1.I was desperately nervous about becoming car-free.But eight months ago our car was hit by a passing vehicle and it was destroyed.No problem,I thought:we'll buy another.But the insurance payout didn't even begin to cover the costs of buying a new car-I worked out that,with the loan we'd need plus petrol,insurance,parking permits and tax,we would make a payment as much as£600 a month.
And that's when I had my fancy idea.Why not just give up having a car at all?I live in London.We have a railway station behind our house,a tube station 10 minutes'walk away,and a bus stop at the end of the street.A new car club had just opened in our area,and one of its shiny little red Peugeots was parked nearby.If any family in Britain could live without a car,I reasoned,then surely we were that family.
But my new car-free idea,sadly,wasn't shared by my family.My teenage daughters were horrified.What would their friends think about our family being"too poor to afford a car"?(I wasn't that bothered what they thought,and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.)
My friends,too,were astonished at our plan.What would happen if someone got seriously ill overnight and needed to go to hospital?(an ambulance) How would the children get to and from their many events?(buses and trains) People smiled as though this was another of my mad ideas,before saying they were sure I'd soon realize that a car was a necessity.
Eight months on,I wonder whether we'll ever own a car again.The idea that you"have to"own a car,especially if you live in a city,is all in the mind.I live-and many other citizens do too-in a place that has never been better served by public transport,and yet car ownership has never been higher.We worry about rising car costs,but we'd be better off asking something much more basic:do I really need a car?Certainly the answer is no,and I'm a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.

12.The author decided to live a car-free life partly becauseB.
A.most families chose to go car-free    
B.the cost of a new car was too much
C.he was hurt in a terrible car accident    
D.the traffic jam was unbearable for him
13.What is the attitude of the author's family toward his plan?A
14.What did the author suggest his daughters do about their friends'opinion?C
A.Argue against it.
B.Take their advice.
C.Leave it alone.
D.Think it over.
15.What conclusion did the author draw after the eight-month car-free life?C
A.Life cannot go without a car.
B.Life without a car is a little bit hard.
C.His life gets improved without a car.
D.A car-free life does not suit everyone.
20.Three Blocks of Stones Forest Park
Three Blocks of Stones Forest Park,located in the southeast of Fushun,is a high and beautiful mountain,on the top of which there are three large blocks of stones,accounting for its name.It is covered with thick and tall trees,with a clear and clean river flowing down it
Opening time:8:30-16:30(from April 1st to October 31st
Admission ticket:45yuan(free for kids under 7 years old)
Telephone number:13823011112
Fushun Royal Ocean World
Fushun Royal Ocean World,located in the west of Fushun,is made up of Aquarium,surf house,and water park in it.Here you can see many rare sea creatures and polar animals.And also you can have a good time surfing or playing in the water park
Opening time:8:30---16:30
Admission ticket:90 yuan/adult   50 yuan/kid  (free for kids under 5 years old,accompanied by at least one adult)
Telephone number:55556000
Hetuala City
Hetuala city is Manchurian,where the later jin was located.The ancestors of Nurhachi(努尔哈赤)used to live here,and the Nu Zhen nationality once settled here.This city,which lies in the far north of Fushun,is divided into two parts,the inner city and the outer city.
Opening time:8:00---17:00
Admission ticket:80 yuan(free for kids under 5 years old and the elderly over 70 years old)
Telephone number:15904130413
Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals
Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals,was built in May 1986Japanese war criminals were once put in prison here.The emperor of Manchukuo,Puyi and his ministers were also transformed into ordinary people here.In the exhibition hall over 800historical pictures and more than 500 material objects are on display.It is a good patriotic education base for all the people,especially the students.Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals is just in the center of Fushun.
Opening time:8:30---16;00 (closed every Monday)
Admission ticket:70 yuan( free for kids and all the primary and junior students and the elderly over 70.Free for all on September 18th
Telephone number:55918918

