
Going to college is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. Socialization is a big thing for college students and it is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger. You may probably miss your friends from high school.【1】 College is a great opportunity to make new lifelong friends. The question is: how?

▲Get to know your roommate.

You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate, but even if you are completely different from each other, with a little effort and understanding the two of you may become best friends.


If you leave your door open, this shows that you welcome visitors. As a result people will naturally stop in and say hello. Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold. Other students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.

▲Join clubs or organizations.

Getting involved in organized societies is a great way to meet new people.【3】 By staying active in college groups such as clubs and organizations you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.

▲Talk to classmates.

【4】 Starting conversations in class is a great opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are. Short friendly discussions can build lifelong friendships.

▲Try out for a sport.

If you' re athletic, trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing that joining a club will do. 【5】

A. Close the door to keep away from theft.

B. Hang a welcome sign on your dorm room.

C. It also helps you get more familiar with the campus.

D. Your roommate is the first person you will have close contact with.

E. You will instantly meet a large group of people who share your interests in sports.

F. Get to know your classmates as you'll be spending several months with them.

G. Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feelings of being lonely.

【题目】Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

【1】 Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to procrastinate(拖延). By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from project to project. Others take a more proactive approach, viewing each project or task as a challenge they must overcome alone. 2

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations(诱惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often promotes laziness. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child to promote responsibility. Complete a certain number of chores and reward yourself with a good dinner. 3

4 Spouse(配偶) and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not addressed quickly. To fight household laziness, lead by example. Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own chores. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

5 Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help boost your mood.

A. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

B. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

C. Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home.

D. If you have a hobby, celebrate after completing a project.

E. Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

F. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.

G. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.

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