1.I moved from Chicago to Brooklyn in July of 2010,just in time to watch my mother die.Our parents were both gone now; I took with me as many things they had left behind as I could.
I was out walking one Saturday later that summer when something caught my eye-a pale green dress.Laid out on the pavement was stuff like earrings,glass candle-holders,books.Hanging on the fence behind were a few pairs of jeans and a green cotton dress.
The woman,the host of the stoop (门廊)sale,looked like she was getting rid of a past she didn't need or want.A dress that was too big for her.A chest of drawers that took up too much space,space she needed,maybe,to heal,recover,or grow.
I wasn't planning on buying anything really,but now I needed to show her that I appreciated her things and I would give them a safe home.Then I had my first stoop sale-I paid her 20dollars for her green cotton dress and her blue candle-holder.
From that day on,I became interested in stoop sales.Some of my favorite things are from someone else's life.I find no joy in shopping at regular stores any more.I love trying to sniff out a memory from a bud vase or a drawer.It is comforting to know that someone has breathed and laughed inside a sweater before me.
A few weeks ago,I carried my mother's dresses to a friend's stoop.These were her best items,which were once worn by the most important person in my life.For many hours,I watched from across the path people advancing the stoop,some leaving with Mom1S dress.I used to think that her stuff was as forever sacred (神圣的)as my memory of her,I know now that once I love a scarf or shirt too dearly,it needs to find a new home.Even that green dress is long gone by now.

31.The author took her mother*s dresses after her death becauseA
A.she valued the things used by her mom
B.she didn't want to throw them,away
C.she could sell them later
D.they were her mom's best items
32.From the passage,we know thatB.
A.the things the author bought from the woman are too big
B.the author is fond of imagining others'life experiences
C.the author will never shop at regular stores any more
D.the author still keeps most of her mom's things
33.In the last paragraph,the author tries to tell us thatD.
A her mom is the number one person in her life
B.she didn't really want to sell her mom's dresses
C.she still thinks of her mother quite often
D.love doesn't mean holding on to something tightly
34.It can be inferred that the author willB.
A.not sell her own things at stoop sales
B.keep her mom in her mind in another way
C.be sad about all the memory of her mom
D.move to another city for a new life.
17.When University of California-Berkeley released a study this month showing alarmingly high teacher turnover (人员流动) rates at Los Angeles charter (特许) schools,I wasn‘t surprised.
That's not shocking news at local charter schools.It‘s just that the study reminded me of something I'd observed many times,starting with my niece.
Bright and cheerful,my niece longed to teach high-needs children.She started out in the San Francisco public schools,where she was assigned to the district‘s toughest elementary school.Fifth-graders threw chairs across the room-and at her.Parents refused to show up for conferences.
She wasn't willing to deal with this level of indifference and teacher abuse,so she switched to a highly regarded charter elementary school in the Bay Area where she poured her energy into her job and it showed.Her students‘test scores were as high as those in a nearby wealthy school district,despite the obstacles these children faced.
By her fourth year,however,my niece was worn out,running out of the energy it took to work with a classroom of sweet but deeply needy children who begged to stay in her classroom when it was time to leave.The principal‘s offer of a $10,000raise couldn‘t stop her from giving notice.She went to work at that wealthy school district next door-for less money.
Over the years,I've met many teachers who have a passion for their work at charter schools,only to call them the next year and find they‘ve left.The authors of the Berkeley study hold the belief that the teachers leave because of the extraordinary demands:long hours,intense involvement in students complicated lives,continual searches for new ways to raise scores.Even the strongest supporters of the reform movement acknowledge that raising achievement among disadvantaged students is the most challenging task.
It‘s unlikely that we can build large-scale school reform on a platform of continual new demands on teachers-more time,more energy,more devotion,more responsibility-even if schools find ways to pay them better.
This is the bigger challenge facing schools.We need a more useful answer to the Berkeley study than-Yeah,its really hard work.

