13.[1]We all know eating out can be a lot of fun.There's the experience of having someone wait on your every need,the social aspect of being in a restaurant with friends and,of course,the great benefit of the lack of in-home cleanup.
[2]We all also know eating out can be expensive,and I'm pretty sure college isn't the most financially successful time in a normal person's life.That's why eating at home for a majority of meals really is the only option for many college students.
[3]Eating at home doesn't have to be dull,boring,or difficult.It can and should be an energetic,creative experience that transforms the way you look at food.When you cook for yourself,you know exactly how your pasta(意大利面) is going to turn out.You know where the greens in your salad come from.You know the olive oil you're using really comes from olives that are pressed for the first time.Use eating at home as an opportunity to learn and develop your kitchen skills.I promise you they will remain useful and rewarding for the rest of your life.
[4]Another important concept is to keep in mind that when it comes to shopping for food-less quantity,more quality.Buy base ingredients that are fresh,as local as possible and beautiful,and anything you cook will improve greatly.I promise you will be just as satisfied by eating a little bit less of something with a lot more quality.
[5]I am not saying eating out is a bad thing.But I insist there are many more places that are not worth your cash.Put a little more effort into cooking for yourself at home and you will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.

76.List three benefits of eating out according to the text.(no more than 20words)
①The waiters can wait on you.②You can stay with your friends.③You don't have to do the clean-up.
77.Complete the following statement according to Paragraph 2.(no more than 4words)
Many college students have to eat at home because offinancial problems/(a) lack of money.
78.What's Paragraph 3mainly about?(no more than 7words)The advantages/benefits of eating at home.
79.What advice is given concerning shopping for food in Paragraph 4?(no more than 4words)Less quantity,more quality.
80.Do you like eating at home?State your own reasons.(no more than 20words)Yes,I will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food..
12.All of us communicate with one another non-verbally,as well as with words.We gesture with eyebrows or a hand,meet someone else's eyes and look away,shift positions in a chair.These actions we assume are random and incidental.But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensive as language.
Every culture has its own body language,and children absorb its difference along with spoken language.A Frenchman talks and moves in French.The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it.In talking,with a future-tense verb,Americans often gesture with a forward movement.
There are regional idioms too.An expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation.Your sex,moral background,social class and personal style all influence your body language.
Usually,the wordless communication acts to qualify the words.What the non-verbal elements express very often,and very efficiently,is the emotional side of the message.When a person feels liked or disliked,often it's a case of"not what he said but the way he said it."Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has come up with this formula:total impact of a message=7% verbal+38% gestural+55% facial.
Experts in kinesics-the study of communication through body movement-are not prepared to spell out a vocabulary or gestures.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something.But there are other possible interpretations,too.Another example:When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man's eyes a little longer than is usual,it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a challenge to the professor's authority; or it can be something else entirely.The experts look for patterns in the context,not for an isolated meaningful gesture.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.What idea does the author aim to convey in paragraph 2?Every culture has its own body language.
82.Besides moral background,sex,social class and personal style are the other three factors affecting people's body language.
83.From Albert's formula,we learn that the body languageplays a more(most) important role in communication.
84.What can you conclude from the examples given in paragraph 5?The same body language/gesture has different meanings./The same body language/gesture can be given several interpretations..
11.From bankers to factory staff,employees in the west face the bleak prospect (暗淡的前景) of losing their jobs as a global recession (衰退) starts to bite.For colleagues in the East the pain is more likely to come through a pay cut.
Human resource experts say cultural differences explain why Asian firms try harder to keep jobs in difficult times,which will stop unemployment and may help keep Asian economies afloat at a time of slowing exports.
The East Asian attitude may also make it easier for firms to recover quickly from the economic downturn since they will not need to rehire or train new staff,leaving some experts predicting Western shift to Eastern flexibility.
"In the Confucian (儒家的) attitude,the right thing to do is to share the burden.There is the sense of collective responsibility whereas (然而) in the West,it's more about the individual survival,"said Michael Benotlel,associated professor of organizational behavior at Singapore Management University.
