8.At a time when many students still see college as their best hope for a rewarding career,higher education has become more expensive,far more than the steady increase in the cost of living.As a consequence,average student debt at graduation is currently pushing $30,000.In some cases,student debt reaches six figures.
But falling beyond the reach of these frightening statistics are many capable students who don't accumulate student debt because they can't afford to go to college in the first place.
Which raises a question:Wouldn't our nation be better off if all American students were encouraged,or even assisted,by public policy to push their intellectual capacities to their maximums?What if all higher education in our country were extremely affordable?Or even free?
As it happens,the Associated Press reported that both Oregon and Tennessee are considering the feasibility (可行性) of no-tuition policies for their community colleges.
The logic behind these efforts is well explained by Oregon State Senator Mark Hass:"I think everybody agrees that with a high school education by itself,there is no path to the middle class.There is only one path,and it leads to poverty.And poverty is very expensive."
Hass may overstate the case slightly.Despite the lack of good blue-collar jobs in our country obs that would firmly establish a worker in whatt's left of the middle class and provide paid vacation,a pension,and health insurance high school graduate might still  piece together enough work to keep himself more or less above the poverty line,even though access to the true"American Dream"will still be very difficult.
But the second part of Hass's argument is undeniable.Our failure to educate ourselves to our full potential is very expensive.Hass refers to research from the Oregon University System that indicates that Oregonians with only a high school degree make less money and,therefore,pay fewer taxes than those with college degrees.They are also more likely to require food stamps and other sorts of public assistance.Republicans and Democrats agree on this.
Clearly,the closer we come to reaching our full educational capacity,as individuals and as a nation,the less likely we are to become criminals and prisoners.In fact,it's hard to think of a social ill that's unlikely to be improved by more education.
But,of course,there's no such thing as"free college".The taxpayers have to come up with the money.
But,would our country be better off if all students had a real opportunity to push their educational capacities to the limit?Of course.There are long-term social benefits that ideology fools us into believing are unattainable.But versions of these goods and others have been achieved elsewhere,and they could be achieved in the United States as well.They may require some remedy (矫正,补救) to our nation's unfair redistribution of wealth in the direction of the already-wealthy,but more equality in income and wealth would be a healthy step,as well.
So,good for you,Oregon and Tennessee.Most of the world's problems come from ignorance,intolerance,greed and backwardness.Education is a very important remedy.

62.What's the problem with the current college education?C
  A.It can't prepare students for a promising future.
  B.It fails to recognize and admit talented students.
  C.It becomes less accessible to students financially.
  D.It lacks a set of evaluating criteria for students.
63.According to the passage,a graduate with only a high school degree willD.
  A.likely become an established worker
  B.have no means to make a living
  C.never be a member of middle class
  D.find it hard to realize American Dream
64.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A
  A.Poor people are a costly burden to society.
  B.Poor families can't afford schooling.
  C.Education for poor children is expensive.
  D.Poverty is related to high education fees.
65.What's the purpose of the author writing this passage?B
  A.To describe the long-term plans for education.
  B.To argue for free higher education.
  C.To explain the importance of education.
  D.To fight against unfair wealth distribution.
4.Yesterday afternoon I went back home and found the door to my house had been opened.The house had not been broken into because the(41)D had been safely undone (打开)and placed on the roof of the kennel(狗窝)where we normally put it.On the door mat(垫) was a pair of shoes(42)B to my wife and this made me believe that it was she who had(43)D the door.This was(44)B because she is always the one coming home(45)A in the evening from work.Being a banker,the nature of her job(46)C her to stay out till around 7:30in the evening.
I entered the house and(47)B directly to the bedroom where I thought she was.I found she had covered her face with a blanket when I entered the(48)A,and she became quite emotional and started weeping(49)D.I tried to ask her what was wrong,but she couldn't (50)C it.I guessed that maybe she had been(51)D that one of her relatives was dead.I sat her down on the bed and brought her a glass of water to help her cool down.
When she had calmed down,she told me,"I am(52)B my job.Some clients(顾客) (53)D for loans two weeks ago and I was(54)B with ensuring that the processing the loans was completed.The bank had delayed processing the loans and some customers have been(55)C me and insulting(辱骂)me on the phone and on social media.The bank administrators have been very(56)B to respond to the applications and I feel that this is a(n) (57)C."I looked at her keenly and told her,"Darling,if you want to shed (流) tears because of what people say or think about you,then you tears will fill barrels before you die.Our(58)D won't help in finishing your enemies but will help them in finishing you.The pain of being(59)A might sometimes be strong,but still,it costs us(60)D to forget and move on."