4.If a person is interested in nature and breathing fresh air,which number should he call?D
5.A young couple with two children (one is 3 years old,the other is 10)go to Fushun Royal Ocean World,how much will they pay?B
A.135 yuan   
B.230 yuan    
C.240 yuan   
D.140 yuan
6.Which people can you go to on Monday if you want to enjoy some historical sights?D
A.Three Blocks of Stones Forest Park    
B.Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals
C.Fushun Royal Ocean World    
D.Hetuala City
7.The four places have one thing in common,which is thatB.
A.they are open all the year    
B.they are located in the same city
C.they are all free for kids    
D.they all have something to do with history.
19.A lady and her husband stepped off the train in Boston.They walked without an appointment into the outer office of Harvard's president.But they were stopped by his secretary and kept waiting.For hours,the secretary took no notice of them,hoping that the couple would finally become disappointed and go away.But they didn't.The secretary finally decided to disturb the president,though unwillingly.
A few minutes later,the president walked towards the couple with a cold face.The lady told him,"We had a son that attended Harvard for one year.He loved Harvard.He was happy here.But about a year ago,he was accidentally killed.My husband and I would like to set up a memorial (纪念物) to him,somewhere on campus."
The president wasn't moved.Instead,he was shocked."Madam,"he said,"we can't put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died.If we did,this people would look like a cemetery(墓地).""Oh,no,"the lady explained quickly,"We don't want to put up a statue.We would like to give a building to Harvard."The president rolled his eyes and glanced at the couple and then exclaimed,"A building!Do you have any idea how much a building costs?We have spent over﹩7,500,000 on the campus building at Harvard."For a moment the lady was silent.The president was p leased,because he could get rid of them now.Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly."Is that all it costs to start a university?Why don't we just start our own?"Her husband nodded.Since their offer was turned down.Mr,and Mrs Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their name,a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.

1.According to the first paragraph,we know thatD.
A.The headmaster knew the couple would come to his office
B.The couple saw the president very smoothly
C.The secretary was willing to help the couple
D.The couple didn't become disappointed
2.What was the purpose of the couple when they came to see the president?C
A.They wanted to tell their son's story   
B.They loved the school
C.They wanted to do something to honor his son   
D.They were invited three
3.After the couple were refused,what did they do?C
A.They were very angry   
B.They said nothing
C.They built a university   
D.They donated over﹩7,500,000 to the school.
18.I Am A Pencil
Children's book author Sam Swope took a job teaching writing to third-graders in the New York City.His students were immigrants (移民) or the children of immigrants from 21 countries,speaking 11 languages and having many different beliefs.But there were a few things they had in common:family troubles,money struggles and poetry.
Cover Price:﹩59.88
You Save:﹩39.93(About67%)
What It Takes To Help Me Out
An editor for US News & World Report,David L.Marcus takes us inside a boarding (寄宿)school for troubled teens.He shows the great stresses that are put on these teens and make them lose their confidence.This should cause us to think hard about troubled teens.
Cover Price:﹩35.86
YouSave:﹩20.86 (About 58%)
The Most Scenic Drives in America
Published again and again and translated into several languages beginning in 1997,this travel book includes over 200 brand-new photographs of the wonderful places along 120 selected routes.
Cover Price:﹩47.88
You Save:﹩24(About50%)
Our Brother's Keeper
Author Jedwin Smith tells what happened when he met several of his brother's old friends.They make a journey to Vietnam,to visit the place where Jeff,his brother,died.Surprisingly,their Vietnamese guide was the former commander (海军中校)carrying out the attack that killed Jeff.A powerful story of brotherhood,bravery and understanding carried out.
Cover Price:﹩59.40
You Save:﹩49.40 (About 83%)

