From the year 2000 on,George Mason University in Fairfax,Virginia,presents a jazz con?cert every year. Around 2200 people attended last year's concert in October. Yet when the first concert was held in 2000,the student musicians played to an almost empty theater. Ed Weiner,a lawyer,was one of the few people in the audience when the school held the first jazz concert. "The quality of the performance was outstanding,but I was shocked to see the poor attend?ance."

 So he did something to change it. He found a way not only to increase attendance,but also to raise money. Ed Weiner organized the concerts into a program called Jazz 4 Justice the next year. And the audience responded well to the first performance of Jazz 4 Justice. The perform?ers include students and employees from the university,along with guest musicians.

  The concert raises money for the Fairfax Law Foundation. Foundation officials say Jazz 4 Justice has become the Fairfax Law Foundation's secondlargest fundraiser,bringing in more than$ 20,000 a year; five thousand of that goes to George Mason University for running Jazz 4 Justice,and the rest is used to provide free legal services for people in Fairfax and support programs to help young people learn about the legal system. These include courthouse tours for junior high school students and education about the law and the effects of drug and alcohol abuse on health.

  Jim Carroll heading that program says: "Jfazz4 Justice grew slowly,but it becomes larger and larger each year. And all that really owes to Ed Weiner because he has done so much to help this program. He is the person who is out there on the streets selling tickets,building our audience,and so on."

Mr. Weiner says the idea is to provide a meaningful experience for the young musicians,but Jazz 4 Justice only in Fairfax is not enough. Ed Weiner had met the presidents of other or?ganizations in Virginia and did a presentation on how other organizations can start partnerships between local music and law programs.

(   ) 5. Ed Weiner wanted to develop Jazz 4 Justice when he         .

   A. found few people watched the wonderful performance

   B. found that the players were all gifted for music

   C. found that the concert was a good way to raise money

   D. found that he could be famous through the concerts

(   ) 6. What can be inferred from the passage?

   A. Jazz4 Justice has a history of ten years.

   B. Jazz4 Justice grew slowly for lacking money.

   C. The program Jazz 4 Justice has been famous in America.

   D. The program Jazz 4 Justice helps students achieve their goals.

(   ) 7. The money got from the concert is mainly used to         .

   A. cure the young of drug abuse

   B. establish the team of Jazz 4 Justice

   C. pay for the education of young people

   D. offer legal services and help to the locals

(   ) 8. Why did Ed Weiner meet presidents of other organizations?

   A. To show the success of Jazz 4 Justice.

   B. To raise money to develop Jazz 4 Justice.

   C. To promote the program of Jazz 4 Justice.

   D. To build a good relationship with them.

 It seems an unlikely route to the top. Some say medicine might help. But a study says,

  "Who needs brainboosting drugs when you've got ancestors?" Researchers have discovered that,considering your origins gives a better sense of control and can largely boost your chances of success in exams.

  The socalled "ancestor effect" appears to work by acting as a reminder to the brain that seemingly impossible barriers can be overcome. Psychologists think the effect may be rooted in the fact that those,who familiarize themselves with their family history,appear to gain a stronger sense of identity and selfesteem,which somehow boosts intellectual performance.

  In intelligence tests on 80 volunteers,scientists found a noticeable improvement among those who were asked to spend a short while considering what previous generations of their fami?lies had suffered. Those who simply had to recall a more ordinary memory did not fare well.

  The findings suggest remembering the hardships of grandparents,great grandparents and even longforgotten ancestors,seems to have a direct benefit on the brain's ability to meet the demands for its intelligence.

  Researchers reported, "Our ancestors managed to overcome lots of problems,such as bad illnesses,wars,loss of loved ones and economic problems. So when we think about them,we are reminded that humans who are genetically similar to us can successfully overcome a plenty of problems and misfortunes."

  To test their theory,the scientists tested 80 students. They were asked to spend five mi?nutes thinking about their ancestors or a recent trip to the shops. Immediately afterwards,the students were asked how confident they felt about upcoming exams. Those in the two groups that remembered lost generations were more confident about their chances of success. The students then underwent a range of intelligence tests. In one,the"ancestor effect" boosted scores to 14 out of a maximum16,compared with just 10 out of 16 in the other group.

  In a report on their findings the researchers said, "We showed that an easy reminder about our ancestors can significantly increase intellectual performance. Whenever people are in a situa?tion where such performance is extremely important,such as exams and job interviews,they have an easy technique to increase their success."

(   ) 1. According to psychologists,the"ancestor effect" works because it can help people

① better their sense of control

② strengthen their physical energy

③ obtain a stronger sense of identity

④ have a stronger sense of selfesteem

   A. ③④   B. ①③④   C. ②③④   D. ①②③④

(   ) 2. What does the underlined word "fare" (Para.3) most probably mean?

   A. Focus one's mind easily.

   B. Devote oneself to sth.

   C. Progress or get along.

   D. Feel comfortable or relaxed.

(   ) 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. Lost generations were more confident than later generations.

   B. Misfortunes and difficulties are necessary on the way to success.

   C. In terms of the "ancestor effect", the spirit of ancestors is stressed.

   D. The"easy technique" mentioned in the passage can be only used in exams.

(   ) 4. What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A. How to overcome nervousness in exams.

