
I can’t tell you how excited I was when I joined my first book club, but I can tell you how much I immediately regretted it. Don’t get me wrong. I love book clubs of course.1.To avoid this continuous and unpleasant matter, and to look smart in the club as well, I have a few tricks to share with you.

1. Make a good excuse for not reading the book.

Some of your club friends might try to shame you for not reading the book.2.. And it is absolutely weong. The best way to defend yourself is to come up with a strong, thoughtful excuse for not reading it.


The Kindle app for your Android or iPhone actually records the most quoted passages by all readers. Simply do a quick Google search for “most quoted passages”+ “the name of the book” and see what comes up. Make sure you’re the first to speak up. When you read the quote, read it forcefully, taking long, thoughtful pauses.

3. Pick an opinion

4.There, you’ll find lots of opinions on the book, which range from glowing to inspiring; simply pick one and use it as your own during the book discussion. This way you don’t have to read the book or think for yourself.

4. Always vote for books that are also movies

Fight hard for books with a movie version. And make sure it’s a short movie you can easily watch while sleeping on the couch. When someone complains that the book you want to read is also a movie –act surprised.

5.You are sure to make yourself look smart. Anyway book clubs are great social platforms, which provide an enjoyable and meaningful addition to your social calendar(日历).

A. Read a quote aloud and slowly.

B. Make your book look worn.

C. I just hate reading and talking to people.

D. Find a suitable website and look up the very book.

E. This is called “didn’t read the book shaming.”

F. You’re deeply considering everything being said.

G. In short, you’ll never feel embarrassed with the tricks.


At 18, I was on the flight to Europe for the first time. Excited about the _______of a lifetime, I enjoyed a free in-flight meal. I even _______a sandwich for later.

At the Lisbon airport, I got my backpack off the _______conveyer(传送带) with the help of another _______. I got to the youth hostel(青年旅行社) I’d stay at. But I had only one day to see everything, so barely stopping to _______after my overnight flight, I headed out to take photos of various buildings.

The next morning at 6 a.m., I was to _______to Brussels. I set my alarm for a super-early start, but I was _______whether the button on the top had to be up or down. Obviously, I had made a _______because the next morning I _______ only a short while before sunrise. I __________, took my belongings and rushed to the bus stop. I was extremely __________with the bus driver pulling over every few minutes. __________ what seemed ages, I arrived, only to be told it was too late. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Fortunately, the friendly lady at the desk __________ to put me on the flight the next morning at no extra cost. What a __________!

__________, I had to spend the next 22 hours at the airport. By late afternoon, I was truly __________sitting all day. Then I got to know a young man who __________ parcels to and from the airport. So I asked him to take me out for the evening. To my surprise, he accepted my __________without hesitation. Oh! All the beautiful palaces and ancient buildings!

This was fun for me at least; there was a man to keep my __________and I had enough time to take in sights without__________. He even dropped me off just before 4 a.m. That was my first adventure.

1.A. story B. purpose C. adventure D. freedom

2.A. turned down B. set up C. turned in D. set aside

3.A. baggage B. petrol C. food D. rubbish

4.A. pilot B. passenger C. clerk D. cleaner

5.A. rest B. play C. think D. explain

6.A. drive B. fly C. hike D. swim

7.A. concerned B. curious C. afraid D. uncertain

8.A. mistake B. difference C. plan D. decision

9.A. woke B. wrote C. slept D. stayed

10.A. washed B. panicked C. laughed D. cooked

11.A. worried B. impolite C. impatient D. content

12.A. While B. Before C. When D. After

13.A. offered B. attempted C. aimed D. paused

14.A. pity B. bargain C. relief D. loss

15.A. Anyway B. However C. Besides D. Otherwise

16.A. interested in B. guilty of C. delighted with D. bored with

17.A. delivered B. loaded C. sewed D. classified

18.A. offer B. request C. opinion D. explanation

19.A. belongings B. photos C. company D. secret

20.A. rushing B. doubt C. emotion D. comfort

Jenkins was a jeweler(珠宝商), who had made a large diamond (钻石)ring worth £57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked ___ like the first one but was worth only£2,000. This he took to the shop, which _____ it without a question.

  Jenkins gave the much more_____ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife _____to Paris for a weekend. As to the _____ring, the shop sold it for£60,000.

  Six months later the buyer _____ it back to Silkstone's office. "It's a faulty (有瑕疵的) diamond,” he said. "It isn't worth the high _____I paid." Then he told them the _____. His wife's car had caught fire in an_____. She had escaped (幸免) ,______ the ring had fallen off and been damaged (损坏) in the great _____ of the fire.

  The shop had to ______. They knew that no fire on earth can ______ damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the ______ diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: who ______ it?

  A picture of the ring appeared in the ______. A reader thought he _____ the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which ______ a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman _____ a large diamond ring. “Do You know the ______with the lovely diamond ring?" the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison.

1.A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly

2.A. accepted B. received C. refused D. rejected

3.A. real B. modern C. worthy D. valuable

4.A. flew B. drove C. sailed D. bicycled

5.A. first B. second C. last D. next

6.A. sold B. posted C. brought D. returned

7.A. cost B. money C. price D. value

8.A. facts B. matters C. questions D. results

9.A. affair B. accident C. incident D. experience

10.A. so B. or C. but D. and

11.A. pile B. heat C. power D. pressure

12.A. think B. agree C. permit D. promise

13.A. almost B. even C. just D. ever

14.A. real B. pure C. right D. exact

15.A. copied B. made C. stole D. did

16.A. notices B. magazines C. newspapers D. programmes

17.A. saw B. knew C. found D. recognized

18.A. showed B. drew C. printed D. carried

19.A. carrying B. dressing C. wearing D. holding

20.A. dancer B. woman C. reader D. jeweler

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