

So you’re between the ages of 13 and 24. What makes you happy? Spending time with family was the top answer to that open-ended question,according to a survey—more than 100 questions asked of 1 ,280 people aged 13-24 carried out by the Associated Press on the nature of happiness among America^ young people.

Next was spending time with friends. And good news for parents: nearly three quarters of young people say their relationship with their parents makes them happy.

“They’re my foundation ,” says Kristina St. John,17, a high-school student from Queens in New York. “My mum tells me that even if I do something stupid,she's still going to love me. Just knowing that makes me feel very happy. ”

Other results are more disconcerting. While most young people are happy with the way their lives are going,there are racial differences: the survey shows whites to be happier than blacks. A lot of young people feel stressed,particularly those from the middle class,and females more than males.

You might think money would be clearly tied to a general sense of happiness. But almost no one said “money” when asked what makes them happy,though people with the highest family incomes are generally happier with life. However,having highly educated parents is a stronger predictor (预示物) of happiness than income.

Young people think marriage would make them happy and want to be married some day. Most also want to have kids.

Finally,when asked to name their heroes,nearly half of-them mentioned one or both of their parents. The winner,by a nose (以些微之差) :Mum.

56. What's the meaning of the underlined word “disconcerting” in Paragraph 4 ? (1 word)


57. What are the top two things that make young people happy? (No more than 10 words)


58. Do most American young people want to marry? Why? (No more than 10 words)


59. What can we infer from the last paragraph? (No more than 7 words)


60. Among the young people who would be more likely to feel stressed? (No more than 6 words)


If aliens ever sent us a message,scientists hope to pick it up in a distant part of northern California.

There,in a place among the volcanoes of the Cascade Range,42 radio dishes point together at the sky. The dishes,each 20 feet across,form a single,huge scientific instrument called the Allen Telescope Array. Scientists built them to receive radio signals— the sort of message that could answer a very important question: Are we the only intelligentlife in this vast universe?

“It's a question humans have been asking forever,” observes astronomer Jill Tarter. Until recently,she led the SETI (Search for Extra-Terres-trial (外星的) Intelligence) ,Institute in Calif. “We read these ancient texts,and the ancient Greeks,the Romans,the Chinese —they were all wondering how we humans fit into the universe. ”

While the question is ancient,our understanding of the universe has changed over the centuries. We now know that stars do not hang from the sky like fruit on a tree. We also know Earth moves around the Sun and not the other way around. But we still don't know if life exists elsewhere. If aliens do exist,does it have the technology to communicate with us on Earth?

If so,the Allen Telescope Array is listening,day and night,for some signal. From time to time,the dishes turn toward a new patch of the sky. The array has not yet picked up any alien calls.

But that has hardly frustrated scientists. The search for life elsewhere in the universe continues to prove irresistible (无法抗拒的) to experts in a wide variety of fields,from biology to astronomy,and from psychology to computer science. And they’re not just looking for aliens that can communicate: Many researchers believe that simpler,microscopic alien life might be hiding on some distant planet.

Even if their search has yet to turn up any aliens,it has led to some surprising discoveries —including some right here on Earth. If anything,the search for extraterrestrial (外星人) life has become a lot more exciting. Perhaps it's just a matter of time until we discover we’re not alone.

51. Why did scientists build the Allen Telescope Array?

   A. To keep a record of the volcanoes.

   B. To pick up messages from aliens.

   C. To send up radio signals.

   D. To keep in touch with aliens.

52. From what Jill said,we know ancient people.

   A. described the existence of aliens in texts

   B. compared stars to fruit on a tree

   C. didn't believe humans to be alone

   D. didn^ know how to fit humans into the universe 53. It is implied in the sixth paragraph that .

   A. aliens may live in many different places

   B. aliens like to hide in a secret place

   C. aliens may understand the science of astronomy

   D. aliens may not have the ability of communication

54. The writer's attitude towards the existence of aliens was.

   A. positive   B. doubtful

   C. neutral   D. disapproving

55. The main idea of the passage is that.

   A. humans are not alone at all in the universe

   B. scientists search for aliens in space

   C. alien calls haven’t been received so far

   D. California is a base to welcome aliens

To err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human.

