
【题目】Hockerill’s Suggestion

Caught between the rising cost of university tuition in England and the falling percentage of applicants offered places, one British school is giving its students some surprising advice.

By any measure HockerilI is one of the most successful schools in Britain. Named last month as one of the governments flagship academies, its students regularly come at or near the top of exam results for the entire country, outperforming such famous names as Eton or Harrow. But unlike those private schools, where fees can exceed £28, 000 or £45, 000 a year, Hockerill, in the Hertfordshire town, is a state comprehensive, which charges no tuition fees and is forbidden from selecting its students on the basis of academic ability. And while a third of Hockerills 830 students are boarders, they are chosen on the basis of need rather than ability to pay.

So when the school’s principal heard of government plans to raise university tuition fees in England to £9, 000 a year, he decided to make use of the schools international focus. urging his students to apply to universities abroad and hiring a counselor(顾问) to help the students who want to apply to universities in countries whose fees are cheaper. If you can get into a university in France and pay about £180 a year for an education at one of the best institutions in the world, why would you pay £9, 000 a year in Britain? the principal asked.

Pupils at Hockerill are offered a choice of seven foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese or Mandarin. History and geography classes are taught exclusively in French or German. But with English rapidly becoming the international language of education, even less linguistically flexible students soon find that going abroad can save them money while enhancing the quality of their education.

“Our students can get to Maastricht in Holland by train more quickly than they can get to Lees from London, the principal said. Just over the border from Germany and Belgium, Maastricht University offers a highly regarded undergraduate program taught in English. Tuition fees are about £1, 430, a year. Germany and France offer even greater savings.

【1】What is Hockerills suggestion to its students?

A. Learning foreign languages.

B. Picking courses on their basic needs.

C. Applying for less famous universities.

D. Receiving further education outside of UK.

【2】We can learn from the passage that Hockerill __________.

A. admits students based on their academic performance

B. provides dormitories to the students in need

C. collects less money than private schools

D. hires counselors for every student

【3】Whats Hockerills principles attitude towards governments tuition plan?

A. Neutral. B. Supportive.

C. Indifferent. D. Negative.

【4】Students choosing Maastricht in Holland will benefit from the followings EXCEPT_________.

A. education quality

B. convenient location

C. flexible program plans

D. lessons taught in English








【1】细节理解题。根据第三段urging his students to apply to universities abroad and hiring a counselor(顾问) to help the students who want to apply to universities in countries whose fees are cheaper.可知,Hockerill鼓励学生申请海外的大学,并且聘用顾问来帮助想要留学的学生,故选D。

【2】推理判断题。根据第二段is forbidden from selecting its students on the basis of academic ability排除A;根据第二段where fees can exceed £28, 000 or £45, 000 a year排除B;根据第三段hiring a counselor(顾问) to help the students排除D,故选B。

【3】观点态度题。根据第三段he decided to make use of the schools international focus...why would you pay £9, 000 a year in Britain可知,Hockerill的校长得知政府的教育计划之后,他把焦点转向了国外,他建议学生报考国外的大学,说明他对政府的涨价计划是不支持的,故选D。

【4】细节理解题。根据最后一段Our students can get to Maastricht in Holland by train more quickly than...Maastricht University offers a highly regarded undergraduate program taught in English可知,荷兰的Maastricht的地理位置优越,Maastricht大学提供高质量的教育项目,并且使用英语教学,故选C。


【题目】Tens of thousands of theatre tickets will be given away to young people next year as part of a government campaign to inspire a life-long love for theatre.

The plan to offer free seats to people aged between 18 to 26-funded with 2. 5 million of taxpayers' money-was announced yesterday by Andy Burnham, the Culture Secretary. It received a cautious welcome from some in the arts world, who expressed concern that the tickets may not reach the most underprivileged.

