【题目】Powerful Negotiation

Negotiation is one of those aspects of life we face on a everyday basis. Through great negotiation techniques, you can be very successful in your work, as well as your personal life. Negotiation is a skill or a talent. __【1】__However it is achievable through learning and practice. There are some important tips you need to keep in mind.

When negotiating, you must be able to successfully present your argument. Do not be shy and avoid the topic. There should be no surprises at the last minute. ___2__. And you should always keep your emotions away from the discussion.

_3___If negotiating on a wage rate and someone asks you what rate you are expecting, respond with a question back to them by asking them what amount they are willing to pay. Believe in what you are asking for. You can choose an amount and not change your mind. Or ask for more than what you intend on receiving and be willing to negotiate. Convince them that they can give you a better offer than the present one.

___4___Be able to give the impression that you may walk away from the deal that is being offered to you. You must also be ready to offer the other party those things which do not have any impact on your side of the deal or the things you are willing to compromise on. ___5___This will ensure a good relationship between both parties at the end of the conversation.

These are some important points and tips every successful negotiator should keep in mind. With practice you will be a far more confident negotiator.

A. Be very clear on your bottom line.

B. Not everyone has the ability to negotiate.

C. Never take the first step when negotiating.

D. Being calm and patient while negotiating is very important.

E. Try your best, and you are more likely to master the negotiation skills.

F. If you have other options, ensure the other party wont be aware of them.

G. This way, everyone feels they have contributed to the negotiation process.

【题目】Hockerill’s Suggestion

Caught between the rising cost of university tuition in England and the falling percentage of applicants offered places, one British school is giving its students some surprising advice.

By any measure HockerilI is one of the most successful schools in Britain. Named last month as one of the governments flagship academies, its students regularly come at or near the top of exam results for the entire country, outperforming such famous names as Eton or Harrow. But unlike those private schools, where fees can exceed £28, 000 or £45, 000 a year, Hockerill, in the Hertfordshire town, is a state comprehensive, which charges no tuition fees and is forbidden from selecting its students on the basis of academic ability. And while a third of Hockerills 830 students are boarders, they are chosen on the basis of need rather than ability to pay.

So when the school’s principal heard of government plans to raise university tuition fees in England to £9, 000 a year, he decided to make use of the schools international focus. urging his students to apply to universities abroad and hiring a counselor(顾问) to help the students who want to apply to universities in countries whose fees are cheaper. If you can get into a university in France and pay about £180 a year for an education at one of the best institutions in the world, why would you pay £9, 000 a year in Britain? the principal asked.

Pupils at Hockerill are offered a choice of seven foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese or Mandarin. History and geography classes are taught exclusively in French or German. But with English rapidly becoming the international language of education, even less linguistically flexible students soon find that going abroad can save them money while enhancing the quality of their education.

“Our students can get to Maastricht in Holland by train more quickly than they can get to Lees from London, the principal said. Just over the border from Germany and Belgium, Maastricht University offers a highly regarded undergraduate program taught in English. Tuition fees are about £1, 430, a year. Germany and France offer even greater savings.

【1】What is Hockerills suggestion to its students?

A. Learning foreign languages.

B. Picking courses on their basic needs.

C. Applying for less famous universities.

D. Receiving further education outside of UK.

【2】We can learn from the passage that Hockerill __________.

A. admits students based on their academic performance

B. provides dormitories to the students in need

C. collects less money than private schools

D. hires counselors for every student

【3】Whats Hockerills principles attitude towards governments tuition plan?

A. Neutral. B. Supportive.

C. Indifferent. D. Negative.

【4】Students choosing Maastricht in Holland will benefit from the followings EXCEPT_________.

A. education quality

B. convenient location

C. flexible program plans

D. lessons taught in English

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