1.A.restore B.recall C.processing D.previously E.necessary F.locating G.instead H.fascinating I.elsewhere J.composition
As infants,we can recognize our mothers within hours of birth.In fact,we can recognize the (41)Jof our mother's face well before we can recognize her body shape.It's (42)Hhow the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age,especially since we don't learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old.By the time we are adults,we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000faces.How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to (43)Bsuch a simple thing as a phone number?The exact process is not yet fully understood,but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes(44)Efor facial recognition.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in (45)Fa specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA),which is used only for facial recognition.This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars,is from(46)I in the brain.Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place.It had been(47)D thought that we only needed to see certain facial features.Meanwhile,research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process,but (48)Ginvolves three steps.The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person's face,which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries.In the next step,the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us.And finally,the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at.This complex (49)C is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations.
12.If you feel anxious socializing with people,doing good deeds may help you relax.
Scientists have found that keeping busy with acts of kindness can help people mix more easily with strangers instead of trying to avoid them.Their study could help people who feel fearful in the company of others feel better in social situations such as parties,for example.
(36)A,people who suffer from social anxiety miss out on the support gained from having relationships with others and typically have fewer friends.
Canadian researchers from Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia in Canada studied 155students who said they experience high level of social anxiety.
(37)C.One group performed good deeds,such as voluntarily washing up friends'dishes or donating to charity.(38)E,while the third group carried on with life as normal.
(39)G.And the new study showed that participants in the group who actively led a helping hand also experienced a reduction in their desire to avoid social situations.
"Using this technique may work especially well early on while participants expect positive reactions from others in response to their kindness,"said researchers.

A.By avoiding social situations
B.You might have been there before
C.They were randomly divided into three groups.
D.But researchers believe that good deeds can lead to more good deeds.
E.Another was exposed to good deeds but didn't perform any themselves
F.Researchers say that good deeds help with feelings of possible anxiety and   pain.
G.Performing acts of kindness to help others is already known to increase happiness.
11.Learning English Video Project
1.Encounters in the UK (17 minutes)
Encounters in the UK is the first film in this documentary mini-series.It tells the story of four girls from different countries who travel  to Cambridge in England to study English and stay with local families in what is called a"homestay"arrangement.For the four girls the homestay arrangement is a positive experience.As one of the homestay hosts explains:"It's going to be a great experience,not only in terms of learning English,but in learning about life."
Watch with:subtitles|transcript|no subtitles|Comments
2.Stories from Morocco (16 minutes)
Set in Casablanca,Morocco,this film features footage and interviews focusing on key questions such as"Why are people learning English?"and"What tips and advice can learners offer?"Staff and learners discuss the  advantages and challenges of English language learning in Morocco.Interviewees touch on a variety of topics including British vs.American accents,multi-level classrooms,and the similarities of English to French and Spanish.
Watch with Subtitles|Watch without Subtitles|Comments
3. Thoughts from Brazil (17 minutes)
Like Insights from China,Thoughts from Brazil also looks at modern trends in learning English,especially for children and teens.It will be of particular interest to all those who long for a learning experience that is more interactive and communicative.Teens and young adults will find new ideas for combining  personal interests such as music,gaming and social media with self-study.As Daniel Emmerson talks to learners and teachers of English in Sao Paulo,Brazil,he discovers that many of them have found for themselves the principle of learning by doing and have readily adapted it to the Internet era.
Watch with Subtitles|Watch without Subtitles|Comments
69.From the passage we can conclude that"Learning English Video Project"is most probablyC.
A.an online language learning course          
B.audio documents on language learning
C.a series of short video programs                     
D.a set of films on English-speaking countries
70.If someone is interested in the comparison between English and other languages,he might be interested to watchB.
A.Encounters in the UK                           
B.Stories from Morocco
C.Thoughts from Brazil                            
D.Insights from China
71.What can we know about English learning in Sao Paulo,Brazil?D
A.Classroom teaching is more interactive and communicative.
B.Homestay arrangement provides positive experience for learners.
C.The Internet and games plays a major role in language learning.
D.The principle of learning by doing is widely accepted by learners.
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36.This advertisement aims at calling on people toC
A.attend full-time universities
B.work part time to further their education
C.improve their education at home to get better jobs
D.earn their degrees in different ways that suit them
37.Which of the following is NOT clearly mentioned in this advertisement?B
A.The way how you will get your degree.
B.Tuition price.
C.The hot fields you will be preparing yourself for.
D.The length of time it will take you to get a degree.
38.What does the writer of this ad intend to say by naming General Electric.IBM,Ford,etc.?C
A.To show that their training is widely used in the country.
