2.In China,as in many countries,the north-south divide runs deep.People from the north are seen as hale and hearty,while southerners are often portrayed as cunning,cultured traders.Northerners are taller than southerners.The north eats noodles,while the south eats rice-and according to new research,when it comes to personality,that difference has meant everything.
A study published Friday by a group of psychologists in the journal Science finds that China's noodle-slurping northerners are more independent,show more"analytic thought"and divorce more frequently.By contrast,the authors write,rice-eating southerners show more qualities traditionally associated with East Asian culture,including more"holistic thought"and lower divorce rates.
The reason?Cultivating rice,the authors say,is a lot harder.Picture a rice paddy,its delicate seedlings tucked in a bed of water.They require careful tending and many hours of labor-by some estimates,twice as much as wheat-as well as reliance on irrigation systems that require neighborly cooperation.As the authors write,for southerners growing rice,"strict self-reliance might have meant starvation".
Growing wheat,by contrast,the north's staple grain,is much simpler.One Chinese farming guide from the 1600s quoted in the study advised aspiring farmers that"if one is short of labor power,it is best to grow wheat."
To produce their findings,the authors evaluated the attitudes of 1,162Han Chinese students in Beijing and Liaoning in the north and in Fujian,Guangdong,Yunnan and Sichuan in the south.To control for other factors that distinguish the north and south-such as climate,dialect and contact with herding cultures-the authors also analyzed differences between various neighboring counties in five central provinces along China's rice-wheat border.
According to the authors,the influence of rice cultivation can help explain East Asia's"strangely persistent interdependence".For example,they say South Korea and Japan have remained less individualistic than Western countries,even as they've grown wealthier.
The authors aren't alone in observing the influence various crops have on shaping culture.Malcolm Gladwell in his 2008book Outliers also drew connections between a hard-working ethic (measured by a willingness to fill out long,boring questionnaires) and a historical tradition of rice cultivation in places such as South Korea and Japan,given that the farming of such crops is arguably an equally boring chore.
Title:How China's North-South Divide Has Influence on (71)Shaping Personality.
(72)Difference(s)/Distinction(s)in personality●China's northerners (73)feed(1ive)on noodles,and they are thought of as hale,hearty and taller with more (74)independenceand"analytic thought"as well as higher divorce rates
●On the contrary,the southerners prefer eating rice and have more"holistic thought"and lower divorce rates
Reasons●Planting rice needs twice more (75)1aborthan planting wheat
●Cultivating rice relies on irrigation system that requires neighbors to (76)cooperatewell
●If you are over independent,you might (77)starvein the south
●If you are (78)1acking(weak)in labor power,it is best to grow wheat in the north
The Research●The attitudes of 1,162 Han Chinese students were evaluated
●Other unrelated factors like climate,dialect and herding cultures were carefully (79)controlled
●The result shows the influence of rice cultivation can result in more cooperation and explain East Asia's"strangely persistent interdependence"
Another(80)similar(related,relevant)observationMalcolm Gladwell also found the influence crops have on culture in his 2008 book Outliers
1.A new survey reviews that more than 60% of websites and apps intended for Canadian children may be collecting personal information and passing it on to a third party.The survey was completed by the Global Privacy Enforcement Network,which reviewed 1,494 websites and apps.
Focusing on trends among Canadian users,the sweep team reviewed 118websites and apps targeted directly at children,as well as 54 that are known to be popular with and used by kids.The team's findings showed that more than 50% of Canadian sites collect personal information from children,including names,addresses,phone numbers and photos,audio or video.In addition,62% of sites admitted they may show that personal information to third parties.An other 62% allowed the user to be redirected to a different site,and only 28% of the sites and apps involved any form of parental control or protection.
A member of the team Tobi Cohen,outlined a few of the sites that did and did not live up to the standards of children's privacy online.She praised both Family.ca and Lego.com for their message boards that did not allow users to post personal information,and noted that santasvillage.ca asked users to provide their full name and email address.Gamezhero.com was also singled out for allowing users to display personal information,including names,age,sex and locations.Pbskids.org,on the other hand,was praised for only offering generic,pre-set avatars(头像) and barring users form uploading personal photos.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada refused to release a full list of the websites and apps reviewed.When asked what would be done with results,commissioner Daniel Therrien said that companies reviewed in the sweep would be kept informed of the findings."It's our usual practice after conducting a sweep to write a number of companies to point out the things that we've seen,to sometimes ask that things be changed,and on the whole the companies react positively to these requests."Therrien added.
In an attempt to help kids better understand why their privacy matters,the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has created a lesson plan for kids in Grade 7and 8that explains the Global Privacy Enforcements Network and has kids conduct privacy reviews of their own.
"We know that companies are not the only ones responsible for the protection of kids'privacy."Therrien said."Parents and teachers obviously have a role.We have a role,particularly in the area of increasing awareness of privacy issues among the public."
Matthew Johnson,director of education at Media Smarts,said that the sweep's results were sadly unsurprising.Media Smarts,an Ottawa-based non-profit digital literacy outfit intended to improve media literacy and empowering the youth to better engage with media,offers age-appropriate tips to parents concerned with keeping their kids sage online.
Johnson explained that in addition to educating themselves on the issue,the best thing parents could do to protect children's privacy online is to educate kids on the importance the function of their personal data.He mentioned an initiative by Media Smarts called Privacy Pirates,an online game that aims to teach kids at the age of seven to nine that all forms of personal information should be protected and added that their personal information has value and they should think twice before giving it out.