Steven Pang,Asian Regional Director for Aquent,a headhunting firm,said in many East Asian companies there was a responsibility"to take care of the members of the family and go through the pain together"even if that meant causing losses.
US firms from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by the thousand.But at the Asian units of Western multinationals,job cuts will probably be less severe.
Japan's jobless rate was 4percent in September,up from 3.8percent in January,while Hong Kong's was flat at 3.4percent.But US unemployment is expected to have jumped to 6.3percent last month from below 5percent in January.
Experts say that while there are noticeable differences in labor practices in East and West,the gap will narrow as more firms become more multinational and competition forces firms to adopt the best practices of rivals (对手) from abroad.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.What caused the different practices of Asian and Western firms facing the global recession?The cultural differences between the East and the West
82.Why is it easier for the East Asian firms to recover quickly from the economic downturn?Because they needn't rehire or train new staff./Because they won't/don't need to rehire or train new staff
83.Firms in the west would lay off workers when facing a bleak prospect because ofthe individual survival.
84.More firms becoming more multinational and competition will make the differences in East and West less noticeable.
A.considered     B.overlooked     C.particular     D.languages     E.primary
F.survival       G.preserving      H.extremely     I.frequently      J.disappearing
"True creativity often starts where language ends."----Arthur Koestler
The net plays another,more active,role on the linguistic(语言学的)front,A role that is(41)frequentlyoverlooked by many people who believe English victory is on the go.Since the advent (来临) of World Wide Web,many minority(42)languages,those spoken by single nations or ethnic groups,have enjoyed a dramatic upsurge(急剧上升)in vitality.Many such tongues were (43)considered endangered just a decade ago.Late-century mobility and economic currents were taking more and more speakers out of their communities and away from fellow speakers.Languages were (44)disappearing at an alarming rate.
Like biological extinction,linguistic extinction is a serious loss for all of humankind.Languages are some of the (45)primary ways people maintain their culture and are crucial to understanding other cultures.When fewer and fewer people share a (46)particular language,it may die,and when it does,part of our collective human culture dies with it.
Surprisingly,though,the Internet has become a valuable tool for (47)preserving endangered languages.Speakers of these languages not only have been particularly active in putting up web pages in their various languages,but also in mounting (配置)(48)extremely effective,large-scale dictionary and language-learning projects online.There is no reason why minority languages cannot live together with a common social language like English.Indeed,the Internet offers more hope for their(49survival than they have ever known before,especially as translation tools become more effective.
9.As you get older,it feels like time tends to move faster.As Dan Ariely explains over at The Wall Street Journal,we tend to fall into familiar routines (25)as/when we age and that makes time move quickly.
We perceive time as something like a stack of memories,so the less new experiences you have,the (26)less likely(likely) you are to fill in those memories with interesting things.
Time does go by (or,more accurately,it feels as if time is going by) more quickly,the older we get.
In the first few years of our lives,anything we sense or do is brand new,and many of our experiences are unique,so they remain firmly in our memories.But as (27)the years go by,we encounter fewer and fewer new experiences-both because we (28)have accomplished(accomplish) a lot and because we are slaves to our daily routines.
For example,try to remember (29)what happened to you every day last week,chances are that nothing extraordinary happened,so you will be hard-pressed to recall the specific things you did on Monday,Tuesday,etc.
What can we do about this?Maybe we need some new app that will encourage us to try out new experiences,point out things we've never done,recommend dishes we've never tasted and suggest places we've never been.Such an app (30)could/canmake our lives more varied,encourage us to try new things,slow down the passage of time and increase our happiness.
(31)until/if such an app arrives,try to do at least one new thing every week.It's not too difficult to push (32)yourself/yourselves/ourselves to do new things.
8.[1]The year 2008 has one extra day in it-February 29th.Well,it actually takes the planet Earth a little more than 365 days to revolve completely around the sun.After four years an extra 24 hours have accumulated so an extra day is added to the calendar.
[2]It is called a leap year because hundreds of years ago in England,the extra day wasn't legally recognized.The British just leapt over that day.Therefore a year with 29 days in February is consequently called a leap year and that 29th day is sometimes called Leap Day.If you are born on 29th February in a leap year,there are difficulties in celebrating your birthday.So people tend to celebrate on either 28th February or 1st March every year.