B.To show that the training program is fully supported by famous companies in the U.S.
C.To prove the value of their training in every area.
D.To show the importance of getting recognized by the most famous companies.
39.It seems to the writer that the greatest attraction for people to take their training isC.
A.its convenience
B.the degree's nation-wide recognition
C.the economic benefit it will bring about
D.the hot fields the training will help people to enter
40.How many ways are mentioned in the ad for people to get in touch with the Harcourt Learning Direct?D
8.Our grand China tour will show you a different China!
    But you are required to present a US passport when entering China.For some imlportant information on how to apply for a passport,see the following forms.
★You have never been issued a US passport or
★You are under aged 16 0r
★You were under 16 when your previous passport was issued or
★Your most recent US passport was issued more than l 5 years ago or
★Your most recent US passport was lost or stolen or
★Your name has changed since your previous US passport was issued.
NOTE:If the above statements do not apply to you,you can apply for a US passport by mail!
    Read and understand Steps l and 2 before leaving this page.
STEP l:Complete and Print Form DS-1l
★If completing Form DS-II  online,print the completed form using'black ink on one sided
★lf completing Form DS-II  by hand,make sure that all the information is complete and
correct.The form should be filled in black ink.Do so legibly or the application processing timemay be delayed.
NOTE:Form DS-II  can be obtained from your local Passport Agency,
    STEP 2:Submit Completed Form in Person
You must submit Form DS-II and other required documents in person at a Passport
Agency,Form DS-11 may not be submitted by mail.
You should make an appointment to be seen at a Passport Agency only if:
★The US passport is needed in less than 2 weeks for international travel.'
★The US passport is needed within 4 weeks to obtain a foreign visa.
  Call the National Passport Information Center to make an.appointment or visit a Passport
   If you are overseas and need to apply for or renew your US passport,please follow the
instructions in Tips for Americans Traveling Abroad.

36.What is most probably talked about before this passage?B
A.International travel information.
B.An introduction to a journey to China.
C.The great chaIloes happenjng in China,
D.Matters needed to be dealt with after going to China.
37.You can apply for a US passport by mail if youC.
A.have never had a US passport before
B.got your'most recent US passport 17 years ago
C.were I7 when you received your previous passport
D.changed your name after getting your passport last time
38.Before'submitting Form  DS-Il,you shouldA
A.fill in all information on the form
B.fill the form in either black or blue ink
C.print the form on both sides of the paper
D.connect the local agency by telephone first
39.Ifyou want to get the passport within halfa.month,you shouldD.
A.not Day a visit to Passport Agency
B.be an adult of more than 18 years old
C.offer to present your foreign visa to a Passport Agency
D.call the National Passport Information Center or visit a Passport Agency
40.What does the underlined word"Iegibly"mean in English?A
7.The China Daily newspaper group is looking for English-language senior business editors,senior copy editors,copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team.We offer a competitive salary package,accommodation with furniture paid for 90 percent,medical reimbursement(报销).a seven-day paid leave,eleven-day public holidays and a return ticket to the country of residence.
Senior Business Editor
You must:
(1)Assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;
(2)Be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed;
(3)Ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership intends;
(4)Have had at least five years'editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software.
Senior Copy Editor
You must:
(1)Work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
(2)Edit or rewrite copy and give smart headlines and captions;
(3)Have had at least two years.'editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.
Copy Editor
You must:
(1)Be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing smart headlines and captions;
(2)Be able to work on shifts for different pages,and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
(3)Have two years of editing experience working on copy desks,and be familiar with industry software.
Graphic Designer
You must:
(1)Have excellent skills in information graphics;
(2)Be good at illustrations and freehand drawings;
(3)Be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts;
(4)Have a good sense of typography(活版印刷术);
(5)Have good new judgment;
(6)Be fluent in English.
For enquiries or to apply,write to job@chinadaily.com.cn.

36.What is the purpose of this passage?D
A.To describe the positions of the China Daily newspaper group.
B.To tell you how to become part of this group.
C.To describe the working conditions of the China Daily newspaper group.
D.To advertise for employing some good employees.
37.What is not required about Graphic Designer?B
A.Be expert in Photoshop.
B.Writing smart headlines and captions.
C.Have excellent skills in information graphics.
D.Having a good sense of typography.
38.How many positions need editing experience?C
39.Which can be the best title of the passage?A
A.China Daily:New Employees Wanted
B.China Daily:Newspaper
C.China Daily:An International Team
D.China Daily:The Best Working Condition
40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The employees have the right to enjoy eleven-day public holidays.
B.The workers there can enjoy a seven day-leave without pay.
