Many of the new ideas and attitudes that marked the Renaissance times were shown in art.A new idea called humanism put a focus on human interests,needs,and abilities.This new ides changed how artists painted their subjects as well as the choice of subjects they painted.

Change of Subjects

In the Middle Ages,the subject of almost all European art was religion,specifically Christianity and the Catholic Church.Although Renaissance artists continued to paint religious paintings,they also branched out to other subjects including Creek and Roman mythology(神话),historical subjects,and portraits(肖像)of individuals.They also focused on the details of everyday life.


One of the big changes in art was to paint and sculpt subjects realistically.This is called realism and concerned with a number of techniques that make the subjects and background look like what they would in real life.This also meant giving the subjects more emotional qualities.

Many new techniques were introduced during the Renaissance.These techniques helped to improve the quality and realism of the art.

Perspective—perspective is drawing or painting a picture such that it looks like there are three dimensions.It gives the illusion(错觉)that some objects in the painting are further away than others.

Balance and Proportion—Drawing subjects such that they are the correct she when compared to each other.

Use of Light and Dark—Many artists started using light and shadows in their works to add drama, perspective,and timing to their art.

Sfumato—a technique used by Leonardo da Vinci to add additional perspective and dimension to paintings.It was a way of blurring(变暗)the lines between subjects.This technique was used in Leonardo's Mona Lisa.

Foreshortening—It is another technique that adds perspective and depth to paintings;foreshortening is a way of shortening lines to give the illusion of depth.

1.Before the Renaissance,what was(were) the primary subject(s) of paintings during the Middle Ages ?

A. Kings and Queens. B. Portraits of people.

C. Greek Mythology. D. Christianity.

2.What does realism mean when referring to paintings and art?

A. That the subjects and background appear as they would in real life.

B. That the paintings are landscapes of nature with no people.

C. That the painting is flat with little perspective.

D. That the subjects are only people.

3.What artistic technique make(s) some objects in a picture look further away than others?

A. Perspective. B. Balance and Proportion.

C. Sfumato. D. Light and Dark.

4.What was foreshortening?

A. When artists painted people shorter than they really were.

B. A way of making people look taller than they really were.

C. A technique where artists shortened lines to make some special effects.

D. When artists used shadow and light in their paintings to give the illusion of depth.

B vitamins(维生素)may offer some protection against the effect of air pollution,a new study suggests.

The scientists say the effect is real but stress the limitations of their work.Follow-up studies are urgently needed, they say,in heavily polluted cities like Mexico.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO),over 90% of the world's population live in heavily-polluted areas.The one of the pollutants that is considered the most dangerous is very fine particulate matter, referred to as PM2.5.At around 1/30 the width of a human hair,PM2.5 can go deep into the human lung and contribute to lung and heart health problems in the young and old.

Scientists have long suspected that PM2.5 causes what are termed epigenetic(表观遗传)changes in our cells that can damage our health.Now in this new human trial,an international team of scientists wanted to see if exposure to concentrations of PM2.5 could be mitigated by daily B vitamins.

Ten volunteers were tested initially exposed to clean air and their basic responses were measured.The same volunteers were later tested with large doses(剂量)of B vitamins while exposed to air containing high levels of PM2.5.The researchers found that a four-week B vitamin intake limited the PM2.5 effect by between 28-76% at ten gene locations.They found a similar reduction in effect on the mitochondrial DNA,the parts of cells that produce energy.

However,the researchers caution that their study,while observing a real effect,has limitations.As well as the small number of participants,there was little information on the size of the B vitamin dose that caused the response.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

A. B vitamins may fight against PM2.5.

B. PM2.5 can lead to epigenetic changes.

C. Further studies should be done on PM2.5.

D. Exposure to PM2.5 is more and more serious.

2.Which can replace the underlined word "mitigated" in Paragraph 4?

A. measured B. ignored

C. reduced D. observed

3.How many limitations does the text mention about the new study?

A. 2. B. 3.

C. 4. D. 5.

4.How does the writer of the text like the new study?

A. He believes it deeply. B. He criticizes it strongly.

C. He thinks it needs testing again. D. He shows no opinion about it.

You don't need superpowers to commit to being healthier.Check out these tips.

