Turning trash into treats

Imagine you are at the supermarket checkout. You pay the cashier, load your food into the cart, then take one third of your newly purchased items outside and throw them into the trash.

This may sound farfetched (牵强的), but millions of us worldwide do this on a regular basis, although in a more non-direct way. Figures published this year by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimate that over 30 percent of the food produced worldwide goes to waste. In the west, most of this food is thrown away by businesses that are unable to sell it, or by consumers who buy too much. And the majority of this food, despite being past its sell-by date, is still perfectly fit for human consumption.

So where do these excess products end up? “We receive food from various sources” says Adam Smith, founder of the Real Junk Food Project, on his company’s website. The British company recently made headlines in the UK after it became the country’s first “food waste supermarket”, offering products that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill site. Most of its customers are low –income families, or even college students who find it difficult to afford food.

Some retailers across Europe are also taking action. France recently passed a law that says all supermarkets must now donate all of their unsold produce to charities, while the Italian government has also put similar measures in place. Hundreds of cafes that serve meals made from surplus food have been set up across the continent too, selling dishes at rock bottom prices or even giving them away for free.

So what can we do as individuals to help prevent our dinner ending up in the bin?”In two words: Buy less. Or at least shop smarter,” Johnthan Bloom, who runs the blog Wasted Food, tells Foodtank.com.

1.What can we learn about food waste?

A. Food waste is very serious now.

B. Buying less leads to food waste.

C. Eating less leads to food waste.

D. Energy shortage results from food waste.

2.What does the underlined phrase “sell-by date” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. The last limited date to sell.

B. The date to sell out.

C. The Date on sale.

D. The date to produce.

3.What do people do to reduce food waste according to the text?

A. Recycle the food from the trash.

B. Donate unsold produce to charities.

C. Eat up meals made from leftover food.

D. Offer food to the low-income families .

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To show where the leftover food end up.

B. To show the bad habits of people’s eating.

C. To appeal to people to prevent food waste.

D. To introduce the advantages to deal with junk food.

4 Important Reasons to Raise Your Children Around Animals


If you have a love for animals, chances are that you want your children to have that love too. 1. And getting along with animals is a great learning experience too. Starting that kind of bond with animals while your children are young is really important for many reasons and here are just some of them.

1. Increase empathy (移情) and compassion(同情心)

Children that are raised around animals are more likely to develop good qualities. They are learning to care about something with positive attention and responsibility. Additionally, animals are empathetic and compassionate themselves. Through their own love and caring, they teach their own lessons to our children.2.

2. Provide opportunity for responsibility

As children grow up with an animal, they learn to be more responsible. 3. They can help feed the fish or walk the family dog.

3. 4.

A recently published article shows that children can improve their reading skills while reading to the family pet. This might be because animals are such patient and kind creatures that help lower stress.

4. Give unbeatable comfort during hard times

Life is not always easy. 5. When there is a family pet, that pet is always there for the family to offer comfort. That pet keeps his company when your child feels lonely. Sometimes it is that silent hug and constant companionship that make children feel alright again with the stresses that come into their lives.

A. Pets increase reading success

B. Sometimes bad things happen.

C. Some people are cruel to animals.

D. Animals are great friends to people of all ages.

E. This way children will learn to respect animals.

F. Hopefully, you can feel pity for the homeless animals.

G. They must take on duties in order to care for that animal.

It was June 5, 1997, and two-year-old Harley was asleep with her younger sister in their home in Eden, North Carolina. While their parents were outside_______ their older sister home from school, the wires in the family’s laundry room _____ fire and before anyone knew what was happening, the bedroom next door was swallowed in__________.

Harley’s father was able to_______ his two youngest daughters and save their lives, but Harley was ______ burned on 80 percent of her body and was told she had less than a 2 percent________ of survival.

Over the next several months, Harley Dabbs would undergo surgery after surgery at ________. When she was finally released to________home, Harley had no idea the _______ battle had not even begun yet.

When Harley started school just a few years ________, she realized for the first time how cruel her_______ could be. Bullied for her _______ and called hateful names all while being hidden, she began to_______ suicide while only in eighth grade. When her friends were getting their________boyfriends and going on their first dates, she was sitting at home wondering if she should end her ______.