C.Free accommodations are available to the workers.
D.The senior business editor's only job is to help the business editor to set goals.
6.There are many good online universities available.If you are considering this option for getting your degree,don't forget to check out this gem.Rather than give the standard sales pitch I will list the top reasons that I chose Western Governor's University for my master's degree.
Lower tuition(学费)
    The tuition is lower than comparable online schools.Each term is six months long,giving me more time to complete the requirements for the term.In addition,if I finish early and still have time left in my term,I can do a part-time job to earn enough money for me schooling.I find this option to be very cost-effective.
Flexible courses.
     If I have learned enough either through life experience,on the job training,or in class,I can take the exam and skip the other course.For example,I learned a great deal about special education law from working in the field,attended conferences,and took classes for my second bachelor's degree.1 was able to take the test,and pass,thus finishing the class quickly and focusing on other areas where I needed more studying time.
Personal support
    I have a mentor assigned to me.My mentor is my contact person for questions and support.I get calls on a regular basis.We talk about where I am in my studies,what my next steps are,and any question I may have.I also have the online Communities where I can go on the discussion with my schoolmates when I have questions.
Respected degree
    I checked with the State Office of Education to find out if this was a good way to go.I learned that a degree from Western Governor's University Was a respected degree that is considered comparable to a degree from a traditional brick and mortar(灰泥)university.
    I am nearly finished with my degree from Western Governor's University.I gain confidence in my abilities,and I am very happy with my decision.

36.From this passage we learn that Western Governor's UniversityD 
A.is a key American university     
B.attracts a great number of students
C.is a brick and mortar university   
D.is a good online university
37.How can the author get enough money for his schooling?B
A.He depends on his family's support   
B.He does a part-time job to pay for it.
C.He studies hard to get scholarship.  
D.He has a good job and a good pay.
38.We can infer that the authorA.
A.had received a bachelor's degree        
B.Hover went to university before
C.wanted to study special education law   
D.only studied the courses he liked
39.How does the author get in touch with his mentor?B
A.He calls his mentor at regular time.
B.His mentor calls him at regular intervals.
C.He calls on his mentor every few days.
D.He often talks with his mentor online.
40.The author writes the articleC.
A.in order to let others know his studies and dream
B.in order to cause others to like online universities
C.to use his experience to praise his university
D.to show what he chooses is always right.
5.Why buy a new car when you can improve the one you have with the latest technology?Here are two new methods that will not only make life behind wheel more comfortable but may also end up saving you money.
WI-FI on Wheels
 It's not enough that children complain
about having nothing to watch on television.
These days,they even complain about having
nothing to watch in the car.Fortunately,for
every unsatisfied youth,there is a new
technological solution:Wi-Fi Internet access 
for the back seat of your vehicle. 
   In the United States,Chrysler is the first
to offer such a system,which turns any
Chrysler or Dodge into a Wi-Fi hotspot,Called
UConnect,the  499 dealer-installed option is a
high-speed cell-like Internet connection with a
wireless router that sits in your car's trunk(行
李箱).Monthly service costs  29 for Internet
access,which is available to any device that
has Wi-Fi and is within 100 feet of your car.
With UConnect,passengers can check
emails messages on a laptop,send instant
messages to friends or watch YouTube videos
online.It allows passengers to search for
movie listings on a smart phone or connect a
Sony PSP video game player to the Web.It
also offers the ability to freely upload photos
from a Wi-Fi-equipped digital camera to an
online sharing service like Flickr.
For critics who claim that putting Wi-Fi
Internet access in a car feeds the danger of
driver disfr2K;(ion(分散注意力),parents may
well disagree:What's more distracting,the
temptation to check email or a lot of children
talking to you from the back seat?
             Watch Your Back    
Blind spots behind cars and SUV's make
backing up dangerous as well as potentially
deadly for children.Nationally,the group Kids
and Cars estimates that two children a week
are killed by cars backing up.The  
Transportation Department  is  establishing
visibility standards for future vehicles,but
there's no need to wait.   
    A back-view back system can be an 
expensive option in a new car.In the 2008  
Subaru Tribeca,for example,the back-view
camera option is available only in connection
with the inner navigation system,at a price of 
 2,400.And professionally equipped systems
can cost  400 0r more.However,there are 
now inexpensive back-view packages you can
help yourself,such as the  130 Audiovox
ACA250 Wireless Vehicle Rear Observation
System.It includes a camera that increases on
a back license-plate holder and grasps onto a
vehicle's backup light.It can send a back-view
image to a small L.C.D.Monitor that can be
carried  into  electronic  equipment  and
increased on the dashboard(仪表板).
