

The exact data on women in agriculture is difficult to pin down. There are variations between countries and agriculture data is challenging to collect. What is clear, however, is that most small-scale farmers are women, making up 60-80 percent of farmers in developing countries. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) estimates that between 43 percent to even 70 percent of agricultural labor in some countries comes from women.

But women still don’t have the same rights as men when it comes to farming, making food production harder for women because of gender inequality. For female farmers, it is unquestionably a challenging job to engage in food production.

In the first place, purchasing land, farming equipment and hiring labor can be expensive. These costs are even harder on women because many of them lack access to credit. In nearly 48 economies women face legal restrictions to having control of their own finances.

Getting to the bank is hard too. Mobility for women in rural parts of developing countries is a big concern. Better transportation and infrastructure could help make access to credit more practicable for women. Credit and finance should be equal for everyone, especially women who are held back by gender restrictions.

Sadly, women may run the world, but they do not own it. Women are virtually denied property rights. Traditional customs in place can pass down land through the male side of the family, leaving women out of land rights completely. Other times, women need permission from a male relative or husband to own land.

It has been apparent that women are not as productive farmers as men and work longer hours in some countries like Indonesia. This is largely due to a lack of education. When education is considered more valuable for men (and thus mainly given to men), women farmers are less informed about the best production methods, thus producing less yield in crops and becoming “less productive”. This can all be changed through providing education for women. Removing gender inequality can help feed 130 million people who are currently undernourished.

Despite these barriers, women are definitely not leaving the “field”. In countries experiencing urban growth, men are migrating to urban areas for other jobs while women stay in rural areas, taking on jobs in farming and agriculture. Healthier children, education, and investment into the community are all benefits that female farmers are shown to have on their communities.

Let’s close the gender gap and give women the tools they need to succeed. If women farmers in developing countries have the same rights and opportunities, they will be just as productive. With increasing population, and the need for better food security, supporting women in agriculture is something that cannot afford not to be invested in.

Women running most small farms

Women in developing countries 1 for a large proportion of the labor force in the agricultural sector.

Women’s 2 to food production

Without credit, many women farmers can’t 3 the cost of large farms.

* The law sets a 4 on women’s freedom to manage money.

* It is a struggle for women in the countryside to enjoy bank service.

Women in many countries do not have easy 5 to the ownership of property.

* 6 can take over land from the previous generation.

* Without a male’s permission women cannot take possession of land.

The education system 7 men over women, resulting in different levels of productivity.

* Unlike men, women are often ignorant of agricultural science.

* Women could become more 8 if they were to enjoy equal education.

Expected support for women farmers

Considering women’s 9 to society, we are supposed to end gender discrimination and 10 up women in agriculture.














1细节理解题。由第一段What is clear, however, is that most small-scale farmers are women, making up 60-80 percent of farmers in developing countries.然而可以确定的是,大多数小规模的农民是妇女,占发展中国家农民的60-80%。可知,此处应填“占据”,根据介词for。故填account

2细节理解题。由第二段But women still don’t have the same rights as men when it comes to farming, making food production harder for women because of gender inequality.但在农业方面,女性仍然没有与男性同等的权利,这使得女性的粮食生产更加困难,因为性别不平等。可知,此处应填“困难”,根据介词to。故填 barriers/obstacles/bars

3细节理解题。由第三段In the first place, purchasing land, farming equipment and hiring labor can be expensive.首先,购买土地、农业设备和雇佣劳动力可能很昂贵。可知,农村妇女付不起昂贵的生产设备。故填afford/pay

4细节理解题。由第三段In nearly 48 economies women face legal restrictions to having control of their own finances.在近48个经济体中,妇女面临着控制自己财政的法律限制。可知,此处应填“限制”, set a limit on为固定搭配,意为“给……设限”。故填limit

5细节理解题。由第五段Women are virtually denied property rights.妇女实际上被剥夺了财产权。可知妇女很难拥有财产权,have access to为固定搭配,意为“轻易得到”。故填access

6细节理解题。由第五段Traditional customs in place can pass down land through the male side of the family, leaving women out of land rights completely.当地的传统习俗可以将土地传给男性,而将女性完全排除在土地权利之外。可知,男性可以从前一辈那继承土地权。故填Men/Males

7细节理解题。由第六段When education is considered more valuable for men (and thus mainly given to men), women farmers are less informed about the best production methods, thus producing less yield in crops and becoming “less productive”.当教育被认为对男人更有价值时(因此主要给了男人),女农民对最好的生产方法了解较少,因此作物产量较少,变得更低产。由此可知,教育偏向男性。故填favors

8细节理解题。由第六段When education is considered more valuable for men (and thus mainly given to men), women farmers are less informed about the best production methods, thus producing less yield in crops and becoming “less productive”.当教育被认为对男人更有价值时(因此主要给了男人),女农名对最好的生产方法里了解较少,因此作物产量较少,变得更低产。由此可知,如果女人接受了更多的教育,将变得更加多产。故填productive

