
If aliens ever sent us a message,scientists hope to pick it up in a distant part of northern California.

There,in a place among the volcanoes of the Cascade Range,42 radio dishes point together at the sky. The dishes,each 20 feet across,form a single,huge scientific instrument called the Allen Telescope Array. Scientists built them to receive radio signals— the sort of message that could answer a very important question: Are we the only intelligentlife in this vast universe?

“It's a question humans have been asking forever,” observes astronomer Jill Tarter. Until recently,she led the SETI (Search for Extra-Terres-trial (外星的) Intelligence) ,Institute in Calif. “We read these ancient texts,and the ancient Greeks,the Romans,the Chinese —they were all wondering how we humans fit into the universe. ”

While the question is ancient,our understanding of the universe has changed over the centuries. We now know that stars do not hang from the sky like fruit on a tree. We also know Earth moves around the Sun and not the other way around. But we still don't know if life exists elsewhere. If aliens do exist,does it have the technology to communicate with us on Earth?

If so,the Allen Telescope Array is listening,day and night,for some signal. From time to time,the dishes turn toward a new patch of the sky. The array has not yet picked up any alien calls.

But that has hardly frustrated scientists. The search for life elsewhere in the universe continues to prove irresistible (无法抗拒的) to experts in a wide variety of fields,from biology to astronomy,and from psychology to computer science. And they’re not just looking for aliens that can communicate: Many researchers believe that simpler,microscopic alien life might be hiding on some distant planet.

Even if their search has yet to turn up any aliens,it has led to some surprising discoveries —including some right here on Earth. If anything,the search for extraterrestrial (外星人) life has become a lot more exciting. Perhaps it's just a matter of time until we discover we’re not alone.

51. Why did scientists build the Allen Telescope Array?

   A. To keep a record of the volcanoes.

   B. To pick up messages from aliens.

   C. To send up radio signals.

   D. To keep in touch with aliens.

52. From what Jill said,we know ancient people.

   A. described the existence of aliens in texts

   B. compared stars to fruit on a tree

   C. didn't believe humans to be alone

   D. didn^ know how to fit humans into the universe 53. It is implied in the sixth paragraph that .

   A. aliens may live in many different places

   B. aliens like to hide in a secret place

   C. aliens may understand the science of astronomy

   D. aliens may not have the ability of communication

54. The writer's attitude towards the existence of aliens was.

   A. positive   B. doubtful

   C. neutral   D. disapproving

55. The main idea of the passage is that.

   A. humans are not alone at all in the universe

   B. scientists search for aliens in space

   C. alien calls haven’t been received so far

   D. California is a base to welcome aliens

51. B解析:细节理解题。结合第二段的第 三句话可知它们是用来接听外星人信 息的。

52. C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的最 后一句话可知古希腊人、吉罗马人和古代 的中国人都有记载,从这些记载中,我们可 以知道古代人对于人类是否是唯一的生命 也是感到疑惑的。

53. D解析:推理判断题。结合倒数第二段 的最后一句话可知科学家们在寻找的不一 定是具有交际能力的外星生命。

54. A解析:推理判断题。从最后一段的最 后一句话可知,作者认为找到外星人可能 仅仅是一个时间问题。

55. B解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了 一些科学家在加利福尼亚设立了一系列的 机器设备,希望在那里接收到外星人的信 息等情况。


  Mind control Imagine looking at something and being able to move it just by using your brain!That is exactly what the new technology called BrainGate can do 一 with the help of a robotic arm,anyway.

   BrainGate is. the idea of Professor John Donoghue and his team of researchers at the Brown Institute for Brain Science,USA. BrainGate is attached directly to the brain. First of all,gold wires are put into the part of the brain that controls movement. These are then connected to a small computer chip(芯片) . When the person thinks about different movements,this creates electrical signals,which are picked up by the chip. After this,the signals that are created by the brain are sent back to a computer,which changes the signals into movements. Finally,the computer uses the robotic arm to carry out these movements. BrainGate can already be used to write an e-mail or play computer games,just by brain power.

   The technology has already cost millions of dollars to develop and when it is available for use,it will probably cost thousands of dollars per person. There are still many challenges ahead for Donoghue nd his team. They are currently planning a mini wireless version,which will allow people to be connected to the computer at all times. Donoghue also dreams of using this technology to help disabled people who can't move their arms or legs. He plans to connect BrainGate directly to their own paralysed limbs(瘫痪的胳膊或腿) .This will mean that the person can control their own body again,without relying on a robotic arm.

   This research is attracting the military's (军方的) attention as well. However,it is easy to understand why scientists might be concerned about how thought-controlled machines could be used by the military.

32. What does the underlined word “These” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. Wires. B. Brains.

   C. Thoughts. D. Movements.

33. According to the text,what is one of BrainGate's disadvantages?

   A. It is too expensive.

   B. It needs improvement.

   C. It is difficult to control.

   D. It produces few movements.

34. How will Donoghue help disabled people?

   A. By making BrainGate smaller.

   B. By developing a wireless version.

   C. By attaching BrainGate to their bad limbs.

   D. By replacing their limbs with robotic ones.

35. What does the military think of thought-controlled machines?

   A. They could be useful.

   B. They could lead to disasters.

   C. They would be in mass production.

   D. They would face fierce competition.

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