

Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11 ,1884. When her mother died in 1892,the child went to live with Grandmother Hall;her father died only two years later. Attending a good school in England gave her,at 15,the first chance to develop self-confidence among other girls. She married a distant cousin,Franklin Delano Roosevelt,in 1905. Within 11 years Eleanor bore six children;one son died early.

In Albany,where Franklin served in the state Senate from 1910 to 1913,Eleanor started her long career as political helpmate. When Franklin was stricken with polio (脊髓灰质炎) in 1921,she tended him devotedly. From his successful campaign for governor in 1928 to the day of his death,she dedicated her life to his purposes.

When Mrs Roosevelt came to the White House,she understood social conditions well and she transformed the role of First Lady accordingly. She broke the tradition to hold conferences,and expressed her opinions. This made her a target for political enemies but her sincerity of purpose made her personally popular to many. As she had written: ^ — if truth and ioyalty (忠诚) are stamped upon her face,all will be attracted to her... ”.

After the President Roosevelt's death in 1945,she returned to a cottage at his Hyde Park estate;she told reporters ,“The story is over." Within a year,however,she began her service as American spokeswoman in the United Nations. She continued a positive career until her strength began to wane in 1962. She died in New York City that November,and was buried at Hyde Park beside her husband.

36. Which of the following is the correct order to describe Eleanor Roosevelt's early life?

a. She went to live with her grandmother.

b. She led a happy life in a good school.

c. She was very sad when her father died.

d. She got married and gave birth to six children.

e. She fell in love with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

   A. e,a,b,d,c   B. a,c,b,e,d

   C. b,d,c,a,e   D. c,a,d,e,b

37. It can be concluded from Paragraph 2 that Eleanor.

   A. once caught a serious disease

   B. was interested in doing housework

   C. was always ready to help other people

   D. devoted herself to her husband completely

38. Some people hated Eleanor probably because.

   A. she didn't follow the traditions

   B. she always had better opinions

   C. she held too many meetings

   D. she became the First Lady

39. What Eleanor had written suggests that .

   A. all the women are usually common

   B. everything draws much of her attention

   C. truth and loyalty make her very attractive

   D. a simple woman can become great easily

40. According to the passage,we can infer that Eleanor did well in the field of .

   A. history   B. politics

   C. economics   D. science

36. B解析:排列组合题。根据文章第一段 可知,正确顺序为:Eleanor与外婆一起生 活-Eleanor的父亲去世—就读于一所很 好的学校,生活得很开心-与Franklin Delano Roosevelt相爱并与之结婚一婚后 她曾生过六个孩子。

37. D解析:推理判断题。

Eleanoi.在政治上 支持并帮助丈夫,在生活上悉心照料丈夫, 为他的事业竭力奉献,因此Eleanor为她 的丈夫付出了一切。

38. A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二、 三句可知,有些人恨她,是因为她打破了第 一夫人应该遵循的传统。

39. C解析:推理判断题。第三段倒数第二 句说明,虽然有些人不喜欢Eleanor,但也 有很多人因她的真诚喜欢上了她。由此可 以推知,她写的这句话的意思是人们会被 她的真实与忠诚所吸引,即真实和忠诚使 她富有魅力。

40. B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的 political helpmate ,第三段介绍的她敢于 打破第一夫人应该遵循的传统及最后一段 提到的她出任美国驻联合国大使可推知, Eleanor在政治领域做得不错。


                          The Cambridge Festivals 


Cambridge Winter Ale (啤酒) Festival 

   The festival features a range of local and national beers,including traditional winter beers,locally produced ciders(苹果酒) and a selection of bottled beers from around the world. Smaller than its sister festival in May,this is another chance to try some rare ales over three days in January.

   More information: 




   The five-day festival connects ambitious art with imaginative technology to cast light on low carbon innovation. It offers a unique opportunity to discover,or re-discover,the richness and diversity of Cambridge’s buildings and public spaces through a range of amazing lights. Brighten the winter days by attending shows,concerts,guided tours,family activities and talks.

   More information: www.e-luminatefestivals.co.uk 


Cambridge Style Week 

   Cambridge's annual fashion week includes various catwalk shows,boutiques(精品店) in-store events and much more!Cambridge Style Week showcases a variety of stores from in and around Cambridge,ranging from popular brands,designer labels to independent boutiques.

   More information: www.cambridgestyleweek.com 


Cambridge Literary Festival 

   Founded in 2003,Cambridge Literary Festival is an important event of the city’s cultural calendar. Every April and November,it is held in the city’s historic centre and offers creative writing discussions as well as talks and readings from established authors. Usually,its spring festival lasts for five days while its winter one is for one day only.

   More information:


21. What's one of the features of e-Luminate festival?

   A. The Internet. B. The light.

   C. Shows. D. Talks.

22. The festival that lasts for the shortest time is held in.

   A. January   B. February

   C. March   D. April

23. Which festival is held twice every year?

   A. e-Luminate.

   B. Cambridge Style Week.

   C. Cambridge Literary Festival.

   D. Cambridge Winter Ale Festival.

   In my first year at university,-I joined Orchestra Council(管弦乐队) .One day,we had the 41 to run for Council. “If you decide to run,” our conductor Ms. Mauro 42 , “You must give a 43 in front of the entire orchestra. There are 44 open seats — President,Vice President and Secretary." I was interested in the position of President but when I expressed my 45 to my friend Shannon,she responded,“No,I'm running for President. Why don't you 46 for Vice President?” Clearly,it left me ambivalent(有矛盾情感的) .

   Finally,I 47 to run for President,even against Shannon's 48 . Together,my friend Karen and I wrote our speeches. I 49 my experiences in the New Jersey Regional and All State orchestras,50 some of the leadership positions I had in middle school in my 51 . By the time I memorized my speech,I had lost my 52 because I had been practising so much. When 53 day rolled around,I felt nervous and 54 . However,when I delivered my speech,I remained calm and performed 55 . After everyone was done,Ms. Mauro declared that 56 would be posted after school. Hours later,I got a piece of pleasant information on my phone 一 an 57 from the Orchestra Council. 58 I reached the end of the email I read: President — Michelle Liu. I had made it.

   In the end,I felt 59 that I had taken the opportunity to run for Council. From this 60 ,I not only learned how to write an exciting speech,but more importantly,to have confidence in myself.

41. A. attempt   B. opportunity   C. plan   D. desire

42. A. advised   B. warned   C. predicted   D. announced

43. A. performance   B. speech   C. description   D. position

44. A. many   B. enough   C. three   D. four

45. A. interest   B. worry   C. happiness   D. surprise

46. A. work out   B. try out   C. speak out   D. look out

47. A. decided   B. hoped   C. managed   D. continued

48. A. order   B. goal   C. rule   D. will

49. A. missed   B. remembered   C. included   D. accepted

50. A. instead of   B. as well as   C. due to   D. in spite of

51. A. competition   B. advertisement   C. presentation   D. interview

52. A. voice   B. mind   C. balance   D. confidence

53. A. training   B. school   C. celebration   D. election

54. A. excited   B. pleased   C. anxious   D. stupid

55. A. automatically   B. satisfactorily   C. effectively   D. correctly

56. A. rules   B. results   C. purposes   D. functions

57. A. email   B. introduction   C. excuse   D. invitation

58. A. Because   B. Unless   C. Though   D. When

59. A. comfortable   B. shocked   C. strange   D. glad

60. A. experiment   B. year   C. experience   D. text

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