   B. Thinking about your ancestors makes you smarter.

   C. Knowing history better is significant for one's development.

   D. One's intelligence is passed down from his/her ancestors.

 Agriculture has a long history in China. Much of the wisdom 1        by early Chinese scien?tists is still useful for fanners and gardeners today. One of China's early 2        scientists was Jia Sixie,who lived in the sixth century AD. He spent his time doing 3        into agriculture. He collected information,studied it,did experiments and learnt from the 4        of farmers.

Around 540 A D. he wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu. The book is about both farming and 5        It includes advice on the following6 :growing green vegetables and fruit trees,keeping animals,and fish in lakes. There are also 7        for making wine. Jia Sixie's book is a(n) 8       guide for farming. Firstly,as a farmer you should do things at the right time of the year. If you sow seeds and 9        young plants in the fields at the correct time of the year,your work will be less and 10        will be better. But if you 11        nature,and do things at the wrong time of the year,you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good. The 12       of the soil is also very important. Examine the soil on your farm 13        If the condi?tion of your soil is not good,you should improve it. Before sowing or planting crops,you must clean rough ground and 14        weeds. Let sheep or cows walk on the land to 15        the weeds or eat them. The best harvest is reached when farmers 16        the crops in their fields. For ex?ample,do not plant rice 17        in the same field. But if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field the next year,you will 18        good crops. Other scientists said that wheat should be planted with 19        between the plants,but Jia did experiments and 20        that planting wheat close together is better.

(   ) 1. A. discovered   B. recovered   C. reported   D. repeated

(   ) 2. A. industrial   B. agricultural   C. cultural   D. article

(   ) 3. A. search   B. research   C. experiment   D. movement

(   ) 4. A. adventures   B. advantages   C. tradition   D. experience

(   ) 5. A. nursing   B. gardening   C. produce   D. trade

(   ) 6. A. programs   B. topics   C. subjects   D. events

(   ) 7. A. instructions   B. constructions   C. measures   D. treasures

(   ) 8. A. economical   B. practical   C. similar   D. regular

(   ) 9. A. drop   B. increase   C. grow   D. throw

(   ) 10. A. dreams   B. ending   C. hope   D. results

(   ) 11. A. argue against   B. go against   C. compete with   D. deal with

(   ) 12. A. application   B. situation   C. condition   D. addition

(   ) 13. A. successfully   B. carefully   C. gradually   D. frequently

(   ) 14. A. remove   B. pull   C. kill   D. reduce

(   ) 15. A. destroy   B. prevent   C. divide   D. limit

(   ) 16. A. keep   B. improve   C. manage   D. change

(   ) 17. A. one after another   B. here and there

     C. now and then   D. year after year

(   ) 18. A. win   B. collect   C. harvest   D. plant

(   ) 19. A. holes   B. lines   C. space   D. balance

(   ) 20. A. showed   B. meant   C. intended   D. decided

Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sibson's bedroom skylight (天窗) .Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder 32        he knew what was happening. The storm had moved directly 33        his twostorey wooden house. Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.

Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to 34      he opened the door to the basement,and flames 35       out. Sibson ran back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. "I felt 36        because the room had a separate outdoor stair?way," he explains.

But the phone didn't work,and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway,he was 37        by a wall of flames. Sibson realized he was trapped.

Sibson's house was three kilometres 38        the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be 39       .

Up a hill nearby lived Sibson's neighbour,Huggons. He was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm 40        his ears. He jumped out of bed,took his 41       and flashlight,and headed down the hillside towards the 42       . That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke.

Huggons dialed 911,and the operator warned him not to 43       the house. But Huggons said, "There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson 44        and die in that fire."

"Anyone there?" Huggons called out. Then he heard "Help!I'm trapped!" coming from the second floor balco?ny. He entered the house,but soon had to run back to catch his 45       .

After one more 46        inside the house,Huggons gave up and 47       around back.

The wind parted the smoke just 48        for him to catch sight of Sibson. But there was no way to get to him.

He 49       the flashlight into the woods and noticed a lad-1 der. He took it over to the balcony and 50        Sibson down just as the second floor of the house fell off.

Sibson is still 51        when he tells the story. "I was alone that night”,he says. "Then I heard the most beau?tiful sound in my life. It was Huggons."

32. A. before   B. while   C. since   D. until

33. A. on   B. in   C. through   D. over

34. A. hide   B. wait   C. check   D. escape

35. A. moved   B. gave   C. went   D. exploded

36. A. safe   B. worried   C. glad   D. tired

37. A. burned   B. stopped   C. shocked   D. covered

38. A. beside   B. off   C. across   D. along

39. A. limited   B. false   C. fruitless   D. regretful

40. A. struck   B. missed   C. touched   D. passed

41. A. coat   B. key   C. basin   D. phone

42. A. noise   B. road   C. smoke   D. danger

43. A. search   B. enter   C. leave   D. damage

44. A. call   B. roll   C. scream   D. sigh

45. A. breath   B. attention   C. ladder   D. flashlight

46. A. stay   B. chance   C. thought   D. attempt

47. A. climbed   B. circled   C. looked   D. jumped

48. A. clear   B. open   C. enough   D. fit

49. A. led   B. put   C. drove   D. shone

50. A. persuaded   B. kicked   C. pulled   D. forced

51. A. nervous   B. surprised   C. proud   D. thankful

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