66.We can conclude from the data mentioned in Paragraph 2thatD.
A.parents must be to blame for letting out their kids'privacy
B.the time that children spend on he Internet should be limited
C.more children have realized the importance of personal privacy
D.more attention should be paid to the protection of kids'privacy
67.Which of the following websites doesn't require kids to provide personal information?A
68.What will most of the companies do when receiving a request from the sweep team?D
A.They will help kids better understand why their privacy matters.
B.They will ask the team never to make their website public.
C.They will ask for further information about the research.
D.They will take some measures actively in response.
69.Daniel Therrien seems to stress in Paragraph 6thatB.
A.the team should develop a good relationship with the companies
B.the protection of kid's privacy involves joint efforts from adults
C.the public is unaware if their role in protecting kids'privacy
D.the sweep team's work is worth nothing without parents'help
70.According to Johnson,parents shouldB.
A.guide their kids to play online games
B.get kids to know the value of their privacy
C.set a good example to their kids in daily life
D.think twice before giving personal information out.
20.Garlic is one of the most common cooking ingredients around the world.Many dishes in Europe,Africa,Asia and the Americas use this strong-flavored vegetable.
Garlic is similar to other bulb-shaped plants,including onions,chives,leeks and scallions.But garlic is special.For centuries,people have used garlic not only for cooking,but also for medicine.
Medicinal garlic throughout time.
Researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University studied the medicinal use of garlic throughout history.They found references to garlic in ancient texts from Egypt,Greece,Rome,China and India.
For example,in ancient Greece and Rome,people considered garlic an aid to strength and endurance.
The original Olympic athletes in Greece ate garlic to improve their performance.The ancient Romans fed garlic to the soldiers and sailors.
Workers who built the pyramids in Egypt ate garlic.In fact,this is a theme throughout early history--workers eating garlic to increase their strength.
Some researchers in China have gone so far as to call hydrogen sulfide the key to a longer life.
In a 2007 study,researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham studied how garlic increased hydrogen sulfide and how that,in turn,affected red blood cells.
David Kraus led that study.
In 2013,scientists were finally able to see this process happen.Chemists Alexander Lippert of Southern Methodist University in Dallas and Vivian S.Lin discovered how to observe this process in living human cells.
Their discovery has opened the door to more research into the health benefits of garlic and the production of hydrogen sulfide in the body.
In a 2015experiment at Penn State University,researchers injected a solution that would create hydrogen sulfide in the arms of healthy young adults.They wanted to see what hydrogen sulfide would do to a small area of blood vessels.
The initial findings are that hydrogen sulfide widened blood vessels,which then increased the flow of blood.These researchers plan to continue their research.They published their findings in The Journal of Physiology.
Older garlic may be even healthier.
But let's leave the laboratory and go to the kitchen.Don't throw out older garlic that has sprouted.You may have thought that garlic growing light green sprouts was past its prime or old and on its way to the trash bin.
But not so fast.
Scientists have reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that this older garlic has even more properties that are good for our bodies than fresh garlic.When researchers tested garlic that had sprouted for five days,they found it had higher antioxidant activity than fresher bulbs of garlic.
Also,to get the full effect of garlic's health benefits,do not add it to food or cook with it immediately.Cutting,crushing or mincing garlic releases the healthy compound found in the vegetable.But heating the garlic or adding it to other ingredients prevents the release of this healthy compound.So cut or crush or mince the garlic,and let it rest by itself for a couple minutes.
So,are there any downsides to garlic?Well,the same reason garlic is good for us and good in dishes--that strong sulfur odor--is the same reason it gives us bad breath.
But there might be a cure for that,too.Yet another study found that eating an apple or lettuce after eating garlic cuts down on the strong garlic smell on one's breath.