But in 2013, something _______. It was not something on the outside, rather it was something ________ of Harley. She made the conscious________ to become more like the carefree, laughing, ______ little girl that she had not seen since that night in 1997. So for the first time in her life, she_______ a blue dress and walked outside into the light of day throwing caution to the wind and daring anyone to try to rain on her parade.

1.A. bringing up B. caring for C. calling on D. picking up

2.A. caught B. got C. received D. made

3.A. ashes B. flames C. storm D. light

4.A. support B. prevent C. rescue D. manage

5.A. severely B. slightly C. merely D. urgently

6.A. signal B. right C. rate D. chance

7.A. hospital B. school C. home D. church

8.A. go B. leave C. lose D. find

9.A. fiercest B. strongest C. toughest D. easiest

10.A. ago B. before C. afterwards D. later

11.A. peers B. parents C. teachers D. sisters

12.A. grades B. appearance C. character D. age

13.A. declare B. attempt C. struggle D. calculate

14.A. new B. old C. first D. last

15.A. pain B. study C. life D. love

16.A. disappeared B. happened C. passed D. changed

17.A. mind B. heart C. soul D. inside

18.A. promise B. decision C. suggestion D. effort

19.A. sad B. wild C. joyous D. lonely

20.A. put away B. put on C. gained D. borrowed

Recently there has been a heated debate on whether the university should charge a fee to the public who use its sports field. People’s attitudes toward it vary from person to person.

Many people think that universities should serve the public, not just their professors and students. In 1. opinion, universities are public assets—they should serve not only the students and faculty 2. the general public as well. If there are too many “outside” people on the campus disturbing the order, school officials should do something to control the crowds without3.(demand) payment. In addition, the university has many other options to control public access4. the campus or sports field, such as giving free access cards to 5. (resident) of the closest communities, or rotating a limited number of cards between residents. Charging a fee is not a fair option.

However, opponents argue that universities are not 6.(complete) open spaces for the public to use. They hold the view that charging a fee is the most effective way of controlling access and making the most value out of the university’s resources. A high fee would filter out most of the visitors who have no desire 7.(use) the sports field for its intended purpose. Besides, universities and their assets are expensive investments, 8. (fund) by the government and the public, for the education of students and 9. (science) research. If members of the public 10.(want) to use these facilities, which might cause stress on the university’s resources, it will make sense that they should pay a price. They also think neighboring residents have other options for recreation, such as public parks, if they do not want to pay money to use the sports field.

You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration(启迪).

●Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

And now you've accomplished something great and important here, and it's time for you to move on to what's next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. ... You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you've been blessed (赐予)with and go.

●J.K. Rowling, Harvard University

Half my lifetime ago ,I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich...But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty(贫穷), but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure, you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

●Steve Jobs, Stanford University

Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith...Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle.

●Bill Gates, Harvard University

We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities ,smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world's inequities(不公平)like hunger, poverty, and so on.

1.What Michael Dell said is to urge us to     .

A. listen to our heart B. pursue our dreams

C. follow others' example D. learn from our mistakes

2.What did J.K. Rowling fear most when she was studying in university?

A. Poverty. B. Hunger.

C. Failure. D. Appearance.

3.Who wants to express "Keep looking for what you believe in"?

A. Michael Dell. B. J.K. Rowling.

C. Bill Gates. D. Steve Jobs.

4.What does Bill Gates suggest people do?

A. Make contributions to the environment.

B. Take responsibility for their own behavior.

C. Make joint efforts to rid some global problems.

D. Master as much advanced technology as possible.

Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometowns behind.Questions arise, though,when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

One of the first considerations may be financial.State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though,the better colleges are private and more expensive.It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

Another major factor is location.Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities.A water lover probably will be more comfortable spending four years near an ocean or a lake.Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college.

School size also plays a major role in the decision process.If you want to get to know your teachers and avoid feeling like just a number,a small college is suitable.For those of you who consider yourself a "people person" and want a wide range of activities,a large college is more fitting.

Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision-making process if you want to get the most from your education.The whole point of college is to learn what is of interest to you.

Finally,one must take into consideration the colleges to which you can realistically be accepted.An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match.Similarly,an average school for an above-average student would not work well.The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard. Although there may not be the perfect college out there,there probably will be one that is close.Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.

1.What's the main idea of the text?

A. Procedures of choosing a college.

B. Difficulties in attending a school.

C. Pros and cons of going to college.

D. Considerations in choosing a college.

2.We can infer from the passage that .

