Over 40 years ago, a country music DJ convention(大会) was held every year in Nashville, Tennessee. Many country performers used to attend the convention to give their performances. Fans would go to Nashville hoping to see their favorite performers. In the end, so many fans began showing up in Nashville that a festival named Fan Fair was born.

The first Fan Fair was held in April 1972, in Nashville for four days. Some of the country music’s biggest stars attented. There were about fifty thousand fans. The first Fan Fair was so successful that planning began almost immediately for 1973. The date was changed to June, when the weather would be better. Over one hundred thousand fans attended the second Fan Fair.

Every year brought so many performers and fans to Fan Fair that, in 1982, it was moved to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. Fan Fair stayed at the fairgrounds for another nineteen years.

There was always the unexpected during the festival. In 1974, former Beatle Paul McCartney attended. In 1992, more than six hundred reporters cover the appearance of a popular star, Billy ray Cyrus, who had introduced a new country line dance. In 1996, Garth Brooks, who made a surprise appearance, signed autographs(签名) for 23 hours.

In 2001, Fan Fair returned to downtown Nashville as the world’s biggest country music festival. Now, over one hundred and twenty-five thousand country music fans go to Nashville every June. As you can imagine, those who want to attend Fan Fair must plan ahead. For example, they need to buy a ticket several months ahead of time. Of course, there’s much more to prepare.

1.According to the text, Fan Fair _______________.

A. has a history of more than 50 years.

B. lasts almost half a month every year.

C. Is a time when country music lovers get together

D. is the most important music festival in America

2.The second Fan Fair _____________.

A. was held in the spring of 1972

B. was more popular than the first one.

C. was moved from Nashville to the fairgrounds.

D. was attended by former Beatle Paul McCartney

3.The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to ___________.

A. show why Fan Fair has been popular

B. introduce three famous musicians

C. explain how Fan Fair started

D. ask people to attend Fan fair

4.What will the author probably talk about next?

A. Education in Nashville. B. Music in America

C. Advice for fans. D. The future of country music.

Celebrating her first day as an adult on July, 12,2015, 18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize- winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift- giving---a girls’ school for Syrian refugees( 叙利亚难民) in Lebanon.

“ I call on leaders of all the countries all around the world that we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Malala Yousafzai said in a speech “ on behalf of the world’s children.” She made it an international conference. When she was 15 in the year 2012, Malala yousafzai was shot on school bus on her way home after school and seriously wounded by some gunmen of the Pakistani Taliban for advocating girls’ education. After recovering ,she continued her advocacy, which led last year to her becoming the youngest Nobel winner ever.

Malala told Reuters that she chose to open the school in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley “ because I believe that the voices of the Syrian refugees need to be heard, and they have been ignored for so long. We must help them to get education. It is my responsibility to set up some schools for children there.”

More than a quarter of the estimated 4 million on Syrians who have fled the country’s civil war are gathering in Lebanon, including about 500,000 school-age children. They have no opportunities to go to school.

Malala Yousafzai set up Malala Fund shortly after she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Since then she has done a lot of work to raise money for the education of poor children all around the world. The school, near the Syrian border, can hold up to 200 girls aged14 to 18. The school was paid for by Yousafzai’s non-profit Malala Fund. On that day, all the students in the school shared the birthday cake and sang songs, bringing the Nobel winner to tears.

1.What do you know about Malala Yousafzai?

A. She is a middle school student.

B. She is a teacher in Lebanon.

C. She makes gifts for Syrian refugees.

D. She is a Nobel Prize winner.

2.What happened to Malala when she was 15?

A.She was shot by some gunmen.

B. She suffered from a terrible disease.

C. She made a speech in an international conference.

D. She set up her first school for girls.

3.What did Malala choose to do after she won the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. To fight in the civil war in Syria.

B. To protect Syrian refugees.

C. To open some schools for Syrian children

D. To teacher Syrian children in a school.


Do you want to be fair as a parent? If so, then you should take the following tips into consideration.

Make an effort to really understand what is going on in your child’s mind. Before you want to punish your children or make a new rule, take the time to think about how this will influence them. 1.

Lisen to your children. Listening to your children can help to show them how muchyou care. 2. Still, make sure you can give your children the time they deserve and really hear them out.

