【题目】As societies develop, their members start to see things not so much according to what they need, but according to what they want. When people have enough money, these wants become demands.

Now, it's important for the managers in a company to understand what their customers want if they are going to develop effective marketing strategies(策略). There are various ways of doing this. One way at supermarkets(超市), for example, is to interview(采访)customers while they're doing their shopping. They can be asked what they prefer to buy and then the results of the research can be studied. This provides information on which to base future marketing strategies. It's also quite normal for top managers from department stores to spend a day or two each month visiting stores and mixing freely with the public, as if they were ordinary customers, to get an idea of how customers act.

Another way to get information from customers is to give them something. For example, some fast food restaurants give away tickets in magazines or on the street that permit customers to get part of their meal for nothing. As well as being a good way of attracting customers into the restaurants to spend their money, it also allows the managers to get a feel for where to attract customers and which age-groups to attract.

Another strategy used at some well-known parks such as Disneyland is for top managers to spend at least one day in their work, touring the park dressed as Mickey Mouse or something like that. This provides them with a perfect chance to examine the scene and watch the customers without being noticed.

【1】 The text is designed for________.





【2】 Which of the following can help managers get useful information?

A.Visiting customers themselves.

B.Giving customers free food on the street.

C.Visiting parks as ordinary customers.

D.Asking customers questions at supermarkets.

【3】 What does the word “this” underlined in the last sentence refer to?

A.Visiting Disneyland.

B.Wearing attractive clothes.

C.Acting Mickey Mouse.

D.Dressing up and walking around.

【4】 The main idea of the text is________.

A.how to do market research

B.how to develop marketing strategies

C.how to find out customers' social needs

D.how to encourage customers to spend more money


For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans. _【1】___Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today. Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.

Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829. _【2】___He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847. Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business. This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention. After the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunes.

Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals. Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners. At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth.

__【3】__When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners. These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.

In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉). This made the pants last a long time. Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent. _【4】___.

By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion.

__【5】__The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

A.As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.

B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.

C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.

D.However, he did not get much business for those products.

E.He also made a great contribution to America's clothing industry.

F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.

G.As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.

【题目】Some of Beijing Zoo's animals are suffering menu changes because of the bird flu spread in Asia.

Gone are the lions' and tigers' delightful live chicken dinners. In their menus, instead, are raw beef and mutton. While the lions and tigers go chicken less, the zoo's birds are also receiving some special and uncomfortable treatment these days. The peacocks in Befalling Safari Animal World, who used to be featured in the park and could walk around showing off their beautiful feathers, now are forced to stay in cages.

And turkeys at the Beijing Zoobelieved to be most likely to suffer from the bird flu virus have been moved out of their old home to places separate from visitors. In most casesdisplay areas with birds have been closed for health reasons.

Yet a good thing about the present situation is that the living conditions of the zoo's birds are being improved, with keepers keeping the display areas cleaner and not as crowded as before. Almost all zoos have done more frequent cleaning and disinfection for bird cages——measures to prevent infection.

In this special period, pigeons(鸽子)are_frowned_upon._In Beijing, many homing pigeon lovers use balconies(阳台)to build cages for birds. Most neighbours are fed up with these cages since they can produce waste and feathers. Now the city's homing pigeon organization is asking all its members to stop letting pigeons out of their cages and keep cages clean. Still, pigeons and some other birds seem less lovely to people than before.

As a Chinese newspaper put it Doves, are you still angels?”

1which of the following shows the menu changes in the Beijing Zoo?

AThe lions and tigers have live chicken dinners.

BThe lions and tigers eat raw beef and mutton.

CThe lions and tigers have chickens only for supper.

DThe lions and tigers have beef and mutton for part of meals.

2We can conclude from the text that________.

Aturkeys have been moved out of the zoo because of the bird flu virus

Bpeacock shows used to be free of charge

Cpeople can hardly see peacock shows in the Beijing Zoo now

Dhoming pigeons are safe from the bird flu virus

3The underlined sentence in the text means________”.

