MUMBAI – Indian commandos battled into the early hours of Friday to end a multiple hostage crisis in Mumbai after suspected Islamic militants killed 125 people across the city.

Officials said they had almost totally cleared the luxury Taj Mahal hotel where gunmen had been held up for more than 24 hours.

Indian security forces personnel released hostages from Nariman House in Mumbai.Thirty-nine people were rescued from the five-star Oberoi hotel, where "mopping up(清理火场)" operations were still underway, police said.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the militants had come from "outside the country.”

The Press Trust of India said one Pakistani militant had been arrested, although Pakistan's government fiercely denied any involvement.

Indian media reports said between six and nine foreign nationals were among the dead in Mumbai -- including a Japanese businessman, an Australian, a Briton , a German and an Italian.

At least five gunmen had been shot dead and one captured, police said.Fourteen security personnel were also killed, including the head of Mumbai's anti-terror squad.

To draw maximum international attention, the militants used small groups to attack a total of about a dozen targets in India's financial hub , including the main railway station, a hospital and a restaurant popular with tourists.

An unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahedeen claimed responsibility, with one gunman telling an Indian TV channel by phone that the outfit(装备)was of Indian origin and motivated by the treatment of Indian Muslims.

Up to 327 people were reported wounded.

The main Bombay Stock Exchange was closed until further notice, as were shops, schools and businesses.

Prime Minister Singh said the aim had clearly been to spread panic by choosing high profile(知名度高的)targets and "indiscriminately(随心所欲地)killing foreigners."

Witnesses said the gunmen had been very particular in their choice of hotel hostages."They said they wanted anyone with British and American passports," said one British guest at the Taj Mahal hotel.

1.The following statements are NOT true except ________.

A. thirty-nine hostages were rescued from the Taj Mahal Hotel

B. fourteen gunmen were killed in Nariman House

C. the target of the attack was obviously on Britons and Americans

D. an American was among the killed foreigners

2.The best title of this passage can be _______.

A. Hostages Released by Indian Commandos

B. Mumbai Under Terrorist Attack

C. Islamic Militants Attacking Westerners in Mumbai

D. Unfortunate Britons and Americans in Mumbai


Disability aids are vital to those who suffer problems with executing work with two hands.These are people who have been disabled due to some major sickness or some other problems.In order to help them carry on their work in the normal way, disability aids are manufactured.This helps them make their life a lot easier than what it would have been without these aids.The kind of disability aids that an individual might require depends on the person only.It is the problem that a person faces that decides the aids that he/she will use for carrying out their respective jobs.The following is the list of a few disability aids that come of significant use.

The first and foremost aid is the stocking aid, aiding the individuals suffering from the problem of bending down to reach the foot and wear their own socks.These stocking aids have a gutter(槽) that is made up of plastic material.These gutters are shaped in a certain way along with the attachment of cotton tapes in it.The sock is then put over the gutter.The foot is placed inside the gutter.The cotton tapes help in pulling the socks up the leg and subsequently the sock.In this manner, the sock is worn by a person who has problems wearing it by bending one’s back and reaching the foot.

There are openers that help the people who have problems with their hands or wrists to open bottles of ketchup, jam and other such bottles and jars that necessitates the use of hands and fingers.

The third type of disability aids that comes to our minds are lifts.Now what are lifts? Lifts are certain machines that help in lifting people from specific areas, such as a bathtub or a set of stairs.These lifts are of varied types and come for numerous applications.It is for the individual to decide the type that he/she requires to use.

For people, who have problems in balancing their upper bodies in a stable manner, there is something known as grab rails.These grab rails are installed for those who have mobility problems in their upper bodies.These rails come in varieties of shapes, sizes and angles.These grab rails are available to home users as well, in their different variations.One can purchase and fix one to their homes according to one’s specificities.These grab rails require the act of screwing and drilling in order to fix them to their appropriate place.The prices of these rails also vary according to the variation of their shapes and sizes.

A portable book holder is a much sought-after disability aid.It can be used by anybody for that matter, not just the disabled.These portable book holders are light-weight and can be easily moved about.These holders relieve the strains on one’s hands, necks and shoulders that might occur due to the handling of a book.The holders are provided with extended legs that help in placing the reading material at suitable distance.

Thus with the help of these disability aids, the old and disabled people can make their lives much more convenient and comfortable that would otherwise have been a cumbersome and complex one.

Disability Aids


Disability aids are important to people with disabilities 1.from some major sickness or other problems.

