
【题目】A water carrier had a cracked pot so water in it leaked out .But he could see the good and make use 【1】 the crack to water flowers along the road.

What the water carrier said 2 (impress) me. No one in the world is perfect. We should learn to see the good in others 3 (tell) them they are extraordinary.

The lovely cracked pot reminds me of my desk-mate , 4 I always helped with maths. One day, she told me she was sorry for wasting so much of my time. I was 5 (shock) at her words. As a matter of fact, it was her diligence that pushed us 6 (work) together. It was her who let me know that whether we could 7 (success) achieve our goal didn't depend on how clever we were 8 how much we desired and how long we could insist on. To be frank, what I taught her were only some maths problems but what she taught me was a 9 (mean) lesson of life.

So in my opinion, everyone must have many virtues. Take a moment to observe 10 good in others and tell them. It is a simple but very powerful way to light up the whole world.







【6】to work.







1of。Make (full) use of表示(充分)利用,是固定短语。



4who/whom。引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作宾语,先行词是指人的desk mate,故填who/whom。


6to work。push sb to do sth.敦促某人做某事,是固定短语。


8but。此处是not but 不是……而是-的用法,表示我们是否能成功地实现自己的目标不在于我们有多聪明,而在于我们有多想,坚持多长时间


10the。特指他人的好,用定冠词;此处表示花点时间去发现他人的好,并且告诉他们。文章多次出现the good'线索词。



Are You Ready to Make a Lifestyle Change?

When it comes to weight loss, the words you might hear are: lifestyle and changes. 【1】 But, if it were that simple, I'd be out of a job and you'd be too busy working out to read this.Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life like, how you spend your time, how you schedule your day, and how/what you eat.

What's Your Lifestyle Like?

2 So what is a healthy lifestyle? The typical components include not smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping the body at a healthy weight. First, figure out how much time you spend doing the following:

Sitting at a desk


Sitting in front of a computer

Drinking alcohol

Eating fast food or junk foods

Staying up late/not getting enough sleep

Now, How Much Time Do You Spend?

Being active in general (taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, gardening, cleaning, etc. )

Doing cardio exercise

Strength training for all muscle groups with challenging weights

Tracking your calories


Dealing with stress in a healthy way

4 Living healthy means spending time and energy on your body-moving it around and paying attention to what you put into it. Staying in an unhealthy lifestyle means you can avoid expending energy, time and effort. Choosing Health

As humans, we like habits and routines so much that we often keep doing the same things even when we know they aren't good for us. Changing bad habits takes time and effort. 5 For example, what time you get up each morning.

A. Sitting in front of a TV

B. How you spend your free time

C. For a healthy lifestyle, you may be changing a variety of things.

D. It may seem like losing weight is a simple goal-do some exercise, go on a diet!

E. The reason why lifestyle is so important is that it determines how healthy you are.

F. Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life.

G. If you spend more time doing the things in the first list than the second, it's time to change your lifestyle.

【题目】My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door.“Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out the door.Brandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again.“Go away!” I shouted.

Brandy’s owner had died about a month earlier.The woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behind.For weeks, she’d been wandering around the neighborhood.

It wasn’t that I disliked dogs or anything like that.I just didn’t think about them very much.I never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one.

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with Adam.Then the phone rang.I went inside to take the call.When I came back, Adam was gone.I searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public pool.No trace of him.I was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband.

Police searched the neighborhood.Suddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking.“It’s coming from the woods,” one of my neighbors said.We followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep.Brandy was beside him, leaning(倚靠)against him to keep him away from the edge.When I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quickly.She must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our house.She hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time I’d driven her away.

“Come on, girl,” I said.“This is your home now.” Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the door.She’d done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it .She’d certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever had.What a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

【1】What is the correct order for the events in the story about Brandy?

a.She was left behind by her owner’s family.

b.She stepped into the woman’s house.

c.She appeared at the woman’s front door.

d.She stayed beside the woman’s son for hours.

A.d, a, b, c B.a, c, b, d

C.c, d, b, a D.a, c, d, b

2What did the woman do when she first saw Brandy?

A.She gave her some food.

B.She drove her away.

C.She took her home.

D.She said thank you to her.

3】How were they able to be aware that the woman’s son was near the cliff?

A.By searching the neighborhood.

B.By hearing a dog barking.

C.By following a dog’s footsteps.

D.By hearing her son’s crying.

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