63.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Garlic can be used not only for cooking,but also for medicine.
B.Workers would eat garlic to increase their strength in the past.
C.Garlic growing light green sprouts was past its prime or old and should be thrown to the trash bin.
D.Heating the garlic or adding it to other ingredients would reduce the health benefit of garlic.
64.Which sentence could be filled in the blanks?A
A.So many studies on garlic 
B.Medicinal garlic throughout time
C.Garlic is such a healthy food
D.Study about garlic
65.Where can you probably find the text?D
A.In a popular magazine.
B.In a story book.
C.In a biology textbook.
D.In a health report.
19.New Scientist Event
Instant Expert-How Your Brain Works
Saturday,20 May 2017 from 10:00 to 17:00
London,United KingdomEver wondered how your brain works?How that stuff in your head enables you to see,hear and think about the world around you,make decisions and act on them?Join six leading scientists to explore what we know about 4fcthe most difficult kilo of matter in the universe".
The day will be chaired by psychologist and presenter of BBC Radio 4's All in the mirtd,Claudia Hammond.
The brain has long been a source of fascination.In 1819,the radical(激进的)thinker and surgeon William Lawrence put it like this:"It's strongly suspected that a Newton or Shakespeare excels other men only…by having an extra inch of brain in the right place."
Today,many such suspicions are certainties.This event will introduce you to the evolution of the brain.We'll study technique for controlling the brain using electric and magnetic fields,as well as the latest technologies that follow you to control the outside world using your mind alone.
•Topics covered will include:
•Evolution of the brain
•How memory makes us human
•Sleep and brain
Booking information:
•The event will be held in Brunei Auditorium at RCGP/30 Euston Square.And doors to the Auditorium will open at 9:15am.
•We require the name of each person attending-please ensure this is provided at the time of booking.
•The schedule for the day will be confirmed closer to the event,and will be emailed to all ticket holders.
•A minimum of 100 early bird discounted tickets are available priced at£129 (saving£20 on the full ticket price of£149).

56.What can attendees learn from the event?B
A.How much their brain weighs.
B.How their sleep is related to their brain
C.Whether they can act on decisions they made.
D.How their brain is controlled by electric and magnetic fields.
57.When people book tickets,they are.A
A.required to offer their email address
B.likely to be told the schedule for the event
C.required to decide when to enter the Auditorium
D.likely to enjoy a discount if they promise to come to the event early.
18.Over the past decade,more than 60 percent of primary and secondary school students in China have failed to regularly get enough sleep,with excessive (过多)homework and supplementary after-school classes getting in the way of their health,a recent report suggested.
According to the report,released by China Youth and Children Research Center (CYCRC)on Oct.20,there are around 100 million young people short of sleep currently living in China.Too much homework assignments,more hours spent studying at school and increasing pressure to participate in supplementary after-school sessions are the main causes of sleep deprivation among Chinese students.
   Despite efforts by the Chinese government to ease academic burden on students,primary and secondary school students are still overwhelmed by study stress.On average,primary school students in China spend 8.1 hours at school per day,which is more than the government-approved six hours.Middle school students spend an average of 11 hours per day at school,which is three hours more than the national standard.
"The evaluation standards for teachers mainly focus on students'academic Performance and enrollment rate,so we have no choice but to deprive the students of their spare time,"a teacher from No.33 Middle School in Baotou,Inner Mongolia told the Xinhua News Agency during an interview.
"More and more after-school sessions are also imposed on Chinese students.Chinese students have to spend more time on their homework and off-campus studies,"added SunHongyan,director of CYCRC.
"Primary and secondary school students are in a crucial period of physical development,and they should sleep around nine to ten hours per day.Sleep deprivation can lead to weakened immunity and memory,and can also hold back physical growth,"said Wang Zan,a member of the China Sleep Research Society.