[3]There is a well-known tradition in the UK associated with 29th February,introduced many centuries ago.Women are allowed to break with tradition and propose (求婚)to their boyfriends on this day.This all started back in the 5th Century,when a famous Irish saint,Bridget,complained to Saint Patrick,another famous Irish saint,that women had to wait too long for men to propose.
According to the legend,Saint Patrick said any female longing for a proposal could ask their boyfriend to marry them on this additional day in February.
[4]Now in 2008,there are calls for 29th February to become a public holiday.Some people believe that it should be an official day off,because no one gets paid for working in a leap day.For the moment though,the British still have to go to work on this day.

76.How long does it take the planet Earth to revolve completely around the sun?(no more than 9 words)365 days and 6 hours
77.What does the word"them"(Line 6,Paragraph 3)probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)females/women/girlfriends
78.Should a leap day be a day on or off?Give your reason.(no more than 18 words)
I think it should be officially off because no pay is given for that day's work
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)You may wonder why./Why does this happen(come about)
80.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 8 words)The year 2008 has one extra/more day..
7.Dancing is part of the human experience,like music and storytelling.These (1)Bwere probably invented together.After all,dancing is a way to tell a story to music.
Scientists say that animals dance,too,but their dancing is (2)D.The"dances"of animals have a(n)(3)A.They send messages to other animals about important phys ical(4)Asuch as hunger,or desire.But when people dance,they express many different(5)C love,joy,anger,and sadness.They also tell stories about people,places,life,or death.By dancing,people can share these feelings or (6)D with others.
All dances are good for you.For one thing,they're good for you(7)D.Dancing is good exercise.It makes you (8)Byour arms and legs,and it makes your heart work.It's an enjoyable way to keep (9)Cor to lose weight.
Besides,dancing makes you feel better about yourself.It gives you a chance to express your feelings.If you are angry or upset about something,it makes those feelings (10)CYou'll probably feel relaxed and happy afterwards,although you may also be (11)A.And if you are a quiet or fearful kind of person,dancing can help you be more (12)D.When you are dancing,you can (13)Byourself and your fears.
And finally,there's another important point about dancing.It's a(n)(14)Bactivity Some dances are for two people,and some are for(15)ABut all kinds of dances give you a chance to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.

4.Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!
When I was a senior in high school,I (36)C knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career.
Writing had basically(37)Dme when I was only 7years old,(38)Dsince that time,I'd been bombarded by guidance counselors and career planners who all (39)A me to have"a back-up plan"in case writing didn't work out.
I'd never even (40)Ca different career path,so I was very (41)B and worried.After much thought,I decided (42)B would be my"back-up plan,"and I signed up for a class through my high school.
This (43)A that every morning,I would serve as a teacher's helper for my favorite 6th grade teacher,Mr.Ralston.Morning after morning,I showed up in Mr.Ralston's classroom and(44)C papers for him.
Sometimes,I even (45)D a lesson or two.It was fun,and the students seemed to like me,so I was surprised when it came time for my (46)B.Mr.Ralston looked me right in the eyes and asked,"Do you really want to teach?"
"Had I really been that (47)A?"I thought.
"Don't misunderstand.You'll do fine in teaching,"he continued."But,is your(48)C really in it?"
"Not really,"I (49)C."I want to write.I want to write news stories and fiction and poetry and so much more…but I've been told it's tough to make it as a writer (50)D I thought maybe I would teach and then use my summers(51)D to pursue writing."
As I shared with Mr.Ralston my hopes,dreams and carefully plotted-out back-up plan,he smiled and said,"Why are you preparing to (52)A with this back-up plan?If you want to be a writer,go for it!Pursue writing!"
Mr.Ralston's (53)A to follow my dreams was the little nudge I needed to help me push past my (54)B of not making it as a writer and simply"Go for it!"
That's what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love in (55)Cseason.So,let's try and be like Mr.Ralston and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a difference in someone's life today.

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