to society, we are supposed to end gender discrimination and 10 up women in agriculture.

【题目】 Most Americans love Chinese food. However, the Chinese food served in most American restaurants is very different from the authentic cuisine enjoyed daily by people living in China. 1Then many Chinese immigrants had trouble landing a job in America. To make a living, some of them opened restaurants. Over these years, Chinese cuisine has been adapted to reflect Western influences.

2The Chinese food found in Western restaurants is mainly cooked through frying. Many dishes are cooked using various frying methods. However, traditional Chinese food is rarely cooked through frying. Instead, methods such as baking, steaming, boiling and fermenting (发酵) are more commonly used.

Another big difference between authentic and westernized Chinese food is the ingredients used. 3 Some ingredients — like carrots, onions and tomatoes — are not often used in authentic Chinese cooking. In addition, while you can find some Western cuisines that use strange meats — like pig ears — most Western cultures are pretty conservative about the meats they consume. Authentic Chinese food, in contrast, uses a wider variety of protein sources, including tofu, snake, chicken feet, duck blood and many more that Westerners generally wouldn’t choose to eat.

4Sweet and Sour Chicken, for example, has no equivalent(同等物)in traditional Chinese cuisine. Similarly, the fortune cookie is a completely American invention.

Indeed, there are numerous differences between authentic and westernized Chinese cuisine, but Western palates (味觉) adapt to new flavors easily. 5

A.The history of westernized Chinese food started in the mid-1800s.

B.Westernized Chinese food features vegetables that are common in Western cuisines.

C.There are so many regions of China, and they all prepare their dishes a little bit differently.

D.So it may only be a matter of time before authentic Chinese food becomes popular in America.

E.Many of the most popular Chinese dishes in the West are not served in Chinese restaurants at all.

F.Deep frying food is quick, which is why you can usually get your Chinese food in just a few minutes.

G.One of the main differences between authentic and westernized Chinese food lies in cooking methods.

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