58.Which is not the main causes of sleep deprivation among Chinese students?B
A.too much homework assignments 
B.their parents'high expectations
C.more hours spent studying at school 
D.participating in supplementary after-school sessions because of increasing pressure
59.what can we learn from the passage?B
A.According to the national standard,on average,students can't spend more than 8 hours per day studying.
B.The Chinese government has made efforts to ease academic burden on students.
C.Only students'academic Performance and enrollment rate can evaluate their teachers.
D.Chinese students spend more time on their homework than after-school sessions.
60.What can't sleep deprivation lead to?C
A.weakened immunity           
B.short memory  
C.mental illness                    
D.holding back physical growth.
Similar to traditional marathons,OCR requires participants to undergo systematic training and careful deliberation before setting their feet in motion.These races are both physically and mentally demanding.Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned pro,below is the fundamental guide to getting yourself prepared for the big day.
How to train for your first obstacle run:
◆Assess your needs.
◆Practice running as much as you can.
◆Build your total body strength-body weight exercises,core and balance exercises,jumping and climb ing.
◆Train how you plan to perform on the day.
Obstacle race essentials:
◆Clothing you won't mind getting ruined.Close-fitting athletic clothing is recommended.
◆Broken-in trail running or off-road shoes.To avoid injuries,never wear new shoes on a race day.
◆A bag to put dirty clothes in.
◆Gloves,towel,waterproof camera.
◆Water bottle and post-race snack.
Tip:Check the event's website to see if any specific equipment is recommended.
Safety caution:
   As with any organized race,certain safety dangers are unavoidable.So far,no data on severe injuries from OCR events has been published,but participants are still likely to be subject to twisted ankles,pulled muscles or shoulder strain during these intensive attempts.
   With that in mind,runners are advised to take their time and to compete defensively while staying alert for potential dangers."Take it slow,listen to your body and reach out to the community for advice,"CNN suggests."And learn to enjoy it."

56.Which of the following essentials are all recommended for obstacle race?D
A.close-fitting athletic clothing,new shoes,waterproof camera,post-race snack.
B.gloves,towel,water bottle,waterproof camera,snack,a dirty bag,special equipment
C.close-fitting athletic clothing,towel,new shoes,waterproof camera,
D.clothing wearing well,waterproof camera,post-race snack,water bottle,off-road shoes
57.What can we learn from the text?A
A.Before participating in traditional marathons,athletes must be trained systematically and consider it carefully.
B.OCR requires participants to be healthy physically and mentally
C.So far,evidence shows,during intensive attempts,severe injuries from OCR events are likely t o happen.
D.Only a first-timer professional is required to get prepared for the fundamental guide.
16.Several recent studies have found that being randomly (随机地) assigned to a roommate of another race can lead to increased tolerance but also to a greater likelihood (可能性) of conflict.
Recent reports found that lodging with a student of a different race may decrease prejudice and compel students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships.
An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers.Researchers believe this may be caused by social pressure.
In a New York Times article,Sam Roakye-the only black student on his freshman year floor-said that"if you're surrounded by whites,you have something to prove."
Researchers also observed problems resulting from pairing interracial students in residences.
According to two recent studies,randomly assigned roommates of different race are more likely to experience conflicts so strained that one roommate will move out.
An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester.
Grace Kao,a professor at Penn said she was not surprised by the findings."This may be the first time that some of these students have interacted,and lived,with someone of a different race,"she said.
At Penn,students are not asked to indicate race when applying for housing.
"One of the great things about freshman housing is that,with some exceptions,the process throws you together randomly,"said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley."This is the definition of integration."
"I've experienced roommate conflicts between interracial students that have both broken down stereotypes and reinforced stereotypes,"said one Penn resident advisor (RA).The RA of two years added that while some conflicts"provided more multicultural acceptance and melding (融合),"there were also"jarring cultural confrontations."
The RA said that these conflicts have also occurred among roommates of the same race.
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies,noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studies and explained.