11.Which of the following books offers the biggest price cut?D
A.I Am A Pencil
B.What It Takes To Help Me Out
C.The Most Scenic Drives in America
D.Our Brother's Keeper
12.If you are interested in pictures,you would probably chooseC.
A.Our Brother's Keeper
B.What It Takes To Help Me Out
C.The Most Scenic Drives in America
D.I Am A Pencil
13.From the book I Am A Pencil,we can learn that Sam Swope's studentsC.
A.are homeless children
B.have the same beliefs
C.like writing poetry
D.are in different grades
14.What can we learn from the passage?
A.I Am A Pencil is written by Jedwin Smith.
B.What It Takes To Help Me Out is about troubled teens.
C.You have to pay﹩47.88 for The Most Scenic Drives in America.
D.Jedwin Smith was killed in Vietnam.
15.What type of writing is this passage?A
A.An advertisement.
B.A newsreport.
C.An announcement.
D.A tourguide.
17.Football is so popular in China.Almost everyone is interested in the sport-the young and the old,boys and girls,and now even robots.
Recently at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School,kids from several schools played football with their robots.
Robot football is very different from human football.Only two robots play in each match.The field is as big as a ping-pong table.One half is black and the other is white.Each robot tries to catch the"football"and score a goal.The robot with more goals wins.
Gao Linge,a boy from Hangzhou Guangming Middle School,helped make one of the robots for the match.
"My school bought the main board (主板),"said Gao,14."Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer program for it."
Gao's robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms.It had four sensors (传感器) to"see"and"kick"the"football".
Ying Xuehai,a 12-year-old student from Gao's school,also made a robot.His robot played against Gao's.The match decided who would go to the final game.Ying lost the game.So he gave many of his robot's parts to Gao.
Even so,Gao's robot didn't win the final.It played well in the first five minutes.Then it slowed down.By the end of the match,it could hardly move.What was wrong?Gao and Ying found the problem-the robot ran out of batteries (电池)!
"We'll solve the problem and beat the other schools next time!"said the two boys.

6.A is popular in China.
7.How many robots are needed in a match?B
8.The third paragraph mainly talks aboutC.
A.a wonderful robot football game    
B.how robots can score more goals
C.the rules of robot football games   
 D.how robots can win the matches
9.Gao Linge lost the match for the reason thatA.
A.his robot ran out of power
B.he broke the rules of the game
C.he used Ying Xuehai's robot's parts
D.his robot happened to be out of order
10.Which of the following statements is TRUE?D
A.Gao Linge is as old as Ying Xuehai.
B.Ying Xuehai's robot was 8 centimeters tall.
C.Gao's and Ying's robots were both bought.
D.The passage doesn't tell us who won the final.
16.Senior citizens are permitted to travel cheaply on a bus if they have a special card.Women may get cards when they are sixty.
Mrs.Matthews lives in the country but she went into town once a week to buy food and other things for the house,and she usually went by bus.She always had to pay the full price for her ride.
Then she reached the age of sixty and got her senior citizen's card,but when she used it for the first time on the bus,it made her feel very old.
The bus driver had often seen her traveling on the bus before,and he notices that she was feeling unhappy,so after she had paid her money,he winked(眨眼)at her and whispered,"Don't forget to give your mother's card back to her when you see her again."
Mrs.Matthews was very happy when she heard this.

1.Senior citizens in the story refer toB.
A.those who have special cards
B.old people with special cards
C.those who want to travel cheaply
D.people holding high positions
2.Women over sixtyD.
A.have to pay their special card
B.don't have to pay for taking buses
C.have to pay the full price for their ride
D.pay less for their ride if they have a special card
3.How often does Mrs.Matthews go to the town?D
A.twice a week    
B.once a year   
C.every other week   
D.once a week
4.Mrs.Matthews felt unhappy on the bus becauseC.
A.she still had to pay for the tide    
B.the card wasn't hers
C.she felt she was now an old woman    
D.the driver whispered to her
5.The driver whispered to Mrs.Matthews becauseA.
A.he hoped to make her feel younger
B.he knew her mother was still alive
C.she did not pay money for taking the bus
D.she shouldn't have used her mother's card.
13.Many Chinese people have awakened their interest in classical Chinese poetry recently thanks to a popular TV show that aims to"appreciate classical Chinese poetry,explore cultural genes and enjoy the beauty of life"by combining traditional literary form with light-hearted TV quizzes.
The ten-episode"Chinese Poetry Competition",since its broadcast has been praised for injecting vitality (活力) into TV programs with fantastic performances of contestants,impressive comments from judges as well as its innovative interactive mode.In the show,poems can be adapted into songs or depicted (描绘) through artistic pictures.Any contestant who can memorize the latest number of poems may not necessarily be the final winner,while fast reaction and usage of poems matter a lot more in the competition.
Wu Yishu,a 16-year-old student from the High School Attached to Fudan University in Shanghai,is the champion of this season.Her rich knowledge of classical poetry impressed everyone and she rose to become famous online.In an earlier episode,Wu wowed the audience when performing in a section.She amazingly recited lines from the Classic of Poetry(《诗经》),the earliest collection of poems in China.
"Learning poems isn't about winning or losing.The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world."said Li Bo,an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry Competition's second season.
When it comes to teaching people about poetry,Li Dingguang,the show's academic advisor,suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetic(审美的)and emotional sides,and guide students to lose themselves in the poems,rhythmic and rhyming(押韵的)lines.
"Although the proportion (比例) of ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased,many students still learn them for exams."Li Dingguang said,"Therefore,it's important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry."