9细节理解题。由第七段Despite these barriers, women are definitely not leaving the “field”.尽管有这些障碍,女性绝对不会离开土地。由此可知,女性对社会有贡献。故填contribution

10细节理解题。由第八段With increasing population, and the need for better food security, supporting women in agriculture is something that cannot afford not to be invested in.随着人口的增长,以及对更好的粮食安全的需要,支持妇女从事农业是一项不能不投资的事业。由此可知,此处应填“支持”,根据介词up。故填back


【题目】 Adventure-seeker Emma broke her ankle when she fell awkwardly while climbing a rock and spent a week in hospital waiting for an operation on her foot. When she was sent home to recover under strict instructions not to bear any weight, she became so fearful of crutches (拐杖) that she didn't move for three weeks. “I tried crutches but I kept falling over and injuring myself. So I literally just stayed on the sofa all day, ” says Emma.

She was gutted at the thought of missing the Wolf Run — a quarterly event that she hasn't missed since 2014. “If you complete four Wolf Runs in a year, one in each season, you get Alpha Wolf status,” explains Emma. “This year was going to be my fifth in a row as an Alpha Wolf and I was really upset that I'd lose my status.” So she was willing to try anything to get through the course — even with her injured ankle.

“I was telling my friend that I was going to cancel, and he persuaded me to give it a go. Having something to aim for really kept me going." Emma completed the run wearing an iWALK2.0, which is a medically-approved device and it basically functions like a hi-tech artificial leg, allowing users to walk freely. I decided to get one and it completely changed my recovery. I could move around the house and start getting out and about again, which had a real impact on my mental well-being.”

On the day of the race, Emma was nervous but the sound of people cheering her on kept her motivated. Emma made it over the finish line in just under six hours and clocked up her 23rd Wolf Run in five years. “It was an incredible day and my determination to finish combined with the support I received along the way kept me going,” says Emma.

1Why was Emma frightened to use a crutch?

A.She was afraid of recovering slowly.

B.She was warned not to move around.

C.She just had an operation on her foot.

D.She often got injured when using one.

2What does the underlined word “gutted” mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Extremely sad.B.A bit relieved.

C.Very surprised.D.Pretty cheerful.

3What actually made Emma take part in the race?

A.Her new hi-tech artificial leg.

B.Her fear of letting her friend down.

C.Her strong desire to achieve her ambition.

D.Her complete recovery from the operation.

4Which of the following best describes Emma?




Agricultural experts say crop diversity is important to feed the1(increase) population of our planet. They say having a large variety of plants also2(help) to protect against possible crop diseases and future crises. But many experts say the number has decreased sharply during the past century.

One of the world's 3(large) seed conservation projects has predicted further losses. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership is warning that up to one hundred thousand plant species could 4 (permanent) disappear. The rich collection of genes5 decide their qualities would disappear with them.

Many experts blame climate change and loss of habitat, normal growth area, for damaging plant life. They say human6(activity) and poorly planned, overly heavy use of land also are responsible. Modern business farming is responsible7loss of farmers' traditional crop varieties. The "Green Revolution" of the twentieth century changed agriculture. Some experts say the use of modern commercial farming methods saved millions of people from8(starve). Farmers planted, watered, and fertilized their crops with the help of machines. They treated their fields with chemicals9(control) diseases and insects. Harvests grew larger and higher quality,10 another result was that some traditional crops were lost. Damage to the environment over the past century makes people believe that crop diversity also suffered.


Lill was a shy , young girl who grew up in a village. At the age of 16, her father forced her to drop out of school and find a job to help the family.

With poor education, skills and hope, the young girl would take the bus into the big cities of Windsor and Detroit, walk aimlessly about and then return home every day. She couldn't even bring herself to knock on a door.

As the days passed, Lill knew she had to have the courage to knock on a door. On one of her trips, Lill saw a sign at Carhartt Overall Company, saying, “Help Wanted, Secretary. Apply Within. ” She walked up to the office and was met by the office manager Margaret, who sat her down at a typewriter and said with a smile, “Let's see how good you really are."

She directed Lill to type a single letter and then left. Lill looked at the clock 11: 40 am. She figured that she could run away in the crowd when the clock struck 12. But she knew she should at least stay and give it a try.

On her first try, she got through one line. It had five words and she made four mistakes. She pulled the paper out and threw it away. The clock read 11: 45. “In fifteen minutes," she said to herself, “I'll escape from the company, and she will never see me again. ” On her second try, Lill got through a full paragraph, but still made many mistakes. Again she pulled out the paper, threw it out and started over. This time she completed the whole letter, but still there were many errors in it. She looked at the clock 11:55 — five minutes to freedom.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Just then, the door at one end of the office opened and Margaret walked in. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lill did stay at Carhartt Overall Company for 51 years, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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