Know that being fair doesn’t mean treating all of your children equally. One of your children may be much more outgoing than the other, or one may be shyer than the other. 3. . So pay attention to what your children really need and give that to them.

4. . If you want to be a fair parent, you have to let them know how much TV time they get, what you expect them to do in school, and any chores they must complete daily .And more importantly, you have to make your children do as they’re required to.

Work on doing as you say so that your children can see your rules are worth listening to. If you tell your kids to clean up while leaving your kitchen a mess. Then they’ll be confused and will think that you’re sending a wrong message. 5. .

A. Every child is unique and different.

B. Say sorry if you’ve made a mistake.

C. So don’t forget to be a good role model.

D. Allow your children to express themselves.

E. Make the rules of your family clear.

F. Of course, there may be some days when you’re just too tired to listen.

G. It is only fair that you consider how they might feel before taking action.

For many people, leisure time is an opportunity to get outdoors, have some fun and meet interesting people. Add two pieces of advanced 21st century technology — global positioning system (GPS) devices and the Internet — to get “geocaching”.

The word geocaching comes from “geo” (earth) and “cache” (hidden storage). Geocachers log onto a website to find information about the location of a cache — usually a waterproof plastic box containing small items such as toys and CDs — along with a notebook where “finders” can enter comments and learn about the cache “owner”, the person who created and hid the cache. Finders may take any of the items in the cache but are expected to replace them with something of similar value. They then visit the website again and write a message to the owner.

Geocaching became possible on May 1, 2000, when a satellite system developed by the U.S. Department of Defense was made public. Using an inexpensive GPS device, anyone on earth can send a signal to the satellites and receive information about their position. This is basically a high-tech version of orienteering, the traditional pastime which uses maps and compasses instead of GPS to determine one’s location.

Geocachers are a very considerate group. Owners carefully choose a cache’s location to give finders an enjoyable experience, such as a beautiful view or a good campsite. They also consider the environmental impact of their cache since it could result in an increased number of visitors to an area. As for the content of the caches, owners and finders must only use items that are suitable for the whole family, as caches are found by geocachers of all ages.

1.According to the passage, geocaching is __________.

A. an outdoor leisure activity

B. a new type of technology

C. a game used to teach geography

D. a program to protect environment

2.How can finders learn about the cache owners?

A. By meeting them. B. By going to a website.

C. From the notebook. D. From the satellite.

3.Which of the following is NOT used in geocaching?

A. A GPS device. B. A compass.

C. A plastic container. D. The Internet.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Most geocachers are adults.

B. Any item can be placed in the caches.

C. The caches should be put in a remote place.

D. Geocachers try to avoid damaging the environment.

As a child, visiting the zoo was more a punishment than a treat. I didn’t find the chimps’ tea parties funny, nor the bird shows entertaining. Feeding time for seals was less painful, but their performances still seemed like they belonged more in a circus.

And I hated circuses, especially the animal acts — men teasing lions, girls balancing on elephants and monkeys playing football. I knew that every trick a circus animal did was unnatural, achieved through strict training and quite possibly cruelty.

Happily, during my lifetime public attitudes and the law have changed. Circuses using wild animals are now almost extinct, and zoos have definitely evolved.

When my children were young, I occasionally took them to our local zoo. The elephants were in tiny cages and the gorillas looked bored as they sat peeling bananas and staring at teasing visitors. Each cage had a sign which listed the animal’s name and where it came from. But, back then, there was little information included about the environmental challenges they faced.

As a result, environmentalists and animal lovers often oppose zoos. “Animals belong in the wild,” is a common — and understandable — complaint. But what do the animals themselves prefer?

Generally speaking, zoo animals have a longer life. But — you may protest — they are not free. What? Free to be hunted and killed, free to die of hunger or thirst? Maybe sitting in a cage eating bananas isn’t so bad.

Not that such conditions are acceptable in modern zoos, due to the work of BIAZA, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. These days every zoo requires BIAZA’s approval to operate, and the association sets the standards, observes conditions in zoos and develops animal-research programmes, both in the UK and abroad. BIAZA also organises the animal exchanges between zoos all over the world.

