8.Did you see American figure skater,Jeremy Abbott,crash to the ice during the short program at the Sochi Olympics,rolling into the wall,clutching his side in pain.Ten seconds later,he got up and continued his skate-despite the pain,embarrassment and fear.All I could think was:this kid's got courage.In business we have a word for it-resilience,the ability to gain strengths and confidence from overcoming unpleasant events.
However,opposite examples appeared in Sochi Olympics as well.For them,failure is someone else's fault,because they do not accept personal responsibility.Therefore,they have to pay a high price for this attitude.After years of studying failure,I have learned one thing:modesty and open-mindedness in the face of mistakes is the single best thing you can do to improve results.Everyone fails,but not everyone recovers from failure.The key is to learn from it rather than get beaten by it.
The good news is that each of us has the potential to live a resilient life on and off the job.It may be difficult,but that just makes it all the more powerful and important.If you believe the above paragraph to be true,then you're probably more resilient than you think you are.It takes confidence to be resilient but that too much confidence is a killer is so true of leadership.For example,Ron Johnson,the ill-fated CEO of JC Penney,was so stubborn that he completely missed all sorts of signals from employees and customers and instead listened to all those who agreed with him,which failed his strategy.Bouncing back from failure requires that you recognize something has gone wrong,and you were the one who made it happen.
The challenge of resilience is not just about our work.When parents help their kids deal with every challenging situation,they are doing an unhelpful action to their children.Parents want to protect their kids from failure,but doing so takes away the opportunity from them to practice not just a life skill but an essential work skill.When self-esteem becomes more important than results,we are accidently training young people to become less adaptable,not more.
Resilience is not just about getting up off the floor,but also being ready for whatever comes next,even when you don't know what it is.Failures and setbacks are no longer unusual events,but regular features of a dynamic,competitive and highly demanding work environment.Getting up to finish your skate is no longer optional.

67.The example of Jeremy Abbott shows that one shouldA.
A.recover from failure                   
B.stick to his own viewpoint
C.take others'opinions to heart            
D.challenge difficulties bravely
68.According to the author,what can best build up resilience?C
A.Being positive and powerful.
B.Being competitive and helpful.
C.Being modest and open-minded.
D.Being confident and responsible.
69.Which of the following examples shows us resilience?D
A.A teacher offers students timely help and care.
B.A determined athlete practices skating hard every day.
C.A confident leader persuades his staff to follow his plan.
D.A student has got a low grade but continues to work hard.
70.Which might be the best title for the passage?B
A.An Example of Resilience:Ron Johnson       
B.Resilience:A Lesson from Sochi
C.Optional Challenges of Resilience            
D.Resilience in Family Education.
7.Sharing Beauty
It was in October.I was aimlessly wandering down the street,heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset.I had an urge to speak to someone on the street to share that beauty,but it seemed everyone was in a hurry.
I took the next-best action.Quickly I ducked into a department store and asked the lady behind the counter if she could come outside for just a minute.She looked at me as though I were from some other planet.She hesitated,and then seemingly against her better judgment,she moved toward the door.
When she got outside I said to her,"Just look at that sunset!Nobody out here was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone."
For a few seconds we just looked.Then I said,"God is in his heaven and all is right with the world."I thanked her for coming out to see it; she went back inside and I left.It felt good to share the beauty.
Four years later my situation changed greatly.I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage.I was alone and on my own for the first time in my life.I lived in a trailer park which,at the time,I considered a real come-down,and I had to do my wash in the community laundry room.
One day,while my clothes were going around,I picked up a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in similar circumstances.She had come to the end of a marriage,moved to a strange community,and the only job she could find was one she disliked:clothing sales in a department store.
Then something that happened to her changed everything.She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset.The stranger had said,"God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,"and she had realized the truth in that statement.From that moment on,she turned her life around.

56.The author asked the woman to go outside toA.
A.admire the sunset     
B.cheer her up     
C.offer some help     
D.have a chat
57.Four years later,the authorB.
A.found her dream job                    
B.put an end to her marriage
C.worked in a laundry room                
D.lived in the same community
58.After reading the article in the magazine,the author was probablyC.
A.disappointed     B.puzzled     
C.inspired         D.overjoyed.
6.She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall.No way could I have sent her away.No way,not me anyway.Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before."We're moving house.""No space for her any more with the baby coming.""We never really wanted her,but what could we have done?She was a present."People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal.And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.
I called her Goldie.If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name.She was so unsettled during those first few days.She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her.There was nothing I could do to make her happy,it seemed.Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's.But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down.Always by my side,whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.
That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk.We were a long way from home,when she started barking and getting very restless.Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.
By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie.But when I saw her licking the four puppies I started to feel sympathy towards them."We didn't know what had happened to her,"said the woman at the door."I took her for a walk one day,soon after the puppies were born,and she just disappeared.""She must have tried to come back to them and got lost,"added a boy from behind her.
