
I was 14 years old. I was angry and rebellious, with regard for anything my parents had to say, if it had nothing to do with me. Like so many , I struggled to escape from anything that didn’t my picture of the world. A “ brilliant without need of guidance” kid, I rejected any obvious of love. In fact, I got angry at the of the word “love”.

One , after an extremely difficult day, I into m room, shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bed heavily. As I lay down in the privacy of my , my hands placed under my pillow. There was an envelope. I pulled it out and on the envelope it said, “To when you’re alone.”

I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not. So I opened it. It said,“Mike,I know life is right now, I know you are frustrated and I know we don’t do everything right. I also know that I love you and nothing you do or say will ever change that. I am here for you if you ever need to talk. If you don’t, that’s also . Just know that no matter where you go or whatever you do in your life, I will always love you and be that you are my son. I’m here for you and I love you-that will never .love you Mom.”

Every night as I went to bed, I would put my hands under my , and I remember the I felt every time I got a letter. During my teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I still could be loved my anger and rudeness. Just before I fell I became grateful that my mom knew what I, an angry teenager, needed.

1.A. little B. all C. full D. high

2.A. seldom B. sometimes C. currently D. particularly

3.A. families B. adults C. people D. teenagers

4.A. hang up B. lift up C. agree with D. deal with

5.A. attempt B. offer C. request D. advice

6.A. risk B. proposal C. mention D. point

7.A. night B. day C. morning D. afternoon

8.A. slipped B. stormed C. sank D. slid

9.A. bed B. floor C. closet D. chair

10.A. answer B. seal C. read D. tear

11.A. If B. When C. Though D. Since

12.A. serious B. awful C. amazing D. exciting

13.A. entirely B. gently C. heavily D. personally

14.A. impossible B. terrible C. right D. okay

15.A. nervous B. sorry C. proud D. sure

16.A. last B. change C. happened D. start

17.A. pillow B. book C. desk D. door

18.A. relaxation B. sadness C. relief D. thrill

19.A. in spite of B. instead of C. ahead of D. in need of

20.A. ill B. down C. silent D. asleep

Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think what you think they think you think. The mental process(过程) is similar. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.

The great mathematician John von Neumann was one of the founders of game theory. In particular, he showed that all games fall into two classes; there are what he called games of 'perfect information', games like chess where the players can't hide anything or play tricks; they don't win by chance, but by means of logic and skills. Then there are games of 'imperfect information', like poker, in which it is impossible to know in advance that one course of action is better than another.

One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse Business, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors(因素), which would even puzzle (困惑)best poker players. But few business people find it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess, not poker.

1.The subject discussed in this text is _________.

A. the process of reaching decisions

B. the difference between poker and chess.

C. the secret of making good business plans

D. the value of information in winning games

2.An important factor in a game of imperfect information is ___________.

A. rules B. luck C. time D. ideas

3.Which of the following can be used in place of "Quite the reverse" in paragraph 3?

A. Quite right. B. True enough.

C. Most unlikely. D. Just the opposite.

4.In the writer's opinion, when making business decisions one should ___________ .

A. put perfect information before imperfect information

B. accept the existence of unknown factors

C. regard business as a game of chess

D. mix known and unknown factors

Roughly half of college students will have some degree of depression at some point during their time in school. Even more startling, 6.2 percent of college students surveyed in 2012 considered suicide and 1.3 percent attempted it, according to an American College Health Association study released this spring. If you’re feeling depressed on campus, you may find the following tips helpful.

Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins – chemicals that produce an overall positive feeling within the body, which fight depression naturally. Mental health experts claim that exercise is a solution to those feeling mild or moderate depression. However, for those severely depressed, simply doing sports is not enough.

Use school counseling services: Campuses don’t employ mental health experts simply to throw thousands of dollars down the drain. Their job is to help students, so experts recommend you use them. Most students, however, are hesitant to take a trip to their college’s counseling center, fearing being laughed at by peers. As a result, some schools like Texas Christian University, are testing students for mental health problems when they get sick and visit the campus health clinic.

Take advantage of technology: Staying in touch with family members and friends from childhood and high school has become easier than ever with the coming of Facebook and video chat services like Skype. While mental health experts insist that it’s important to make friends in your new environment and be involved in the college community, it’s also significant to keep in touch with the people you knew before college.

Go to sleep: Following a fairly regular sleep pattern can defend you against depression. In college, many students’ sleep patterns are irregular thanks to late-night studying and partying, which is harmful to their mental health. Research strongly suggests that sleep is the key to learning and memory formation.

1.According to the passage, physical activity __________ .

A. is regarded as the best way to fight depression

B. contributes to the release of endorphins

C. can’t help the seriously depressed students

D. improve people’s ability to learn and memorize

2.It can be inferred from the 3rd paragraph that __________ .

A. employing mental health experts on campus is a waste of money

B. students with mental health problems can’t get on well with others

C. going to college’s counseling center for help requires a lot of courage

D. sick students in Texas Christian University must take psychological tests

3.Taking advantage of technology is encouraged because it ____

A. enables students to get involved in college life

B. helps students stay in contact with others

C. offers students a way to make new friends

D. provides a way to avoid getting bored

4.which of the following can NOT help one reduce depression?

A. Taking exercise regularly every week

B. Chatting with old friends with Skype

C. Turning to mental health experts for advice

D. Holding parties deep into the night to relax

You may have heard of the American Dream, an ideal that has powered the hopes of Americans for generations.

It began as a belief that the US was a land of opportunity, and that anyone could achieve success through hard work. At times, the dream has referred to home ownership, a good job, retirement security or each generation doing better than the last.

Yet today, this concept seems to have greatly changed. As Time magazine pointed out, quite different from the older generation, many Millennials (the generation born after 1980) redefine(重新定义) the American Dream as “day-to-day control of your life”. They “prize job mobility, flexible schedules, any work that is more interesting than typing, and the ability to travel”, said the magazine.

Home ownership, once the cornerstone of the American Dream, is becoming a smaller priority for this generation. Meanwhile, nearly 40% of them choose travel as part of their dream. And entrepreneurship(创业) is a rising favorite, as nearly 26% of Millennials consider self-employment as part of their dream.

So what has led to this huge change?

Many point fingers at the poor economy. “Modern young Americans seem bound to face a world stamped by ever narrowing opportunity and social stagnation(停滞),”noted The Daily Beast.

“The rate of 16-to 24-year-olds out of school and out of work is unusually high at 15%. Many college graduates have taken jobs that don’t require a degree,” Time reported.

The magazine worries that these difficulties may lead to a lost generation who are “unable to ever truly find their feet on the corporation’s ladder”.

Dan Kadlec, a reporter of Time, sees Millennials as resetting their expectations.”This situation is different for young adults today,” he wrote. “A true American dream has to feel attainable, and many Millennias are feeling they can only attain a day-today lifestyle that suits them.”

1.The underlined word “cornerstone” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A. growth B. balance C. basis D. purpose

2.What has changed Millennials’ view of the American Dream according to the passage?

A. A lack of confidence in themselves

B. Fierce competition in the job market

C. Their dissatisfaction with the government

D. The discouraging economy and unemployment

3.Dan Kadlec thinks Millennials’ new definition of the American Dream is ______.

A. beautiful B. understandable

C. worrying D. positive

4.What can be the best title for this passage?

A. Redefinition of American Dream

B. Meaning of American Dream

C. Value of Achieving American Dream

D. History of Changing American Dream

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