Consequently, today, most zoo animals are born and raised in zoos, live in large, comfortable enclosures and are cared for by well-trained, knowledgeable and caring zoo employees. Of course it’s no substitute for living in the wild but unfortunately this isn’t always possible. Meanwhile, why not visit your local zoo and decide for yourself?

1.The passage is mainly about __________.

A. how zoos have improved

B. whether a zoo should be closed down

C. a new environmental organisation

D. the difference between zoos and circuses

2.From Paragraph 2, we can guess that the writer believes circus animals __________.

A. had much shorter lives than those in the wild

B. were not treated well by their trainers

C. should have been placed in zoos

D. were not as intelligent as those in zoos

3.Which of the following roles are performed by BIAZA?

A. Organising animal study projects and training zoo workers.

B. Checking zoo conditions and arranging animal exchanges.

C. Designing zoos and approving zoo operations.

D. Caring for ill animals and setting zoo standards.

4.Which of the following statements about zoos would the writer agree with?

A. Zoo animals should be freed into the wild.

B. Zoos are more popular now than in the past.

C. Zoo animals are more restricted than in the past.

D. Zoos now provide caring living conditions for animals.


Since the day of its birth, the United Nations has been the subject of much debate. 1.

Others think that it is too weak. We can better understand this debate if we learn more about the U.N. and its history.

The U.N. was started for two reasons. First, when the idea was born, people all over the world were tired of war. They felt that there must be peaceful answers to the world’s problems.


The second reason was that modern science had developed new bombs and airplanes. 3.

National borders were beginning to lose their meaning. Science would develop even more dangerous weapons in the future. Only an international organization would be able to control modern science.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President at the time, believed that the Allies (联盟) should plan for peace before the war ended. On December 1, 1943, Roosevelt, Britain’s Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin from Soviet Union agreed to start an organization for world peace. 4.

During the next year and a half, the idea of such an organisation was debated around the world. Then came the big day. On April 11, 1945, the first international meeting of the United Nations took place in San Francisco. The goal of the meeting was to write the U.N. Charter (宪章). All of the fifty-one nations at the meeting had their own ideas to offer for the Charter. 5.

Every nation present voted for the Charter. No one voted against it.

A. After a long debate, a final Charter was agreed upon.

B. The U.N. Charter is a beautiful piece of writing.

C. They asked all countries, large and small, to join the organization.

D. Even the smallest country on earth can have its voice heard.

E. They also felt that only an international organization could keep world peace.

F. These weapons made it almost impossible for a country to defend itself.

G. Some people attack the organization because they think it is too powerful.



I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my ________ formed a thick fog in the air. The biting wind was making me

________ . I was fed up! I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had ________me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my ________ in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs (一串面包屑) in the forest showing me the way ________ .

I stopped and listened to my ________. I could ________ the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious ________ . The once-green tree ________ which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a ________ blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spider’s web shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breath was like silky soft ________ floating up into the freezing cold air.

Suddenly there was Mum, ________ handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately ________ my heart.

“Here you are, Jo. This will keep you ________ ,” she said as she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and ________ her cheek against mine.

I slowly took a mouthful of the hot ________ and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava (熔岩) ________ down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not ________ . My breath warmed, and I was ________ fed up or cold. I was happy and ________ .

1.A. sweat B. breath C. tears D. words

2.A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold D. tired

3.A. forced B. forbidden C. allowed D. needed

4.A. shadow B. image C. shoes D. footprints

5.A. up B. inside C. home D. there

6.A. surroundings B. whispers C. heartbeat D. mind

7.A. see B. hear C. feel D. smell

8.A. chocolate B. drink C. bone D. snowball

9.A. roots B. branches C. trunks D. leaves

10.A. colourful B. shabby C. plain D. white

11.A. ice B. rain C. smoke D. light

12.A. finally B. cheerfully C. gradually D. unwillingly

13.A. melted B. impressed C. broke D. stopped

14.A. calm B. alive C. warm D. awake

15.A. raised B. felt C. dropped D. pressed

16.A. soup B. liquid C. meal D. cup

17.A. flowing B. walking C. jumping D. squeezing

18.A. damaged B. abandoned C. frozen D. worn

19.A. either B. sometimes C. no less D. no longer

20.A. surprised B. contented C. determined D. warm-hearted

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