Different 2.of aids

Stocking aids

They can be used to help individuals whose bodies are not 3.enough to reach their feet to put on socks by themselves.


They can be used to aid the disabled to open the bottles when the use of hands or wrists is a 4.


They can be used to lift people from specific areas.They come in 5.of types and are 6.numerously.

Grab rails

They can be used to keep their balance in a stable manner after proper 7.

Book holders

They can be used to help with the 8.of strains on one’s hands necks and shoulders when reading.


10.these disability aids,the life of the old and disabled would become cumbersome and complex


A Special Appointment

Years ago I moved to Woodland Hills to take a job in a small hospital’s emergency department.No one wanted to work on Christmas Eve, so the shift (轮班) went to me.I kissed my family goodbye and went off to spend the night in the hospital.It was a thankless job.

At 9 pm, the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack.His face was pale, and he was frightened. The whole night I did my best to save his life.Before I left in the morning to spend Christmas with my family, I stopped by to see how he was doing.It was still tough, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

The following year I got Christmas Eve duty again.At 9 pm sharp, the ward clerk told me there was a couple who wanted to speak with me.When I approached them, the man introduced himself as Mr.Lee and said, “You probably don’t remember me, but last Christmas Eve you saved my life.Thank you for the year you gave me.” He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left.

The following year a new doctor had joined the group, but I wanted to see if Mr.and Mrs.Lee would return.This time, I volunteered for the shift.I kept an eye on the door.Once again, at exactly 9 pm, the Lees appeared, carrying a warmly wrapped bundle.It was their new grandchild. Mr.Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together.In the later years the staff all knew about the story and would work to give me time with him in the break room, where we spent a half-hour each Christmas Eve.

The last year I saw him, he brought me a gift.I carefully opened the package and found a crystal (水晶) bell inside.It was engraved (镌刻) with a single word: Friendship.Now, my family, friends and I ring that bell every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 pm and offer our best wishes to the man who we won’t forget.

1.Working on Christmas Eve was considered “a thankless job” because ______.

A. most patients were seriously ill

B. patients refused to express thanks

C. doctors had nothing to do on that day

D. doctors couldn’t get praise for the hard job

2.When the author left the hospital the next morning, Mr.Lee ______.

A. was really angry with her

B. was still in a state of danger

C. got ready to leave the hospital

D. recovered from his heart attack

3.According to the passage, the author formed a habit of ______.

A. celebrating Christmas Eve with her family

B. giving Christmas gifts to the hospital staff

C. spending Christmas Eve with Mr.Lee in hospital

D. ringing the bell for patients in the emergency department

4.Why does the author ring the bell on Christmas Eve?

A. To honor her working experience.

B. To tell kids the traditional custom.

C. To show the beginning of the holiday.

D. To remember an old friend of hers.


What I Think of Boxing as a Sport

Boxing is a popular sport.Newspapers, magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently cover boxing matches.It could be the toughest of all sports to survive.It takes boxers hours in the gym and years to develop the specific characteristics needed to be a great boxer.____1.____

It seems to me that some people, especially men, find it appealing because it is an aggressive sport.When they watch a boxing match, they can identify with the winning boxer.This gives them the feeling of being a winner themselves.____2.____ They do that because the boxer comes from their own country, and if “their” boxer loses, they often feel as if they have lost a fight themselves.It is a fact that many people have feelings of aggression from time to time, but they cannot show their aggression in their everyday lives.Watching a boxing match gives them a way of expressing it.

____3.____ Although boxers wear gloves during the fights, and amateur boxers even have to wear helmets, a kind of strong hard hat, there have frequently been accidents in both professional and amateur boxing, sometimes with dramatic consequences.Boxers have suffered from head injuries, and, occasionally, fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the ring.___4.____ They are usually in the form of serious brain damage, even if a boxer has never been knocked out.

To conclude, I am personally not at all in favor of aggressive sports like boxing.____5.___ We can celebrate more men and women from non-aggressive sports as our heroes in our society.I believe that the world is aggressive enough already! Of course, people like competitive sports, and so do I, but I think that hitting other people in an aggressive way is not something that should be regarded as a sport.

A. However, boxing can be a very dangerous sport.

B. Sometimes fans are rooting for a particular boxer.

C. In boxing, fighters are required to hit a moving target.

D. Many fans are drawn to the sport because they love the competition.

E. Perhaps that is the reason why successful boxers are treated as big heroes.

F. I think it would be better if less time was given to aggressive sports on TV.

G. Besides, studies have shown that there are often long-term effects of boxing.

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