Common sense is not all that common.

Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse

These three popular misquotes (戏虐的引语) are meant to be jokes,and yet they tell us a lot about human nature. To err,or to make mistakes,is indeed a part of being human,but it seems that most people don't want to accept the responsibility for having made a mistake. They naturally look for someone else who could be responsible for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do. The original quote about human nature went like this: “To err is human,to forgive,divine (神圣的) .” This saying mirrors an ideal: people should be forgiving of others’ mistakes. Instead,we tend to do the opposite —find someone else to pass the blame on to. However,taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity.

Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well,and it also means staying with the plan. Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm,but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine. Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations,because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large company,uthe right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. ”

And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? One of the common problems with making excuses is that people,especially young people,get the idea that it's okay not to be totally honest all the time.There is a corollary (直接推论) to that: if a good excuse is “good” even if it isn’t honest,then where is the place of the truth?

46. According to the passage,which of the following seems the most human?

   A. To search for truth.

   B. To achieve one's ideal.

   C. To make fun of others’ mistakes.

   D. To criticize others for one's own error.

47. According to the author,what is a sign of a man's maturity?

   A. Doing things his own way.

   B. Bearing responsibility for his mistakes.

   C. Making as few mistakes as possible.

   D. Thinking seriously about his wrongdoings.

48. Which of the following is NOT based on common sense?

   A. A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company.

   B. A student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather.

   C. A company's next move follows a good plan.

   D. A lawyer acts on fine judgments.

49. What is the author's opinion about a good excuse?

   A. Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy.

   B. Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas.

   C. A good excuse is as rewarding as honesty.

   D. Bitter truth is better than a good excuse.

50. What would be the best title for this passage?

   A. A Mirror of Human Nature

   B. To Blame or to Forgive

   C. A Mark of Maturity

   D. Truth of Excuse

What will man be like in the future —5,000 or even 50 ,000 years from now? We can only make guesses,of course,but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today,for man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example. Man,500 years ago,was shorter than he is today. Five hundred years is relatively a short period of time,so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again,in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so,we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's capacity. As time goes on,however,we shall have to use our brains more and more,and eventually we shall need larger ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head. In particular,the fore-head (前额) will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are in constant (持续不断的) use. In fact,we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time,it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand,we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These,as a result,are likely to grow weaker. At the same time,however,our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in the course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future,then,both sexes are likely to be bald (秃头的) .

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at!

This may be true. All the same,in spite of all these changes,future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being,with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.

41. The passage mainly tells us that .

   A. man's life will be different in the future

   B. future man will look quite different from us

   C. man is growing taller as time passes

   D. man's eyes will become weaker 

42. What serves as the evidence that man is changing?

   A. Man's hair is getting thinner and thinner.

   B. Man has got stronger eyes now than before.

   C. Man's arms and legs are becoming lighter and weaker.

   D. Man has been growing taller over the past 500 years.

43. Man's forehead will grow larger probably because.

   A. he will grow taller and stronger

   B. the other 80% of his brain's capacity will grow

   C. he will fully use the 20% of his brain's capacity

   D. he will use his brain more and more as time goes on

44. Which of the following is TRUE about a human being in the future?

   A. He will think and feel less in different ways.

   B. He will be hairless because hair is no longer useful.

   C. He will have smaller eyes and wear better glasses.

   D. His fingers will grow weaker because he doesn’t have to use them.

45. We can learn from the passage that .

   A. human's future life will be boring

   B. men and women will look the same in the future

   C. human beings will become less attractive in the future

   D. future human beings will have different emotions from us


Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11 ,1884. When her mother died in 1892,the child went to live with Grandmother Hall;her father died only two years later. Attending a good school in England gave her,at 15,the first chance to develop self-confidence among other girls. She married a distant cousin,Franklin Delano Roosevelt,in 1905. Within 11 years Eleanor bore six children;one son died early.

