18.About a month ago,while in the drive through at Starbucks,I noticed a woman in a car behind me who appeared to be having a bad day.There were two kids in the back who seemed to have too much(1)Dat 8am on a Sunday morning,because they were shouting loudly.The(2)Amoved slowly and at one point while I was pulling the car forward,the sad woman behind me(3)Amy car.I could tell this(4)Cher.The entire time that I waited in line for my coffee this woman didn't(5)B.
Looking back at her I could tell she was wondering"Why me?Why today?"When I(6)Aup and paid for my coffee I requested that the barista(咖啡吧员) of Starbucks give the woman behind me a smile card and paid for her coffee.
Just 30minutes later I was again(7)Bin line at Starbucks.I heard a slam of a car door but thought nothing of it.I was(8)Dwhen the same woman came up to my driver's side window.She(9)Ame a twenty-dollar bill and the same smile card I had given to her.She smiled and said,"These are for you.You are the(10)Bone who gave these to me(11)C,right?All I need you to do is ask the barista to give the(12)Bback to me."It was amazing!It was as if this woman had been waiting to show her(13)Dfor what I had done!
When she got back into her(14)Ctoday she was all smiles.I could tell she had the same feeling as I had on that early Sunday morning.It was nice to have my coffee paid for,but what made me feel even better was seeing the happiness and smile on her face.
As I pulled out of the drive-thru,she waved and yelled out,"Have a(15)Dday!"I yelled back"You too!"and waved her goodbye.

17.American Way of Life
Throughout their history,Americans have been people on the move.The early immigrants had to travel to get to the New World.Once they arrived,they settled along the East Coast.But they weren't content to stay there.(71)C Later,settlers moved west to develop these new areas.As a result of this westward migration,Americans eventually occupied the whole continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific.Even today,Americans seem unable to stay in one place.Research says that the average American
moves every five years.
Besides their habit of changing addresses,Americans are used to traveling.Some people go to work daily in long-distance places.(72)FMost companies provide an annual vacation for their employees,and people often use that time to travel.Some people just visit friends or relatives in distant states.Others go on low-budget weekend outings and stay in economy motels.Those with more expensive tastes choose fancy resorts and hotels.(73)GSome travel in vehicles to camp out in comfort while others"rough it"by sleeping in tents.
(74)BWhy?For one thing,it's cheaper than traveling abroad and there's no language problem.Besides,America offers plenty of tourist attractions._75_ Nature lovers can enjoy beaches,mountains,canyons,lakes and a wealth of natural wonders.As it is,the convenience of modern freeways,railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.
    A.Families often plan their trips with the kids in mind.
    B.Most Americans prefer to travel within their nation's borders.
    C.Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western areas.
    D.Major cities offer visitors large quantities of urban delights.
    E.Many people ask traveling agencies to plan the trip for them.
    F.Their jobs may even require them to take regular business trips.
    G.For adventurous people,camping out in the great outdoors is appealing.
14.You want your essay to be the one that is passed around the admissions office-or not.It's a little bit like the difference between being famous and infamous.
We all know that a truthful,well-written essay that shows how the student has matured is sometimes shared among admissions staffers.(36)ESo how do you make your essay famous instead of infamous?
Here are some basic tips to avoid that infamous essay:
●Avoid the generic(概括的)and get specific.Don't write that you're"fully-developed"or that"many people have impacted"you.(37)G
●Don't repeat information that is elsewhere in your application.(38)D It is important for  the student to use every opportunity to show who they are and impress the admissions office.
●(39)C If you have gone through difficult circumstances,you should share your story.But don't blame others.It's important to show perseverance(毅力).A better essay will talk about how you have dealt with and overcome the obstacles you came across.
●Don't talk about rankings.Many students love focusing on the numbers when they are writing their"why this college"essay.(40)A Obviously schools are aware of their rankings.They want to know why you want to attend.

A.They believe they are praising the college by mentioning the fact that the college is highly ranked.
B.It also shows the reader that you are thinking about his or her appreciation of your writing.
C.Don't complain.
D.For example,it is not necessary to share your participation level in your essay.
E.But I'm guessing that there are a lot more essays that produce laughter and gasps of"not again".
F.Don't try to cover everything in an essay.
G.Tell the reader what you've done,how you've been influenced,and by whom.
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