【题目】Everyone has some opinion about history, no matter how ill-informed.Walking through a parking lot in a university in Miami, I noticed a bumper sticker (车尾贴纸) that said, “Ruin a Liberal’s (自由派) Day—Recite Historical Fact!” But Marwick thinks this sort of opinion is just fine; it is unavoidable that we all feel a sense of ownership of history.

History never stands still, as Marwick says at the beginning of The Nature of History, “The shape and content of history, too, vary according to the methods and materials available to different generations.” Marwick’s goal is to explain, in plain language, the changes in the way history is done up to the present; one method is to connect history with advances in the physical sciences. Marwick examines a number of case studies toward the end of the book. He ends the book with a refreshing collection of aphorisms (格言) about history. History truly belongs to each and every man and we all belong to history; with the proper education, history can be made more accessible to everyone.

Marwick relates how inventions and the physical sciences have driven historical changes. Dropping a ball in a vacuum will reveal the same properties (性质) each time the experiment is conducted, providing the conditions are the same. But historians obviously do not have the luxury of reproducing such conditions; historians view the past through the present which depends on invention and science.

By looking at the changing nature of history, Marwick feels the study progressing. Although Marwick suspects some people would accuse a historian of creating job security with the endless views of the past, he insists it is imperative based on the philosophy, science, and new materials of the age. History, according to Marwick, must be for everyone and not remain locked behind the walls of academia.

【1The author mentions the bumper sticker in order to ________.

A.show his own opinion about history

B.introduce the readers to Marwick

C.explain the freedom of understanding history

D.make the readers know about the argument between historians

【2Which of the following best describes the statement “History never stands still”?

A.Marwick explains the changes in the way history is done up to the present.

B.Marwick connects history with advances in the physical sciences.

C.He ends the book with a refreshing collection of aphorisms about history.

D.The shape and content of history vary according to the methods and materials available.

【3In paragraph 3, Marwick gives the example of dropping a ball in a vacuum to prove ______.

A.the changeable nature of history

B.the difficulty of historical study

C.changeable ways of historical study

D.the difficulty of scientific study

【4The text is intended to ________.

A.state a historian’s ideas

B.argue against a historian

C.attract readers to study history

D.describe the story of a historian

【题目】How to deal successfully with a child showing outstanding musical ability? Its not always clear how best to develop and encourage his gift. Many parents may even fail to recognize and respond to their children’s need until discouragement explodes into uncooperative behavior. And while most schools are equipped to deal with children who are especially able in academic subjects,the musically gifted require special understanding which may not always be available in an ordinary school. Such children may well benefit from the education offered by a specialist music school.

The five music schools in Britain aim to provide all environment where gifted children can develop their skills under the guidance of professional musicians. Children here spend about half of a day on musical activities,for example,individual lessons,orchestras,chamber(室内音乐的)groups,voice training,conducting and theory. They also spend several hours a day practicing in private rooms. The rest of their time is taken up with the subjects: English, maths and basic sciences.

What are the disadvantages? An obvious problem is that the fees are high. However, each school will offer scholarships and other forms of financial aid. Secondly, not all parents want to send their children to boarding school, especially at an early age. Almost all the directors of the specialist schools express doubts about the wisdom of admitting children as young as seven into such a tense and disciplined (守纪律的) environment. They stress,however, that their main aim is to turn out “well-rounded and well—balanced individual.”

【1If a child’s musical ability is not recognized, ___________.

A.the child may behave badly

B. the ability may fade away

C. the child may lose interest

D. the parents may become anxious

【2What probably may musically gifted children face in ordinary schools?

A. Their academic work may suffer.

B. Schools lack musical equipment.

C. Music is not seen as an important subject.

D. Parents and teachers don’t work together.

【3What makes specialist music schools different from other schools?

A. Their working day is longer.

B. A range of musical training is offered.

C. More than half the day is spent on music.

D. The children have mostly one-to-one lessons.

【4According to school directors,what is a possible disadvantage for pupils?

A. Poor children may not be included.

B. They may lose their individuality.

C. There may be a discipline problem.

D. They may be too small on arrival.

【5The passage mainly talks about__________.

A. education and development about children

B. disadvantages of music schools

C. music schools for children with music gift

D. how to deal with music talented children

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