I must admit I do miss Goldie,but I've got nugget now,and she looks just like her mother.And I've learnt a good lesson:not to judge people.
65.How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house?B
66.In her first few days at the author's house,GoldieA.
A.felt worried    
B.was angry           
C.ate a little        
D.sat by the fire
67.Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because sheD.
A.saw her puppies             
B.heard familiar barkings
C.wanted to leave the author      
D.found her way to her old house
68.The passage is organized in order ofA.
A.time         B.effectiveness        C.importance           D.complexity.
2."Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity,"said the American talk show host Oprah Winfrey.I've never watched her show,but when a self-made billionaire gives life advice it's probably worth listening to.
Her point is that blind luck is very rare.You may have to be lucky to find a good job these days but that does not mean you should sit at home waiting for the opportunity to come to you.If you're a Chinese,you may already be familiar with the tale of a farmer waiting by a tree stump (树桩) for a rabbit to run out and break its neck.
A book by the UK psychologist Richard Wiseman,called The Luck Factor,argues we can all make ourselves luckier.It's not about going to a temple to burn some incense (香) in hopes that the gods will give you good fortune; it's practical advice you can follow each day.
Wiseman conducted an experiment as part of his studies.First he divided volunteers into two groups:those who said they were lucky in life and those who said they were not.He gave everyone a newspaper and asked them to look through it to count how many photographs it had inside.On average,the unlucky people took about two minutes to count the photographs while the lucky people took just seconds.Why?On the second page of the newspaper,a command,"Stop counting.There are 43 photographs in this newspaper,"was written in big letters.The unlucky people mostly did not spot the message.
It's easy to compare this situation to a young person looking for jobs in a local paper.They might search so hard for one type of position that they miss an even better opportunity.People who are"lucky",in fact,keep an open mind and don't go through the same routine every day.
I first came to China in 2002 when it was considered a rather strange thing to do.Like many foreigners,my plan was to teach English for one year.Seven years later,and still here,I've had many great opportunities such as writing for newspapers and magazines.I did not dream these would have been possible.I've also never been sick,had an accident,got into a fight or had problems with the police.Coincidence?After reading about Professor Wiseman's studies I think not.
As Wiseman advises,I usually trust my own judgment.Your friends and parents may give you advice based on rational thinking,but it's important to consider how you feel about each choice you make.Your feeling acts as a warning for a potential problem.
Finally,try to turn bad luck into good.Even if you do fall down and break a leg,the time spent at home can be used wisely to study English.
57.Which of the following proverbs most agrees with the writer's point?A
A.Make the best of a bad job.
B.Rome was not built in a day.
C.All is not gold that glitters.
D.A good heart conquers ill fortune.
58.What do you know about Oprah Winfrey?D
A.She became famous through her family background.
B.She was very lucky and seldom suffered setbacks in her life.
C.She is a British talk show host.
D.She became successful by her own effort.
59.The writer quoted the Chinese tale of a farmer in order to showC.
A.luck is in your own hand       
B.bad luck can turn into good
C.you should not sit at home waiting for the opportunity to come to you
D.man can conquer nature
60.From the experiment,Wiseman drew the conclusion thatC.
A.lucky people are quick-minded            B.unlucky people are slow to read
C.lucky people often have an open mind     D.unlucky people are more creative.
1.In the city of Fujisawa,Japan,lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki when she was a teenager,she(21)Cof going to the United States.Most of what she knew about American(22)Bwas from the textbooks she had read."I had a(23)Cin mind:Daddy watching TV in the living room,Mummy(24)Acakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend."
Atsuko(25)Bto attend college in California.When she arrived,however,she found it was not her(26)Bworld.'"People were struggling with problems and often seemed(27)A"she said."I felt very alone."
One of her hardest (28)Cwas physical education."We played volleyball."she said."The other students were(29)Bit,but I wasn't."
One afternoon,the instructor asked Atsuko to(30)Dthe ball to her teammates so they could knock it(31)Cthe net-No problem for most people,but it terrified Atsuko.She was afraid of losing face(32)Bshe failed.
A young man on her team(33)Dwhat she was going through.He walked up to me and(34)D"Come on.You can do that".
"You will never understand how those words of(35)Bmade me feel..Four words:You can do that I felt like crying with happiness."
She made it through the class.Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is not(36)D.
Six years has passed.Atsuko is back in Japan,working as a salesclerk."I have(37)Aforgotten the words."she said."When things are not going so well,I think of them."
She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness(38)Dto her."He probably doesn't even remember it,"she said.That may be the lesson.Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind---you have no idea how long the words will(39)B.She's all the way over in Japan,but still she hears those four(40)Cwords:You can do that.
29.A.curious aboutB.good atC.slow atD.nervous about
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