【题目】The first kind of air transportation was not a plane. It was a balloon. People traveled by balloon 100 years before there were planes or jet aircraft. Those early days of ballooning were exciting, but they were also dangerous. Sometimes the balloons fell suddenly. Sometimes they burned. However, the danger did not stop the balloonists.

The first real balloon flight was in France in 1783. Two Frenchmen, the Montgolfier brothers, made a balloon. They filled a very large paper bag with hot air. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so it goes up. The Montgolfier's hot air balloon went up 1,000 feet in the sky.

Later that same year, two other Frenchmen ascended (上升) in a basket under a balloon. They built a fire under the balloon to make the air hot. This made the balloon stay up in the air for a few hours. But their balloon was tied to the ground. So it could not go anywhere.

The first free balloon flight was in December, 1783. The balloon flew for 25 minutes over Paris. It traveled about 5.5 miles. Flying a balloon is not like flying a plane. The balloon has no engine and therefore no power of its own. The wind directs the balloon. It goes where the wind blows. The pilot can control only the altitude of the balloon to find the right wind direction. That is how a good pilot controls where the balloons goes.

Soon balloonists tried longer flights. A major event in the history of ballooning was the first long flight over water. In 1785, an American and a Frenchman flew over the English Channel.

During the nineteenth century, ballooning became a popular sport. There were balloon races in Europe. Balloons were also used by scientists to study the air and by armies in wartime. After the airplane was invented, people lost interest in balloons. Planes were much faster and easier to control. But some people today still like to go up in balloons. High up in the balloon basket, they find quietness. They have wonderful view of the world below.

【1】The first kind of air travel was in .

A. a jet plane B. an aircraft

C. a balloon D. a ship

【2】Many early balloonists lived in .

A. England B. the United States

C. Italy D. France

【3】The balloon rises if the air inside get .

A. colder B. hotter C. out D. fell

【4】One way to control a balloon is to .

A. use the engine

B. find the right wind direction

C. ask the pilot

D. not change altitude

【题目】“Blogging is helping students to think and write more critically(批评地),”says an Australian researcher, “and can help draw out people who would otherwise not engage in debate.”

These are the preliminary findings of PHD research by Anne Bartlett-Bragg, a lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney, who has been using weblogs or blogs in her own teaching since 2001.

“The students are thinking more critically.” she says, “They are learning to be responsible and they’re communicating outside the boundaries of the classroom and the institution, and they like that. “Bartlett-Bragg says in conventional teaching, students often rely on the lecturer as the main source of ideas and critique (评论)for their work. “I’m a bit over listening to my students giving me back in an essay what I’ve told them in class.” she says. “I want them to think for themselves and get different perspectives.”

“What makes blogs useful is their interactive nature.” she says. These web-based forums(论坛)for discussing ideas, experiences or opinions allow students to discuss publicly what they are studying with other students and experts outside their own university. “I really encourage them to put their personal opinion in there, provided they are informed and backed up with evidence.” Bartlett-Bragg says because a lot of academics in her field of electronic or e-learning now have their own blogs, students can engage directly with them.

She says one of the most powerful facilities in weblogs is pinging, which involves a person positing a comment about someone else’s work on their own blog. They use the “Trackback” tool to notify the author when they have published the comment, basically inviting them to discuss it.

“They get such a buzz when they make a comment on another person outside the boundaries of the institution and that person responds, or even gives them some further reading.” she says. “They are getting new perspectives that I can’t give them in a normal lecture.”

【1】What Bartlett-Bragg likes most is that blogs can help students to ______.

A. think for themselves

B. have stronger sense of responsibility

C. know more about the world outside

D. finish an essay assignment easily

【2】Bartlett-Brag would like her students to _______.

A. make comments on her teaching

B. spend more time on the web

C. be taught in a conventional way

D. get new ideas from the web-based forums

【3】The “Trackback” tool is used to _______.

A. exchange views with the author

B. inform the author of a newly published comment

C. invite the author to reply

D. send a comment to the author

【4】Bartlett-Bragg’s attitude towards introducing blogs into teaching is _______

A. critic B. doubtful C. supportive D. neutral

【5】The fourth paragraph mainly talks about_________.

A. the special nature of blogs

B. the popularity of blogs

C. the advantages of blogs

D. Bartlett-Bragg’s teaching styles

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