A. an Ivy League school is probably a state college

B. a small college may bring you a sense of emptiness

C. gifted students are likely to choose private colleges

D. an average school isn't suitable for an average student

3.A "people person" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to .

A. a person who tends to be alone

B. a person who is good at sociality

C. a person who is afraid of teachers

D. a person who is accustomed to a noisy atmosphere

4.What does the author think of choosing a college?

A. A small college is a better choice for shy students.

B. A northern college has a more comfortable climate.

C. The location of a college is more important than the size of it.

D. You will always find a suitable college if you look hard enough.

In 2000,Suy Senglim met a French journalist who inspired in him an interest in photography.To put this new-found interest to good use,in 2012 he began to take pictures of Cambodia's vast variety of birdlife.

Worried by the loss of biodiversity in his hometown of Mukh Kampul in Kandal province,Senglim created a photography project.He carefully documents each new species he photographs: the common name,scientific name,its identifying features,whether the species is endangered or not.Now the 35-year-old aims to educate Cambodians about the importance of bird species and the effect development has on nature.

Senglim thinks the biggest issues are damage to habitat and illegal hunting.Through his photography work he has also discovered what makes the problem worse is that there is not enough education and law enforcement. Hunting is at the root of Cambodian culture.Educating Cambodians about the need for conservation is of great importance to Senglim."Education is very limited.And in terms of legal enforcement,only one institution is standing out,and that is Wildlife Alliance,which has conducted a string of successful crackdowns(镇压)so far. However,there are few major campaigns on wildlife hunting as a whole."

Senglim is working on a book on 100 significant bird species from some of the 400 species he has so far photographed,which he hopes will be published in early 2018.He says he looks forward to teaching in high schools and colleges to inspire a new generation of nature-lovers."I think it's time to change the attitude,"he says.

1.How did Senglim carry out his photography project?

A. By taking more pictures in the wild.

B. By improving his photography skills.

C. By renewing his interest in loving life.

D. By recording new birdlife he photographs.

2.What is Senglim's discovery about the wildlife facing greater risks?

A. Less development of the wasteland.

B. Lack of education and law enforcement.

C. Small number of wildlife recorded in Cambodia.

D. Fewer campaigns conducted by Wildlife Alliance.

3.What does Senglim expect to do in future?

A. Strengthen legal enforcement.

B. Write more books about photography.

C. Change people's attitude to bird species.

D. Promote basic education in various schools.

Everyone needs to be safe,loved and to have a sense of belonging.These are inborn and natural basic needs.In an effort to have these needs satisfied,many of us tend to please others.And it works for a while.We find that we experience less conflict with others,but the conflict within ourselves grows.Saying "no" produces feeling of guilt and saying "yes" brings anger.

My father was in the military,so we moved frequently.Being shy,I didn't make friends.What's more,I grew up in a household where grades,image and how others saw our family were very important.In our household a "C" was unacceptable,a "B" should have been an "A" and an "A" meant the lesson was too easy.I was too skinny,my sister was too fat and my brother's lips and ears were too big for his tiny head.

To stop pleasing others is easier said than done.It's a long process,one in which I am consistently working to perfect.The turning point for me came shortly after I got married.The very first thing we did to end the cycle of catering to others was develop our own identity as individuals and then as a couple.And then we developed a strong set of core(核心)values and a vision for our future.The third and one of the most valuable things we did during this process was develop our own personal influence on others and we valued deeply the opinions of the wiser and more successful people around us.

Besides,we should understand that sometimes helping people actually hurts them.Struggle is necessary to success.Struggle strengthens character,making people determined.So sometimes allowing people to struggle is the best thing you can do for them.

1.How are we likely to feel when pleasing others?

A. Satisfied B. Angry.

C. Happy D. Guilty

2.What can we infer from the author's experience as a child?

A. He grew up doing a lot of housework.

B. It was hard for him to adjust to the moving life.

C. He realized the value of opinions from others.

D. His parents had great expectations of the children.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. What steps the author took to go on pleasing others.

B. How the author stepped out of the cycle of pleasing others.

C. Why the author further developed his values and character.

D. When the author turned to others for their valuable opinions.

4.What does the author suggest doing?

A. Helping others without delay.

B. Refusing to help others.

C. Thinking twice before offering help.

D. Leaving someone alone in trouble.

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