An old woman having lost the use of her eyes visited a doctor to heal (治愈) them. She made this 1with him in the presence of witness (证人) that if he could 2 her blindness, he should receive a sum of money from her, but if her disease 3, she should give him 4.
After the agreement was made, the doctor, time after time, 5 some of his medicine on her eyes, and on every 6 took something away, 7 all her property (财产) little by little. And when he had got all she had, he healed her and 8 the promised payment. The old woman, when she 9 her sight and saw 10of her goods in her house, would give him nothing. The doctor 11 his payment and as she still refused he finally decided to go to the court (法庭) and reported his case before the 12.
The old woman, standing up in the court, 13, “This man here speaks the 14in what he says, for I did 15 to give him a sum of money if I could recover my sight, but if I continued to be blind, I was to give him nothing. Now he says that I am healed. I, 16, think that I am still blind, 17 when I lost the use of my eyes, I saw in my house a lot of property and 18 goods, but now, though he 19 that I am cured of my blindness, I am not able to see a(an) 20 thing in it.”
(1)A.agreement B.medicine C.excuse D.decision
(2)A.discover B.prove C.cure D.operate
(3)A.escaped B.remained C.improved D.disappeared
(4)A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything
(5)A.used B.tested C.made D.found
(6)A.visit B.point C.tour D.scene
(7)A.accepting B.realizing C.examining D.stealing
(8)A.advised B.demanded C.commanded D.regretted
(9)A.recovered B.increased C.balanced D.lost
(10)A.all B.none C.either D.both
(11)A.depended on B.insisted on C.gave up D.picked up
(12)A.master B.officer C.police D.judge
(13)A.argued B.shouted C.laughed D.ordered
(14)A.lie B.truth C.secret D.answer
(15)A.promise B.refuse C.remember D.expect
(16)A.in the end B.by the way C.at present D.on the contrary
(17)A.like B.though C.but D.for
(18)A.valuable B.useful C.necessary D.modern
(19)A.says B.suggests C.supports D.congratulates
(20)A.pretty B.single C.latest D.important

【题目】阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60字左右的内容概要。
Over the past few years, there has been a big increase in the number of people sharing information online. In this article, we will learn about some positive reasons for people to share information online.
94% of those surveyed by The New York Times said they put a lot of thought into how the content they are sharing will be beneficial to others. We often share information with our friends in the office or at home to educate, entertain, or pleasantly surprise them. This is also true while sharing information online. If you look at the Facebook wall posts of your friends, you will realize that most of their updates are usually famous quotes(引述), entertaining videos, humorous images, funny jokes, etc.
A lot of people share information online to picture their true self to the outside world. Some people, especially those who are shy and not comfortable talking about their areas of interest in the presence of others, find it extremely convenient to share that information online with others.
According to the study, 78% of the people said they shared information online because it helps them develop better relationships. Today, people are so busy that they do not have the time to meet each other personally. A lot of people now “meet” each other online, rather than in places like restaurants and pubs.
Lastly, when we share our thoughts online, we are actively communicating with a large number of people who are a part of the World Wide Web. Sharing information will affect the viewpoint of others, or add to their understanding about the world.

【题目】I find it interesting that even the ordinary happenings can have an effect on our experiences.My wife and I moved into our house nine years ago.We spent a lot of time and energy in the yard.There were some rocks there. Whenever we had found flowers,we would plant them,just to bring some color to the area.

Last summer I found a little plant that I could not immediately recognize.I knew I didn’t plant it and Denise said that she didn't,either.We decided to let it continue growing until we could find out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant,it appeared to be a sunflower.It was spindly(瘦弱的)and had only one head on it.I decided to baby it along and weed around it.As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds,I noticed something unusual.The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk(茎)begin.It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under around it to reach the sun.

That's when I realized that if a little sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its way of developing,we too have the abilities to achieve our desires.Like the sunflower,it knew it had the ability to get over the difficulty and succeed because it had faith.

1The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 1 refers to .

A. rocks B. flowers

C. happenings D. experiences

2What unusual things did the author find?

A. There was only one head on the sunflower.

B. The sunflower had pushed away a big rock.

C. The stalk of the sunflower was tall and thin.

D. The sunflower grew under and around a big stone.

3According to the passage,if one wants to achieve success,he/she first need .

A. others' help B. great abilities

C. self-confidence D. a happy environment

4What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Grow up to be strong with more sunlight. B. Make the environment support you.

C. Stand tall like the sunflower. D. Be proud of yourself.

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