15.Street art can be found on buildings,sidewalks,street signs and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris to New York City.This special kind of art can take the form of paintings,sculptures,cloth or even stickers.It has become part of a global visual culture.Now,even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists.
  It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement.This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world.Also,because it is illegal to paint on public and private property without permission,street artists usually work secretly.This secretive nature of street art and its countless forms make it hard to define exactly.And people have different opinions about the movement.Some think street art is a crime and destroys property.But others see this art as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.
  Many experts say the movement began in New York City in the 1960s.Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their"tag"on walls and train cars around the city.This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork.This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti (涂鸦).It is visually exciting and energetic.Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups.
  Graffiti also became a separate movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities.Graffiti art represented social and political rebellion (叛逆).This was art that rejected the accepted rules of culture and power.These artists could travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see.Sometimes this street art created a conflict between artists and city officials.Graffiti artists created their images and city officials quickly painted over them.
  During the 1980s,two New York painters-Keith Haring and Jean Michel began showing their work in art galleries and museums.This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture.
28.What can we infer from the first paragraph?A
A.Street art has become popular and is accepted as a kind of culture.
B.Street art is very special compared with other fo rms of popular art.
C.Many people are beginning to learn street art.
D.Street art is better developed in big cities than in rural areas.
29.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A."TAG"was a word created by people to distinguish street artists and the other artists.
B.There are three reasons explaining why it is hard to define the history of street art.
C.The movement of street art began in the 1980s in New York City.
D.All the people don't think that the street art is a rich form of cultural expression.
30.The city officials used to get rid of graffiti probably becauseB.
A.they caused arguments between people          
B.they were ugly in someone's eyes
C.they were not painted under proper guidance     
D.they didn't express traditional culture
31.Which is the best title of the passage?C
A.The Way to Become a Street Artist         
B.What Does Graffiti Art Stand For?
C.The History of Street Art Movement        
D.The Work of Street Artists.
14.Dear Ms.Wang,
  I am writing to inform you of some arrangements about my composition course and Latin course next year.
  I've decided to re-establish the 5-paragraph essay as the goal for the composition course.I interviewed some of my former students and they all agreed that being able to write critically and continuously was important to them.
  So next academic year,Term 1 will be like always:sentences to paragraphing.And Term 2 will work toward the 5-paragraph essay.The final 3 weeks of Term 2 will be reserved to introduce writing for TOEFL and CEE.By that time,if the students have done their job correctly,then they should be able to write quite well.
  As for the Latin course,I will post notices around campus next week so that the students will understand what's on offer before I actually introduce the course.A number of students already emailed me about the course.
  I am sure you don't understand what a big deal our opening this program at our school is.People around the world are interested in what we plan to do.There are many rewards available to the students who succeed in the course.Please share what I have sai d with the administration.I want them to understand the importance of this course.The reason I have contacted these colleagues (actually Oxford contacted me) is that I have confidence in our students and in myself.I know that when those professors meet our students and hear them speaking and reading Latin,they are going to be amazed.It will open all sorts of doors for students that they never even thought of knocking on.
  Well,that's it for now.I'll see you soon.
Edward Johnson21.According to the letter,what will Edward teach about writing in Term 1?C
A.Critical thinking.
B.5-paragraph essay.
C.Sentences to paragraphing.
D.Writing for TOEFL and CEE.
22.We can learn from the letter that Edward's Latin courseA.
A.has aroused students'interest           
B.enjoys a nationwide reputation      
C.has won a number of awards            
D.benefits anyone who takes it        
23.Why does Edward write this letter?B
A.To seek assistance from the administration.
B.To inform the school of his course plans.
C.To show his achievements in Latin.
D.To apply for the teaching position.
11.Fluency(流利) in another language is one of the most important aims of a newcomer to another country.In addition,understanding the culture and learning to communicate comfortably with people of that culture are as important as learning the rules of the language.Language learning and culture learning go together and may take a long time.?
  Sometimes people f eel that they understand a culture after a few weeks or months.People do learn a lot when they first begin living in another culture,but this is only the first stage of learning.It usually involves(含包) things like learning everyday activities and some basic customs.?
To really understand another culture,people have to go beyond the first stage,This is challenge because it is often difficult to know what to learn.Much of what we call"culture"is hard to see.
  Culture is like an iceberg(冰山).Picture in your mind a huge iceberg in the ocean.The only part of the iceberg that you see is the tip.You don't see the rest of the iceberg because it is hidden from sight in the water.It is easy to forget that it is there.Most of the iceberg is deep within the ocean,just as much of a culture is deep within its people.?
  When you meet someone from another culture,certain culture differences are obvious:You hear another language or you hear your own language spoken with an accent.You see different foods,clothes and sometimes physical characteristics of people.You observe new customs or habits,such as the use of chopsticks,and,bowing or kissing on both cheeks as a greeting.These differences are interesting and important,but they are usually not too difficult to understand.They are visible so they are seen easily and quickly.?