32.The TV show has been produced toD.
A.appreciate classical Chinese poetry and cherish our traditional culture.
B.shape people's view of life and develop their inner world
C.help students learn poems for exams
D.explore cultural genes and enjoy classical Chinese poetry and life
33.What do we know about the TV show?C
A.Only by memorizing as many poems as possible can a contestant win the quiz.
B.Poems can be adapted into any form of art in the show.
C.The TV show has aroused people's interest in classical Chinese poetry.
D.Fantastic performances of contestants matter most.
34.Which of the following may Li Dingguang agree with?A
A.The beauty of the poetry should be explained more from the aesthetic and emotional sides.
B.Students should memorize the poems'rhythmic and rhyming lines.
C.The main duty of teachers is to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry.
D.There will be more and more ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools.
35.The underlined word"wowed"in the third paragraph probably meansB.
12.Young mums shaping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston-month found themselves being questioned about their use of soap by students from Harvard Business School usually known as HBS.The students not doing minor jobs to earn beer money.They were preparing to help a firm in Brazil launch an antibacterial cleanser The 900 students arriving in Boston this summer for their two-year course were told that they would be sheets.They used to sit in a classroom and discuss case studies written by professors.Now they may also work in a developing country and launch a star-up film.
The new practical addition to HBS's curriculum is known as"FIELD"that stands for Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development.Fieldwork---ie,going out and talking to people---is a big change for HBS.
Not all the staff and students were overjoyed to be experimented on.But the man responsible,Nitin Nohria,head of HBS,says that"If it works,the FIELD method could become an equal partner to the case method."
What happens in the second year of the new course is still being worked out.But the first year has three elements.
First,team-building exercises.Students take turns to lead a group engaged in a project.They learn to collaborate (合作) and to give and take feedback.
Second,students will be sent to work for a week with one of more than 140 firms in 11 countries.Tins sort of structured learning-by-doing is a world away from HBS'S traditional encouragement of students to"go on an adventure"outside of classes.
In the third part of the course,students will be given eight weeks,and seed money of$3,000 each,to launch a small company.The most successful,as voted by their fellow students,will get more funding.The experiment does not come cheap,adding 5-10% to the course s cost,which HBS will bear while it figures out what works.

28.Why were the students questioning those young mums,according to the first paragraph?A
A.To prepare to help a firm to launch a product.
B.To earn some money.
C.To promote an antibacterial cleanser.
D.To make a study about soap,
29.According to the plan for the first year course,the studentsC.
A.will be led by a group and learn to give and take feedback!
B.will have to set up a small company and earn at least$3,000 within eight weeks.
C.will get more funding if his/her company is considered to be most successful by the fellow students.
D.will be sent to work with one of more than 140 firms throughout the country.
30.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.the FIELD method is better than the case method.
B.what happens in the second year of the new course will come out soon.
C.the main aim of the new course is to develop students'learning ability.
D.all the staff and students'don't support the new course.
31.What's the best title for the text?C
A.A New Course.
B.Ways of Learning.
C.Learning Business in Practice.
D.Launching a New Business.
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