50.Why wasn‘t the author surprised at the problem?C
A.She had been informed of the problem by her niece.
B.She had participated in the Berkeley study.
C.She had noticed the phenomenon repeatedly.
D.She had been warned of the problem by the media.
51.What can we learn about the students in the public school the author‘s niece taught?B
A.They were clever and cheerful.
B.They were not disciplined.
C.They were indifferent to each other.
D.They were forced to learn by their parents.
52.The author‘s niece left the charter elementary school in the Bay Area becauseC.
A.her hard work and devotion didn‘t pay off
B.her work was not well received by the children
C.the demanding work made her exhausted
D.the mean principle offered her a low salary
53.Which of the following is probably the most difficult for teachers?A
A.Raising disadvantaged students‘scores.
B.Frequent involvement in students‘lives.
C.Indifference from students‘parents.
D.Long working time and much energy.
54.What is the author's comment on the current school reform movement?B
A.It will have a positive impact on education.
B.It tends to be unsuccessful.
C.It will make teachers more motivated.
D.It demands more fund to meet the challenge.
16.Playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers took them for granted.This is especially true among children from wealthy families and communities.They have the resources needed to organize and (21)Dsports programs to make sure that there is easy (22)Ato participation opportunities.Children from (23)Bfamilies and communities,however,are less likely to take organized youth sports for granted.They often (24)Dthe resources needed to pay for participation fees,(25)C,and transportation to practices and games.(26)C,their communities do not have enough resources to build and (27)Asports fields and facilities (设施).
Organized youth sports (28)Bappeared during the early 20th century in the United States and other developed nations.They were originally developed (29)Dsome educators and developmental experts (30)Athat the behavior and character of children were (31)Cinfluenced by their social (32)Band everyday experiences.This (33)Dmany people to believe that if you could organize the experiences of children in (34)Dways,you could influence the kinds of adults that those children would become.
This (35)Bthat the social surroundings greatly influenced a person‘s overall development was very (36)Ato people interested in progress and reform in the United States (37)Dthe beginning of the 20th century.It caused them to think about (38)Bthey might control the experiences of children to produce (39)Cand productive adults.They believed strongly that a great democracy (民主国家) depended on responsibility and that a (40)Aeconomy depended on the productivity of workers.

25.A.sightseeingB examinationC.equipmentD.schooling
26.A.In shortB.In allC.In additionD.In brief
15.Teddy Bears have been a very popular children's toy for many years.Most adults can remember their first stuffed bear,and over the decades these toys have become nearly a symbol of their childhood.However,children are not the only ones with whom these toys have become popular,as many adults make it a habit to collect these toys as well.
The Teddy Bear first became popular during the early 20th century and was associated with then President Theodore Roosevelt.The story can date back to a hunting trip that president Roosevelt had taken where he was invited to be the one to shoot a black bear that had been tied to a tree.Being a crazy outdoors lover and hunter,Roosevelt refused to kill the animal because he believed that shooting the helpless bear was unsportsmanlike and wrong.This story quickly spread through newspapers across the country,and in the end inspired the introduction of a stuffed toy (填充玩具) called"Teddy's bear".
These toys became popular soon after first introduced,and within ten years,they were being produced by dozens of companies around the world.Within a generation,these stuffed bears were"the"toy to have,and have always been within children's toy boxes ever since.
They are most often mass-produced in factories in order to keep up with the high demand. However,there are still companies that take great pride in their handmade designs; and while handmade teddy bears are often preferred,they are also generally more expensive than their mass-produced ones.
Today,these bears and other similar toys generate well over a billion dollars a year in profits for the companies that make them.Walk through just about any toy store in America and you will find dozens of different teddy bears lining the shelves.

64.According to the passage,we can know President RooseveltD.
    A.didn't like hunting                 B.enjoy being special
    C.was not brave enough                D.was fair and respectable
65.Compared with mass-produced teddy bears,the handmade onesC.
    A.don't sell well                      B.are of high quality
    C.are more expensive                   D.are preferred by adults
66.From the last paragraph,the writer intends to showA.
    A.teddy bears are very popular             B.toys are loved by many companies
    C.producing toys can earn more money       D.teddy bears are also enjoyed by adults
67.What is the passage mainly about?B
    A.History of the Teddy Bear.           B.A popular toy-Teddy Bear.
    C.Who made the first toy bear?D.Profits Teddy Bear has made.
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