  The part of culture that is like the underwater part of the iceberg consists of assumptions(设想),communication styles,values,and beliefs about what is right and wrong.The hidden part of culture affects much of a person's way of thinkin g and communicating.It is the meaning behind his or her verbal (言语的) and nonverbal language.Learning to communicate well with people from another culture involves becoming aware of the hidden part of cultur e.
32.What's the subject of this passage?A
A.Learning about culture.
B.Language learning.
C.The hidden part of the iceberg.
D.Fluency in another language.
33.What is learning about culture?D
A.Learning the hidden part of the iceberg,which is underwater.
B.Learning everyday activities and some basic customs.
C.Learning the culture of an iceberg.
D.Learning the visible as well as the hidden differences of culture.
34.What's the writer's opinion?C
A.Communication styles can be easily seen and learned.
B.Language learning is more important than culture learning.
C.Learning about culture is not easy and may take a long time.
D.People usually learn a culture after a few weeks or months.
35.The underlined phrase"consists of"can be replaced by"B".
A.lies in        
B.is made up of       
C.agrees with        
D.is different from.
10.It's summer movie time again.And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen.Check out our list of four films that look most promising to young audiences.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Release Date:June 4
Story:It's the summer before Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts.A dangerous murderer,Sirius Black,has escaped the Wizards'Prison.And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.
Around the World in 80 Days Release Date:June 16
Story:This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout (Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan),a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer,Phileas Fogg.Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.
Spider-Man 2Release Date:June 30
Story:Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual identity as the crime superhero Spider-Man.He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane,meanwhile,his Aunt May has fallen on hard times.A ne w villain,Dr Otto Octavius,has appeared to cause more troubles.
King Arthur Release Date:July 7,
Story:King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire.Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful,brave Guinevere,Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams.
25.According to the passage,if you want to see a film whose lead ing actor is Jackie Chan,you will see the film onD.
A.June 4    B.June 7    C.June 30    D.June 16
26.In Spider-Man 2,Aunt May's trouble is caused byC.
A.Peter Parker          B.Mary Jane     C.Dr Otto Octavius    D.Spider-Man
27.Which of the following films is set in ancient Britain?B
A.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 
B.King Arthur
C.Spider-Man 2
D.Around the World in 80 Days.
Personal Robot
Make your parents and teachers happy!
Are you having problems finishing your homework on time?Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you?You don't need to worry if you buy a Mr.Helping Hand personal robot.Mr.H can be programmed to organize your homework.Your own personal robot will follow you around,putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.
Mr.H also has these features:
●weighs only 500 grams
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This is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!
▲acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.
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▲sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.
Besides,your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!
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For further information,click here.
21.With help from a Mr.H,you canB.
A.stop using batteries                   B.finish your homework on time
C.remember your teachers instructions    D.get your room tidied on your way home
22.A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you toD.
A.repair your TV                           B.organize your homework
C.be a James Bond                          D.know what the weather is like
23.You can get your Mr.H forB.
A.﹩499                B.﹩299              C.﹩199                   D.﹩
24.Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?C
A.On a notice board.
B.In a company brochure.
C.On a teenage website.
D.In a college newspaper.
7.You can get a lot from being healthy.Everyone needs to take time to exercise.There are lots of ways to improve your health without having to join a gym.Here are some tips on how to better make use of your free time while staying healthy.
By keeping physically active,you're making sure that your joints (关节) and body organs (器官) are kept in good working order.Exercise can also help keep your weight at a healthy level and can protect you against catching coughs and colds.Other benefits (好处) are an increase in your energy level and brain activity.Knowing that you're looking and feeling good can also increase your self-confidence.
    If you're under 18,you should try to do a total of 60 minutes of physical activity every day.This includes anything from taking the lift at the gym to walking up stairs.If you're over 18,it's at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week.
    Getting fit isn't all about gyms-some forms of exercise don't cost you any money,and most forms can easily be used in your busy lifestyle without having to find some special time in your day.Such as riding a bike to school,college or company,and even running on the playground a few times a week can improve your fit level.
    Getting fit isn't just something you have to do by yourself.Playing team sports like football,or basketball is great exercise,and it is often more enjoyable because you're playing with a group of friends.

21.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?C
A.What benefits one can get from taking exercise.
B.How much exercise one should take.
C.What time of the day is suitable for exercise.
D.What kinds of exercise one should choose.
22.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?A
A.One can exercise outside th e gym.
B.The disadvantages of exercising at the gym.
C.Riding a bike is a good way to keep fit.
D.How to keep a busy lifestyle.
23.Using which kind of exercise can you have more fun and keep healthy at the same time?B
A.Taking the lift at the gym.
B.Playing football.
C.Riding a bike to school.
D.Running on the playground.
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