Apigeons receive the best care

Bpeople are worried about pigeons

Cpeople feel displeased with pigeons

Dpeople show no interest in pigeons


Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world. Commuters(道勤者)rush to and from their jobs in cars, buses, subways, trains, and even on bicycles. Large cities in the United States have two rush hoursone in the morning and one in the evening. But in cities in other parts of the world, there are four rush hours. In Athens and Rome, for example, many workers go home for lunch and a nap. After this midday break, they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.

In Tokyo, there's a big rush hour underground. Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways. The trains are very crowded. Subway employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors place. They make sure that all purses, briefcases, clothes, and hands are inside the trains.

In Seoul, many computers prefer to take taxis to get to work. To hail_a_cab,_many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers. This means they'll pay the cab driver double the usual fare. Some people even raise three fingers! They'll pay THREE times the normal rate.

Streets in Rome are very crowded with automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行车)during rush hours. The city can't make its streets wider, and it can't build new highways, because it doesn't want to disturb many historic sites in the city, such as the Forum and the Colosseum. It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system. Construction had to stop every time workers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古学家)

In many big cities, there are special lanes on highways for carpools. These are groups of three or more people who driver to and from work together. They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city.

Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world. Rush hour traffic seems to be a universal problem.

1Big cities have traffic problems during rush hours because there are________.

Aspecial lanes on highways

Bmany commuters

Cfour rush hours

Dmany cars on the street

2Most of commuters in Tokyo________.

Atake subway trains to work

Bare packers

Ctake taxis to work

Dcarry briefcases to work

3To hail a cab means to________.

Apay double the normal rate

Btry to get a cab

Cprefer to take taxis

Dto stand at crossroads

4Why did it take a long time to build a subway system in Rome?

ABecause the streets were very crowded.

BBecause there are many historic sites.

CBecause the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.

DBecause the traffic always stopped the construction.

5Commuters in carpools probably________.

Alive in the city

Btake the subway to work

Csave money on gas and parking fees

Dhave special license plates(牌照)

【题目】Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉)can cut highway crashes.

Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75% using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons(人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D. C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the Foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as on fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the Foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the Foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards(危险)are the greatestcurves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can at first cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bar.

Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drives the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

1The passage mainly discusses________.

Aa new way of highway speed control

Ba new pattern for painting highways

Ca new approach to training drivers

Da new type of optical illusion

2On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel________.

Athey should avoid speed-related hazards

Bthey are driving in the wrong lane

Cthey should slow down their speed

Dthey are approaching the speed limit

3The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to________.

Atry out the Japanese method in certain areas

Bchange the road signs across the country

Creplace straight, horizontal bars with chevrons

Drepeat the Japanese road patterns

4What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roads?

AThey are falling out of use in the US.

BThey are applicable only on broad roads.

CThey cannot be applied successfully to traffic rules.

DThey tend to be ignored by drivers in a short period of time.

5The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former________.

Acan keep drivers awake

Bcan cut road accidents in half

Cwill have a longer effect on drivers

Dwill look more attractive


Our little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper,and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on an apron,she read it,and this is what it said:

For cutting the grass $5.00

For cleaning up my room this week $1. 00

For going to the store for you $0. 50

Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping $0. 25

Taking out the garbage $1. 00

For getting a good report card $5. 00

For cleaning up and raking the yard $2. 00

Total owed: $14.75

Well,I’ll tell you,his mother looked at him standing there expectantly,and boy,could I see the memories flashing through her mind. So she picked up the pen,turned over the paper he’d written on,and this is what she wrote:

For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me,No Charge.

For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you,doctored and prayed for you,No Charge.

For all the trying times,and all the tears that you’ve caused through the years,there’s No Charge.

For all the nights that were filled with dread,and for the worries I knew were ahead,No Charge

For the toys,food,clothes,and even wiping your nose,there’s No Charge,Son.

When you___________________,the cost of my love is No Charge.

Well,friends,when our son finished reading what his mother had written,there were great big old tears in his eyes,and he looked straight up at his mother and said:“Mom,I sure do love you. And then he took the penspan> and in great big letters he wrote:“PAID IN FULL”.

【1】 What’s the best title of the passage?


【2】 Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Although you have brought me hard times and many tears in these years, you needn’t pay for them.


【3】 Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within ten words)


【4】 What do you learn after reading the passage?(within 30 words)


【5】 Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


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