Write it and measure it.1.Writing down your goals is not only a great way to accomplish them,but your list can also help you figure out the exact steps needed to get there."I want to lose weight"is a pretty common resolution(方案),but how exactly do you go from point A to point B?2.For instance:"I want to lose 10 pounds over the next six weeks by going to the gym three to four times per week."

Make resolutions manageable.A resolution shouldn't be a fantasy.The key to sustainable resolutions is to make small changes gradually.So if your goal is to go from never running to finishing a half-marathon,start training gradually.3..

4.Not knowing how to do a certain exercise is no excuse to write it off completely.If you're curious about new techniques,book a session with a personal trainer to clear up confusion and help prevent injury.

Think outside the box.5.If your resolution is to simply be more active and bum more calories every day,there are plenty of creative ways to achieve that goal.You can fit extra movement into the day by walking during phone conversations or even volunteering for household chores.

A.Ask for help.

B.Choose the right tech.

C.Instead,try setting a more specific goal.

D.Exercise doesn't have to be a formal activity.

E.Resolutions should be both specific and measurable.

F.Begin by walking a few miles,and steadily increase it to jogging,and then running.

G.The reason is that the brain just likes measurable old habits over new,different ones.

For many years,drivers of electric trains in the UK were at risk from bird strikes.When they were travelling at high speeds,a____hitting the front of the train could____the windscreen of the driving cab.I once had a pigeon break the offside window into pieces at only 40 mi/h.The pigeon didn't____,but I did—I am alive!

In an effort to provide a better degree of____and reduce delays,of course,research was done to find a ___toughened glass windscreen for____.As part of this research,____was sought from airline suppliers,who said that a good test for ant new glass type was to fire a chicken at high speed____the window material.The____was soon set up and a number of dead chickens obtained.

Even though it was of a standard used by____,the test with the first chicken showed that the glass was not____enough.A second test____broke the glass.Another test damaged the third windscreen!Repeated____showed that no glass could____the chicken being fired at it.More advice was sought from the airline people,who could not understand____the glass they offered could withstand(禁得住)airborne bird strikes but____failing the railway tests. They decided to come to____test.

The railway research team set up a____test and sent someone to obtain more chickens.____the chickens arrived,it was then that the airline experts realized what was wrong.They told the railway research team."You know,you do____to defrost(解冻)the chickens first."

1.A. device B. chicken C. bird D. stone

2.A. keep out B. pass through C. escape from D. take away

3.A. fly B. appear C. fall D. survive

4.A. safety B. speed C. travel D. temperature

5.A. heavy B. bright C. suitable D. flat

6.A. passengers B. drivers C. animals D. pilots

7.A. information B. energy C. courage D. advice

8.A. off B. towards C. beyond D. across

9.A. test B. research C. business D. organization

10.A. government B. army C. railways D. airlines

11.A. popular B. attractive C. tough D. transparent

12.A. also B. then C. ever D. only

13.A. changes B. attempts C. events D. ideas

14.A. reflect B. prevent C. separate D. resist

15.A. whether B. how C. why D. when

16.A. avoided B. kept C. stood D. stopped

17.A. witness B. cancel C. prove D. correct

18.A. strange B. strict C. new D. necessary

19.A. The moment B. Now that C. Even if D. In case

20.A. manage B. agree C. expect D. have

Every four years on November 8, the American people will vote for the next U. S. president. Before election day, people following the presidential campaign will see many polls (民调). A poll is a public opinion study. Research organizations ask people questions about the candidates to find out who they support.

For example, one of the poll is run by a professor at a university in the U.S. state of Connecticut. People who work for the polling service call likely voters on the telephone.

How can one poll be so different from others? Here are some things to remember when you are looking at polls:

Not all polling groups are the same

Some polls target specific groups of people. Many polls make sure they collect many different opinions. Sometimes, however, polling organizations receive money from groups that support a specific political issue. It is important to look at which group carried out the poll along with the results.

A poll's method is important

Some polls are using new technology. Traditionally, polls are done over the phone. But that is slowly changing. Many polls are now done online. While online polls can produce good information, it is sometimes hard to reach as many different types of people over the Internet.

Also important the size of the poll. Try to find out how many people were polled before believing its results.