52.A.absent fromB.fed up withC.careful aboutD.busy with
3.Of all the things that can be stolen from you your possessions,your youth,your health,your words,your rights---what no one can ever take from you is…
●How you feel about yourself.
It takes a long time to learn how to NOT judge yourself through someone else's eyes.(36)D
●Your attitude towards life.
The last of your freedoms is to choose your attitude in any given circumstance.
Choose to be happy and positive.It is not always easy to find happiness in ourselves,but it is always impossible to find it elsewhere.(37)E  
The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate,but in what you give away.And 99 percent of the time you get what you put in,so give freely.If you want to be happy,make those around you happy.
●Your knowledge and life experiences.
Character and wisdom over time.(39)B Your best stories will come from overcoming your greatest struggles.So keep standing,keep learning,and keep living.
●Your choice to move on enthusiastically.
  (40)C  Don't let someone or something that didn't make it in your life continue to hurt you.Learn the lesson,forget the pain,and move on.

A.Your ability to spread love and kindness.
B.They come with loss,lessons,and successes.
C.Don't let past relationships and old mistakes ruin your future.
D.But once you do,the world is yours for the taking.
E.So smile all the way and walk away from negative people.
F.Holding your uniqueness in high regard is necessary to success.
G.Your attitude towards yourself.
2.Convincing people that your way is the best way is often very difficult---especially when you're not quite sure why they're saying no.Turn the tables on your conversation and convince people of your point of view.(36)D   And with the right methods,you can do it.
1.(37)BKnowing how to persuade people isn't just in words and body language-it's also in knowing the right time to talk to them.If you approach people when they are more relaxed and open to discussion,you will most likely achieve faster,better results.
2.Talk fast.People are more persuaded by a fast,confident talker than accuracy.Sort of makes sense-the faster you talk,the less time your listener has to process what you've said and question it.(38)E
3.Get to know them.A large part of whether or not persuasion is effective is based on the general understanding between you and your son/friend/employee.If you don't know the person well,it's necessary to start building this understanding immediately-find common ground as soon as possible.(39)GSo find parallels and make them known.
4.(40)AThere is something to be said for clarity.If you're confusing the person may want to agree with you,but doesn't necessarily know what you're looking for.Speaking in a firm way will help you maintain directness and keep your intentions clear.

A.Speak firmly.
B.Understand the best time.
C.Talk about what interests them.
D.The trick is to get them wondering why they're saying no.
E.Thus,you create the feeling that you truly grasp the subject.
F.If someone talks fast,it's the perfect time to persuade him.
G.Human,in general,feel safer around people that are similar to them.
1.Smile,when making an introduction
Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations.(36)FIt's important to do so in a proper way,no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone,or introducing two people to each other.To keep you aware of this,we have gathered tips to make a proper introduction.
Always stand when making an introduction
When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you,make the effort to stand up.(37)E.
Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction
Many people are not aware of the value of this simple action.(38)B.
Always introduce a person of less authority to one of greater authority
(39)C.For example,when introducing your supervisor to a job candidate,you would give your supervisor's name first.
In a situation where rank is unimportant,an introduction is based on sex and age
A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman.What if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten the other person's name?(40)A.By doing this,you will usually cause the other person to do the same.This is not the ideal situation,but it does happen to all of us.

A.Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself.
B.When you make eye contact,you are giving a confident image.
C.The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person's name first.
D.Standing up is the most important to meet a person.
E.By doing this,you show respect for yourself and the other person.
F.And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression.
G.By staring at the other person,you show your interest.
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