【题目】Galina was born with an illness called Spina Bifida. Because of her disability, she has only had a little ______. Her parents were ______ of her and never allowed their friends and neighbors to see her. Her mother often ______ her because Gailina could not control the things her body did. This made her think that her disability was all her ______ and that she must have done something wrong. She spent the next four years in ______. She liked it better there because she was with others who had disabilities. She did not feel ______ from everyone else. But when she went back to live at home, she realized just how different she was from all her brothers and sisters. She was so ______ that she tried to kill herself. But she did not succeed. Soon after this, she left home and found work in a big city.

One day a group of Christians visited her. They told her about Jesus Christ who loves all people, even those who are ______. She was not interested because when she was a child she was taught another ______. But the Christians did not ______ seeing her. Then she began to realize that their friend, Jesus Christ, loved her. She found a new friend in Jesus. Galina does not feel rejected any more. She feels ______ and loved by God. Her ______ with her parents has changed too. One time when she went to see her parents, her mother asked Galina to forgive her for the many times she beat her when she was a child.

You may have been ______ hurt or treated as a child. You may not have had the education you hoped for like Galina. You may not be able to do the things you want because your family is _____, or one or both of your parents died when you were young. There are many reasons why you might think badly about yourself. What did Galina find out made all the ______ to her life?

【1】A. education B. money C. time D. illness

【2】A. accused B. informed C. ashamed D. reminded

【3】A. knocked B. killed C. kissed D. hit

【4】A. fault B. success C. power D. advantage

【5】A. school B. factory C. hospital D. home

【6】A. important B. better C. advanced D. different

【7】A. unhappy B. powerful C. nervous D. glad

【8A. kind B. cruel C. unhealthy D. disabled

【9】A. story B. religion C. subject D. skill

【10A. stop B. enjoy C. continue D. avoid

【11】A. admired B. rejected C. suspected D. accepted

【12】A. respect B. relationship C. responsibility D. research

【13A. suddenly B. partly C. badly D. heavily

【14A. rich B. poor C. nice D. unsafe

【15A. prediction B. safety C. difference D. damage


One afternoon I toured an art museum and I was looking forward to a quiet view of the masterpieces(名作) A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me talked between themselves. I watched them a moment and she was doing all the talking.

I admired his patience for up with her talkativeness. Annoyed by their noise, I moved on.

I with them several times as I moved through the various rooms of art. I heard her constant flood of words, I moved quickly. I was making a purchase(购买) at the counter of the gift shop when I the couple approaching(靠近) the exit. Before they left, the man took out a and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wife’s jacket.

“He’s a man,” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a vow(发誓) that his life wouldn’t . So, as before he and his wife come in there’s a new art show.”

“But does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see.”

“Can’t see! You’re . He sees a lot. More than you or I do,” the clerk said.. “His wife each painting so he can see it in his .”

I something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the of a young wife describing paintings to a person without and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.

【1】A. continuously B. carefully C. hardly D. lively

【2】A. commanded B. suggested C. decided D.insisted

【3】A. keeping B. staying C. coming D.putting

【4】A. met B.quarreled C. viewed D.compared

【5】A.As though B. Now that C.Each time D. Ever since

【6】A. up B. away C. in D. out

【7】A. watched B. considered C. realized D. noticed

【8】A. walking stick B. walking dog C. cell phone D. wallet

【9】A. patient B. unlucky C. brave D. clever

【10】A. give in B. give up C. give away D. give back

【11】A. worsen B. change C. end D. darken

【12】A. whenever B.wherever C. however D. whoever

【13】A. how B. if C. whether D. what

【14】A. right B. wrong C. foolish D. careless

【15】A. paints B. buys C. admires D.describes

【16】A. spirits B.ears C. head D. soul

【17】A. learned B. found C. judged D.considered

【18】A. kindness B. words C. courage D. patience

【19】A. stop B. sight C. complaint D. delay

【20】A. shown B. valued C. shared D. received

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