Audiovox claims the camera housing is
not afraid of dust.In some areas where radio
waves are p4ntiful,the image can be affected
by occasional interference,but the picture,
with its wide 110-degree camera point,is good
enough to see things or children behind you.
46.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.DIY methods for your car.
B.The importance of putting internet access in your car.
C.The way of putting a back-view system.
D.How to save money in your life?
47.What's the parents'attitude to the safety concern of car Internet access?C
A.They agree with the critics'opinion.
B.They consider it a great danger for driving.
C.They think.that talking with children is more dangerous.
D.They believe it unnecessary to have car Internet access.
48.What's the potential danger for children?B
A.Electronic equipment.               
B.Backing-up car.
C.Earphones behind the wheel.         
D.Highway engine failure.
49.How cart the back-view package see the back of the car?A
A.With a camera onto the side of backup light.
B.With an inner navigation system.
C.With a dashboard.
D.With a cell phone.
          Dibea  Smart Vacuum Cleaner(真空吸尘器)  X500
Product Operating
Battery storage and charging
1.Place the charging home base
Note:Put the charging home base against the wall and remove obstacles around it.
2.Charge the robot in either way as shown below:
A.Plug into an outlet(插座);
B.Press the HOME button on the main body or on the remote control to make the robot return to the charging home base to charge itself.
A.Turn on the power switch at the bottom side before charging the robot.
B.When the robot is charging,the display panel(仪表板) will show 1111,and repeat from the right to the left.
C.When charging is finished,the display panel will show FULL.
D.When the robot is charging,do not make the robot start working.
3.Auto charging
The robot will automatically return to the charging home base when cleaning is done or the battery is low.
Note:Please keep the charging home base plugged in.If not,the robot is unable to auto charge.
Starting up/Pause/Sleeping
1.Starting up
A.Make sure the power switch is on;
B.Press the CLEAN button on the main body or on the remote control to start cleaning.
Note:If the robot is in the sleeping mode,press the CLEAN button to wake the robot up from the sleeping mode.Then press CLEAN for a second time,the robot starts cleaning automatically.
To turn the robot from the cleaning mode to a selected mode:
A.Press either button among PLAN,SPOT,CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body;
B.Press the CLEAN button on the remote control.
Note:When the robot is paused,press CLEAN to make the robot restart cleaning.
To turn the robot from a selected mode to the sleeping mode:
A.If no command is received,the robot will turn to sleep automatically after 20seconds;
B.Keep pressing CLEAN on the main body for 3seconds.
Note:If not using the robot for a long time,please turn the power switch off.
You can schedule to let the robot start cleaning from a certain time.
For example,if you set 6:30on the robot,the robot will start cleaning after 6hours and 30minutes every day until the power switch is turned off.
A.Once the power switch is turned off,all the scheduling will be cancelled.
B.Once certain time is scheduled,the robot will always work according to the setting.
Virtual(虚拟的) wall use
The virtual wall is used to prevent the robot from entering off-limit areas.For best results,place the virtual wall on outside of the doorway you want to block.The virtual wall can create a bunch of light,with largest range reaching 4meters.
1.After the batteries are installed,turn on the power switch.
2.Put the virtual wall where you want it to work.
Note:Turn the power off when not using the virtual wall.
70.Which of the following steps can be omitted if you want the robot to charge itself automatically?A.
A.Press the HOME button on the remote control.
B.Clear up the place around the charging home base.
C.Turn on the power switch at the bottom of the robot.
D.Put the charging home base against the wall and plug it in.
71.If it's 9:45PM now and you want the robot to start cleaning at 8:00AM tomorrow,you should setB on the robot.
A.13:45 B.10:15 C.8:00 D.1:45
72.If you want the robot to start cleaning right now,you canC.
A.keep pressing the CLEAN button on the main body for 3seconds
B.press either of PLAN,SPOT,CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body
C.turn on the power switch and press the CLEAN button on the remote control once
D.press the CLEAN button on the main body once when the robot is in the sleeping mode
73.The virtual wall is designed toA.
A.limit the robot to a certain area 
B.prevent the robot from bumping into walls
C.stop the robot from reaching 4meters
D.create a bunch of light outside the doorway.
 0  135998  136006  136012  136016  136022  136024  136028  136034  136036  136042  136048  136052  136054  136058  136064  136066  136072  136076  136078  136082  136084  136088  136090  136092  136093  136094  136096  136097  136098  136100  136102  136106  136108  136112  136114  136118  136124  136126  136132  136136  136138  136142  136148  136154  136156  136162  136166  136168  136174  136178  136184  136192  151629 

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