In Albany,where Franklin served in the state Senate from 1910 to 1913,Eleanor started her long career as political helpmate. When Franklin was stricken with polio (脊髓灰质炎) in 1921,she tended him devotedly. From his successful campaign for governor in 1928 to the day of his death,she dedicated her life to his purposes.

When Mrs Roosevelt came to the White House,she understood social conditions well and she transformed the role of First Lady accordingly. She broke the tradition to hold conferences,and expressed her opinions. This made her a target for political enemies but her sincerity of purpose made her personally popular to many. As she had written: ^ — if truth and ioyalty (忠诚) are stamped upon her face,all will be attracted to her... ”.

After the President Roosevelt's death in 1945,she returned to a cottage at his Hyde Park estate;she told reporters ,“The story is over." Within a year,however,she began her service as American spokeswoman in the United Nations. She continued a positive career until her strength began to wane in 1962. She died in New York City that November,and was buried at Hyde Park beside her husband.

36. Which of the following is the correct order to describe Eleanor Roosevelt's early life?

a. She went to live with her grandmother.

b. She led a happy life in a good school.

c. She was very sad when her father died.

d. She got married and gave birth to six children.

e. She fell in love with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

   A. e,a,b,d,c   B. a,c,b,e,d

   C. b,d,c,a,e   D. c,a,d,e,b

37. It can be concluded from Paragraph 2 that Eleanor.

   A. once caught a serious disease

   B. was interested in doing housework

   C. was always ready to help other people

   D. devoted herself to her husband completely

38. Some people hated Eleanor probably because.

   A. she didn't follow the traditions

   B. she always had better opinions

   C. she held too many meetings

   D. she became the First Lady

39. What Eleanor had written suggests that .

   A. all the women are usually common

   B. everything draws much of her attention

   C. truth and loyalty make her very attractive

   D. a simple woman can become great easily

40. According to the passage,we can infer that Eleanor did well in the field of .

   A. history   B. politics

   C. economics   D. science

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 

The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of digital technology,e-mail,social networking and online video games,information is meant to be 16 . Soli- tude can be hard to discover 17 it has been given up. In this respect,new technologies have 18 our culture.

The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a (n) 19 as we’ve known it. People have become so 20 in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted 21 they’d rather not be. Today we can talk,text,e-mail,chat and blog (写博客) ,not only from our 22 , but from our mobile phones as well.

Most developed nations have become 23 on digital technology simply because they’ve grown accustomed to it,and at this point not 24 it would make them an outsider. 25 ,many jobs and careers require people to be 26 .From this point of view,technology has changed the culture of work. Being reachable might feel like a 27 to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.

I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who 28 wants it. Computers can be shut 29 and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to be “connected ”and “on” has many 30 ,as well as disadvantages. Travelers have ended up 31 on mountains,and mobile phones have saved countless lives. They can also make people feel 32 and forced to answer unwanted calls or 33 to unwanted texts.

Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society 34 across generations. Some find today's technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyone^ view on the subject,it^ hard to imagine what life would be like 35 daily advancements in technology.

16. A. updated   B. received   C. shared   D. collected

17. A. though   B. until   C. once   D. before

18. A. respected   B. shaped   C. ignored   D. preserved

19. A. edge   B. stage   C. end   D. balance

20. A. sensitive   B. intelligent

   C. considerate   D. reachable

21. A. even if   B. only if   C. as if   D. if only

22. A. media   B. computers

   C. databases   D. monitors

23. A. bent   B. hard   C. keen   D. dependent

24. A. finding   B. using

   C. protecting   D. changing

25. A. Also   B. Instead

   C. Otherwise   D. Somehow

26. A. connected   B. trained

   C. recommended   D. interested

27. A. pleasure   B. benefit

   C. burden   D. disappointment

28. A. slightly   B. hardly   C. merely   D. really

29. A. out   B. down   C. up   D. in

30. A. aspects   B. weaknesses

   C. advantages   D. exceptions

31. A. hidden   B. lost   C. relaxed   D. deserted

32. A. trapped   B. excited   C. confused   D. amused

33. A. turn   B. submit   C. object   D. reply

34. A. vary   B. arise   C. spread   D. exist

35. A. beyond   B. within   C. despite   D. without

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