Polls are not predictions(预测)

Polls only show how people feel at one moment in time. They do not show what will happen in the future. Public opinion may change before the general election on November 8. Some things that could change the opinions of voters include: the debates on television, the release of the candidates’ tax or medical records, and unexpected illnesses.

1.What do political polls in the U. S. try to do?

A. Call on people to be active in the election.

B. Help political parties to win the election.

C. Find out the support rate in the election.

D. Affect people's opinions in the election.

2.What do you know about polling organizations?

A. Some serve for certain groups. B. They all collect different opinions.

C. They all make money from their polls. D. All of them try to find the correct results.

3.What is the disadvantage of polls done online?

A. People may refuse to respond. B. Results sometimes lack of representation.

C. Only the young give their ideas. D. People refuse to tell their true thoughts.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Effects of Political Polls in the U. S..

B. Various Kinds of Political Polls in the U. S..

C. Ways to Carry Out Political Polls in the U. S..

D. Things to Know About Political Polls in the U. S..

Today I went to Berkeley, near our old neighborhood. I was a bit surprised by the increased number of homeless (alternatively housed) people walking around. I remember there are more in certain areas. So the first man who asked me for money got all my single bills. So when the second man asked me two minutes later, I said I was out because I gave all I had to the previous person.

I was headed to the grocery store for a coffee and after I left the store I walked out to find him as he had asked me for something because he was hungry and I invited him to go into the grocery store with me.

When I asked him what he wanted to eat, he just asked for vegetable and rice. He talked about how much better the vegetables were as we waited for our number to be called. While we waited he told me that he had slept outside last night on the sidewalk, that it was not good, and that he had come from Rwanda and was alone.

He was a gentleman. When I asked if he wanted more he said, this bowl of food would last him the whole day.

I don’t know what his circumstances were before he came to California, and wandering and begging on the streets could somehow be better because you just never know what had happened to him. He seemed like a kind soul who just needed some help like we all do. I am grateful I did a little to help him today.

1.Why did the author fail to give the second homeless man money?

A. He kept some money for others. B. He spent all his money shopping.

C. He didn’t take any money that day. D. He donated all her small money to the first man.

2.What does the underlined word“ it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. He was alone. B. He waited for his food.

C. He slept on the sidewalk. D. He was offered food.

3.How did the author feel about the homeless man?

A. Understandable. B. Pitiful.

C. Hopeless. D. Strange.

In France, a man walks on what can only be described as a human-sized hamster wheel. The wheel moves around and around, as the man keeps walking. What is he doing? He is lifting a heavy object to the top of a tower the same way workers moved such objects 800 years ago.

In the 13th century, workers did not have the 100-meter tall cranes they now use to build tall buildings. So they had to be creative and come up with simple machines to get their work done.

The man on the large wheel is walking at a reasonable speed. The wheel turns and pulls a rope connected to a pulley(滑轮)at the top of the tower. Another rope tied to the pulley lifts supplies from the ground.

This is just one way skilled craftsmen arc building a 13th-century castle without using modern tools. Crew have been working on the castle since 1997. It is being built in the Burgundy area of central France. Organizers expect the work to last another 10 to 15 years. That means it will take close to 30 years to finish the project.

The crew are making progress at about half the speed of the workers from 800 years ago. That is because many of them are accustomed to using modern tools. When the crew use heavy chisels(凿子)and hammers to break rock, as they did hundreds of years ago, they are learning as they go. The goal of the project is to learn more about old building techniques in case they might be of use today.

Clement Guerard, 44,is a stonemason; he cuts and builds with stone. He has been working on the tower for 17 years. He said one way he is able to work on something like this for so long is by forgetting “some of the pace of modern life", he is able to adapt to working by hand.

1.Why is the man walking in the wheel?

A. To draw the attention of passers-by. B. To act as an ancient building worker.

C. To test an ancient machine for building. D. To raise building materials to the building top.

2.What makes the project last so long?

A. The quality it requires. B. The ancient way to built it.

C. Its huge size. D. Its great height.

3.What’s the purpose of building the tower in the ancient way?

A. To build a unique ancient building. B. To copy a famous ancient building.

C. To master ancient building techniques. D. To experience ancient way of building.

4.Why has Clement Guerard worked such a long time for the tower?

A. He in used to doing handwork. B. He can get a steady income.

C. He forgets how to do other jobs. D. He likes building ancient buildings.

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