The plan comes as West End theatres are enjoying record audiences, thanks largely to musicals teaming up with television talent shows. Attendances reached 13. 6 million in 2007,up 10 percent on2006,itself a record year. Total sales were up 18 percent on 2006 to almost 470 million.

One theatre source criticized the Government's priorities (优先考虑的事)in funding free tickets when pensioners were struggling to buy food and fuel, saying " I don't know why the Government's wasting money on this. The Young Vic, as The Times reported today, offers excellent performances at cheap prices. "

There was praise for the Government's plan from Dominic Cooke of the Royal Court Theatre, who said :" I support any move to get young people into theatre, and especially one that aims to do it all over England, not just in London. "

Ninety-five publicly funded theatres could apply for funding under the two-year plan. In return, they will offer free tickets on at least one day each week to 18 to 26-year-olds, first-come, first-served. It is likely to be on Mondays, traditionally a quiet night for the theatre.

Mr. Burnham said " A young person attending the theatre can find it an exciting experience, and be inspired to explore a new world. But sometimes people miss out on it because they fear it's ‘not for them'. It's time to change this perception. "

Jeremy Hunt, the Shadow Culture Secretary, said "The real is-sue is not getting enthusiastic children into the theatre, but improving arts education so that more young people want to go in the first place. For too many children theatres are a no-go area. "

【1】 Critics of the plan argued that __________.

A. the theatres would be overcrowded

B. it would be a waste of money

C. pensioners wouldn't get free tickets

D. the government wouldn't be able to afford it

【2】 According to the supporters, the plan should __________.

A. benefit the television industry

B. focus on producing better plays

C. help increase the sales of tickets

D. involve all the young people in England

【3】 Which of the following is TRUE about the plan?

A. Ninety-five theatres have received funding.

B. Everyone will get at least one free ticket.

C. It may not benefit all the young people.

D. Free tickets are offered once every day.

【4】 We can infer from the passage that in England __________.

A. many plays are not for young people

B. many young people don't like theatre

C. people know little about the plan

D. children used to receive good arts education

【5】 According to the passage, the issue to offer free tickets to young people seems __________.

A. controversial

B. inspiring

C. exciting

D. unreasonable

【题目】Tea production in Sri Lanka has thrived for decades. The tea gardens in Hatton, Sri Lanka are actually large tea estates. The best tea usually comes from plants grown on high grounds, the cool hilltops with rows and rows of tea plants. The plants are about one meter apart. The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimeters high. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. It is from these shoots that the best tea is got.

Practically all the tea pickers are women. The estates prefer to employ women pickers because they are more careful. Their thin fingers can easily remove the twin leaves and new shoots from the plant, which are the parts used for processing tea. The pickers carry large baskets into which they throw their pickings. A skilled worker can harvest between 9 to 14 kilograms of tea leaves a day. Usually new shoots can be picked from the plants about every ten or fifteen days.

Processing tea shoots into our familiar dry tea leaves requires great care and skill. There are various methods of processing depending on the type of tea required. For black tea, the young green leaves are first spread out shelves to dry. This process removes much of its water and the leaves become soft. After this, the leaves are passed through heavy rollers. This operation will press the leaves for juices which give the tea both its color and taste. Then the leaves are spread out on floors and left to ferment(发酵)under wet conditions. Fermentation develops the rich taste of black tea. The fermented leaves are then dried with a hot-air blower until they become rolled-up black leaves. The final step is to sort and grade them before the black tea is ready for sale to countries all over the world.

【1The underlined word pruning means .

A. reasonable use of chemicals

B. regular cutting of the plants

C. frequent watering

D. loosening the soil

【2How many processing steps are mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. Six B. Five C. Four D. Three

【3What does the author imply in the passage?

A. Fermentation is a must to enrich the flavour of black tea.

B. Women pickers are welcomed because they can easily find the twin leaves.

C. Tea production has long been prosperous in Sri Lanka.

D. Tea pickings can be done biweekly.

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