
I was no different from any other mother.

When my little boy, Skyler, was born, I longed for the day he would talk to me. My husband and I dreamed about the first sweet “Mama” or “Dada.” Every cry or coo was a small glimpse into my son’s mind.

My baby’s noises were even more precious to me because Skyler had been born with several health problems.

At first, the problems had delayed his development, but once they were safely behind us. I looked forward to my son’s first words. They didn’t come.

At age three, Skyler was diagnosed autistic, a developmental disability destined to affect his social and emotional well-being in his entire life. Skyler couldn’t talk and wouldn’t talk. I would probably never hear any words from him at all. In a store, I would hear a child calling “Mommy,” and I would wonder if that were what my little boy might sound like. I wondered how it would feel to hear my child call out for me.

But I could have learned to live with his silence if it weren’t for another hallmark characteristic of autism: Skyler formed no attachments. He didn’t want to be held, much preferring to lie in his bed or sit in his car seat. He wouldn’t look at me; sometimes, he even looked through me.

Once, when I took him to the doctor, we talked to a specialist who was my size, age and who had the same hair color. When it was time to go, Skyler went to her instead of me—he couldn’t tell us apart. When Skyler was three, he spent three days at Camp Courageous for disabled children in Iowa, and when he returned he didn’t even recognize me.

The pain was almost unbearable. My own son didn’t even know I was his mother.

I hid the pain, and we did the best we could for Skyler. We enrolled him in our local area educational agency preschool, where the teachers and speech pathologist worked hard to help Skyler connect with the world around him. They used pictures and computer voice-machines that spoke for him, and sign language. These devices gave me little glimpses of who Skyler was, even if he didn’t understand who I was. “He will talk,” the speech pathologist insisted, but inside, I had given up hope.

The one dream I couldn’t let go was to have Skyler understand that I was his mom. Even if I never heard him say, “Mom,” I wanted to see the recognition in his eyes.

The summer of Skyler’s fourth year was when it started. A smoldering ember of understanding in him sparked, and fanned by our efforts, steadily flamed. His first words were hardly recognizable, often out of context, never spontaneous. Then, slowly, he could point to an item and say a word. Then two words together as a request. Then spontaneous words. Each day, he added more and more recognizable words, using them to identify pictures and ask questions. We could see his understanding increase, till his eyes would seek out mine, wanting to comprehend.

“You Mom?” he said one day.

“Yes, Skyler, I’m Mom.”

He asked his teachers and caregivers: “You Mom?”

“No, Skyler, not Mom.”(原作者:陈德琪)“You my Mom?” he said back to me.

“Yes, Skyler, I’m your Mom.”

And finally, a rush of understanding in his eyes: “You my Mom.”

“Yes, Skyler, I’m your Mom.”

If those had been Skyler’s only words ever, they would have been enough for me: My son knew I was his mother.

But Skyler wasn’t done.

One evening I leaned against the headboard on Skyler’s bed, my arms wrapped around him. He was cozily tucked between my legs, our bodies warm and snug as I read to him from one of his favorite books—a typical affectionate scene between mother and son, but because of Skyler’s autism, one that I could never take for granted.

I stopped reading. Skyler had interrupted me, leaning back his head so he could look me in the eye.

“Yes, Skyler?”

And then the voice of an angel, the voice of my son: “I love you, Mom.”

【1】According to the description of the author, we can learn that Skyler .

A. could easily have a cold

B. usually preferred to stay alone

C. could only recognize his doctor

D. frequently lost temper

【2】The author felt the most heartbroken when .

A. Skyler was diagnosed with autism

B. a child in a store called her Mommy

C. she realized Skyler didnt know who she was

D. she found Skyler was born with several health problems

【3】What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. The author had little hope that Skyler would talk.

B. The author decided to give up the treatments for Skyler.

C. The author was disappointed with the speech pathologist.

D. The author strongly believed that Skyler would make progress.

【4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Skyler traveled around the world with his teachers.

B. The family was so frustrated that they lost hope.

C. The author never heard Skyler say Mum.

D. Skylers language ablity grew little by little.

【5】From the last few paragraphs, we can infer that .

A. the author was grateful that her efforts paid off

B. Skyler could not only talk but also read

C. mom was the only word Skyler could say

D. the author had high expectations for Skyler

【6】Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Road to Speaking B. What is Autism?

C. A Caring Mother D. Talk to Kids

【题目】请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Once there lived a very rich and powerful king. All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was always ill and unhappy. His money and his power could not help him. The doctors in his kingdom could not cure him either. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads.

One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.

If you can cure me and make me happy, said the king.I will give you all the gold you can carry.

The first doctor examined the king. He found nothing wrong with him so he said to the king,You only think you are ill and so make yourself unhappy.

The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor's head.

The second doctor knew he had to be careful. Oh, King, you will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy,he said. The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise. He gave the doctor a bag of gold.

The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad. At last he met a beggar who said that he was always happy.

Give me your shoes quickly, said the king, and I will make you a very rich man. The beggar laughed, I am sorry,he answered,I never wear shoes!


1. 用约30 个单词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 用约120 个单词就“财富与幸福”这一话题发表自己的看法,内容包括:





1. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。




In recent years, Bill Gates has given financial support to improve American education. He launched the Measures of Effective Teaching project to test new ways to recognize what makes a good teacher.

Thousands of teachers volunteered to take part. They agreed to have their classes 【1】 (record)on video, but only for observation by researchers.

Last spring, the project collected digital videos of thirteen thousand lessons in the classrooms taught ___2___the teachers. Researchers also collected information from students. They asked students to report 3___opinions of each teacher's classroom.

Officials 4__ (recent) released early results of the project study. The report says 5__(teacher)past success in raising student scores is one of the 6 (strong) signs of their ability to do so again. This 7 (know) as a teacher's "value-added."Another finding shows that 8 (combine) different sources of information helps administrators provide better suggestions to teachers. In many cases, administrators had been basing their comments on student test scores only.

The searchers plan to test a new measure that examines 9 a teacher knows about how to teach a subject. Experts say these 【10 (find)could also help create better training and development for teachers.


As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this principle at in people of all ages. For example, on Christmas morning, children are about playing with their new toys. But their interest soon off and by January those same toys can be found put in the basement. The world is full of stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone’s passing . When parents bring home a pet, their child bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, , the burden of caring the animal is handed over to the . Adolescent enter high school with great excitement but soon looking forward to graduation. The same is of the young adults going to the college. And then, how many adults, who complain about the long drives to work, drove for hours at a time when they first obtained their drivers’ ? Before people retire, they usually plan to do a lot of great things, which never had time while working. But soon after , the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as as the jobs they left. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new .

【1】A. school B. home C. work D. night

【2】A. curious B. optimistic C. anxious D. excited

【3】A. cuts B. leaves C. wears D. takes

【4】A. away B. off C. out D. up

【5】A. newly-designed B. half- filled C. well-organized D. colorfully-printed

【6】A. friendship B. job C. time D. interest

【7】A. worriedly B. thankfully C. happily D. hurriedly

【8】A. however B. therefore C. besides D. thus

【9】A. friends B. parents C. relatives D. teachers

【10】A. aware B. afraid C. tired D. true

【11】A. carefully B. nervously C. bravely D. eagerly

【12】A. work B. position C. licenses D. certificate

【13A. retirement B. resign C. assignment D. graduation

【14】A. frustrating B. boring C. interesting D. annoying

【15】A. surroundings B. friends C. toys D. pets

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