62.What can we learn from some recent studies?D
A.Conflicts between studies of different races are unavoidable.
B.Students of different races are prejudiced against each other.
C.Interracial lodging does more harm than good.
D.Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes.
63.What does Sam Boakye's remark mean?D
A.White students tend to look down upon their black peers.
B.Black students can compete with their white peers academically.
C.lack students feel somewhat embarrassed among white peers during the freshman year.
D.Being surrounded by white peers motivates a black student to work harder to succeed.
64.What does the Indians Univerisity study show?A
A.Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out.
B.Few white students like sharing a room with a black peer.
C.Roommates of different races just don't get along.
D.Assigning students'lodging randomly is not a good policy.
65.What does Grace Kao say about interracial lodging?A
A.It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study.
B.Schools should be cautious when making decisions about student lodging.
C.Students'racial background should be considered before lodging is assigned.
D.Experienced resident advisors should be assigned to handle the problems.
●TECFIDERA is a prescription(处方)medicine used to treat people with multiple sclerosis,a serious illness that gradually destroys your nerves,making you weak and unable to walk.
●It is not known if TECFIDERA is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.

Before taking and while you take TECFIDERA,tell your doctor if you have or have had low white blood cell counts or any other medical conditions.
Tell your doctor if you are:
●pregnant or plan to become pregnant.It is not known if TECFIDNRA will harm your unborn baby.
▼If you become pregnant while taking TECFIDNRA,talk to your doctor about joining in the TECFIDNRA Pregnancy registry.You can join in this registry by calling 1-800-456-2255.The purpose of this registry is to monitor the health of you and your baby.
●breastfeeding(母乳喂养)or plan to breastfeed.It is not know if TECFIDERA passes into your breast milk.You and your doctor should decide if you will take TECFIDERA or breastfeed.
How should I take TECFIDERA?
●Take TECFIDERA exactly as your doctor tells you to take it.
●The recommended starting does(剂量)is one 120mg capsule taken by mouth 2 times a day for 7days.
●The recommended dose after 7 days is one 240mg capsule taken by mouth 2 times a day.
●TECFIDERA can be taken with or without food.
●Swallow TECFIDERA whole.Do not press,chew,or put capsule contents in food.
●Protect TECFIDER from light.You can do this by storing the capsules in their original container.Throw away opened TECFIDERA after 90 days.

What are the possible side effects of TECFIDERA?
TECFIDERA may cause serious side effects including decrease in your white blood cell count,sickness,redness,stomach pain and so on.
Redness and stomach problems are the most common reactions,especially at the start of the treatment,but they should decrease over time.Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms and they bother you or do not go away.These are not all the possible side effects of TECFIDERA.
Call your doctor for medicine advice about side effects.You may report side effects to the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) at 1-800-FDA-1088.

56.Before taking TECFIDERA,you do NOT have to tell your doctor if you areB.
A.under 18years old
B.above 90years old
C.having a baby
57.Which of the following is the correct way of taking TECFIDERA?A
A.Never dividing the capsule by any means while taking it
B.Increasing the dose by 2times every 7days
C.Taking it exactly as the instructions show
D.Never taking it on an empty stomach
58.If you suffer side effects from TECFIDERA,you mayB.
A.report your doctor for prescribing the wrong medicine
B.make a phone call at 1-800-FDA-1088
C.have a high white blood cell count
D.have some eye problems.
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