

The novel immediately became very popular and most people agree that it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.

The novel immediately became very popular and __________ __________ __________ that it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.


【解析】it was agreed


【题目】Fencing or Not

Wildlife fences are constructed for a variety of reasons including to prevent the spread of diseases, to protect wildlife from poachers(偷猎者), and to help manage small populations of threatened species. Human-wildlife conflict is another common reason for building fences. Wildlife can damage valuable farm animals and crops. Some species carry diseases of agricultural concern, and a few threaten human lives. At the same time, people kill wild animals for food, trade, or to defend lives or property, and human activities destroy wildlife habitat(栖息地). Separating people and wildlife by fencing can appear to be a mutually beneficial way to avoid such harmful effects. But in a paper in the journal Science, published recently, some scientists argue that fencing should only be used if worse comes to worst.

According to the scientists, although fencing can have conservation benefits, it also has costs. When areas of wildlife habitat are changed into islands, the resulting small and isolated populations tend towards extinction, and the resulting loss of larger-bodied species can affect interactions between species in ways that cause further local extinctions. Therefore, scientists are asking that conservationists carefully weigh up the biodiversity costs and benefits of new and existing fences.

In addition to fences’ ecosystem-wide impact, the scientists don’t think they always achieve their specific aims. Construction of fences to reduce human-wildlife conflict has been successful in some places but the challenges of appropriate fence design, location, construction, and protection mean that fences often fail to deliver the anticipated benefits. In some places, fences also provide poachers with a ready supply of wire for making traps.

A variety of alternative approaches, including better caring for farm animals, community-based crop-guarding, insurance and wildlife-sensitive land-use planning are suggested to reduce conflicts between people and wildlife without the need for fencing. Some projects working with local people and government agencies in Indonesia have shown that human-elephant conflict can be dramatically reduced without using fences.

The scientists conclude that as climate change increases the importance of facilitating wildlife mobility and conserving landscape connectivity, fence removal may become an important form of climate change preparation, and so fencing of wildlife should be avoided whenever possible.

【1】What does the underlined word mutually in Paragraph 1 probably mean________?

A. Indeed. B. Outdoors. C. Straight. D. Both.

【2】According to the scientists, what will fencing influence______?

A. Land building.

B. Species diversity.

C. Human population.

D. Wildlifes body size.

【3】What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 4_______?

A. Replacements for fences.

B. Wildlife-protection methods.

C. Effective land-use approaches.

D. Conflicts between human and wildlife

【4】The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. argue and prove

B. inform and explain

C. appeal and discuss

D. compare and assess

【题目】Lily, a student of Cambridge University, has bought a bicycle and is worried about safety. Her friend, Cathryn, found this article and sent it to her.

How to make your bicycle safe?

A number of crimes are against bicycles. About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never found. You can prevent this from happening by following a few careful steps.

Basic Security

Never leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places. Always lock your bicycle when you leave. Secure it to lampposts or trees. Take off smaller parts and carry them with you, for example lights and saddles (车座).


There are various types of locks. Buy one that has been tested against attack. Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop owner.


Security marking your bike can act as an obstruction to thieves, which can also help the police find your bicycle. Your postcode and your house or flat number should be included and clearly recorded. This will provide a simple way to identify your bicycle.


There are many companies that will security mark your bicycle. They will then store your registration number and personal details in their computer database. If your bicycle is found, it will be easy to contact you.


Keep a record of the bicycle by yourself: its production, model and registration number. You can even take a photograph of it. This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.

【1Which part of the article gives the information on how to lock your bicycle when you leave?

A. Registration B. Locks

C. Marking D. Basic Security

【2Which one is wrong about the security marking of a bicycle?

A. It can help the police to find and identify the lost bike.

B. Some companies can assist you in doing this.

C. It can ensure that the thieves won't steal the bike.

D. A security marking database makes it easy to get in touch with the owner.

【3The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle _______.

A. by yourself and in a security company as well

B. either in a security company or your university

C. both in the bike shop and your computer

D. in the police station as well as a marketing company

【4Which of the following information may not be necessarily recorded?

A. your personal information and recommendation in your computer database

B. the signing number of the bike as well as your address

C. both the type of the bike and its picture

D. your postcode and personal details

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