
  Cooking food over a smoky fire is found everywhere in the world. It is often difficult to. find wood for the fire. People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel. However,there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun. Solar cookers,or ovens,have been used for centuries. A Swiss scientist made the first solar oven in 1767. Today,people are using solar cookers in many countries around the world. People use solar ovens to cook,food and to heat drink?ing water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.

  There are three kinds of solar ovens. The first is a box cooker. It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box. Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker. A box oven is effective for slow cooking of large amounts of food.

  The second kind of solar oven is a panel (嵌板式) cooker. It includes several flat walls,or panels,which directly reflect the sun's light onto the food. The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy. People can build panel cookers quickly and with very few supplies. They do not cost much. In     Kenya,for example,panel cookers are being manufactured for just two dollars.

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic (拋物线的) cooker. It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven. Food cooks quickly in parabolic ovens. However,these cookers are hard to make. They must be reaimed often to follow the sun. Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.

  You can make .solar ovens from boxes or heavy paper. They will not catch fire. Paper burns at 232 degrees Celsius. A solar cooker never gets that hot. Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over long periods of time. This permits people to leave food to cook while they do other things.

  To learn more about solar cooking,you can write to Solar Cookers Internation?al. The postal address is 1919 21st Street,Sacramento,California 95811-6827,USA. Or you can visit the group's Internet website. The address is www. solarcooking,org.

1. When was the first solar cooker invented?

   A. About 1767 years ago. B. More than 300 years ago.

   C. More than 250 years ago. D. Less than 250 years ago.

2. In which of the following columns could we find the passage?

   A. Development Report. B. Agricultural Report. C. Health Report. D. Education Report.

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. The first solar oven was made by a Swiss soldier.

   B. Parabolic cookers can be dangerous sometimes.

   C. Solar ovens often get hotter than 232°   C.

   D. It is more expensive to cook with a solar oven than on fire.

4. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

   A. Different ways of cooking   B. The history of the solar cookers

   C. How to choose solar cookers   D. Cooking meals with the sun for fuel


  A friend of mine met with an accident driving in the darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn't move. What was 1       ,he found himself unable to ask for help—his mobile phone went out of 2       as a result of the exhausted (用尽的) battery. Nothing could be done but 3        in the cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke,and then the 4        of the rescue.

  It was almost 5        that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his 6        First of all I checked up my7      conditions and found myself not in deadly danger. As there was no 8        to call for help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from9       . In this way I dozed (打盹) off."

  His story put an end to my regret for the 10        of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men 11       exploring a mountain cave and got lost. 12       to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of 13       Finally they fell dead because of fear and ex?haustion. According to the 14        people that found them,the place where they got lost was only about 10metres away from the 15        of the cave. If they had stayed on the spot,when they lost their way,and had tried to16      themselves down,they would have probably sensed a faint light flashing not far away.

  Don't you think that you can compare it with 17        itself? When you meet with difficulties in life,you are lost in darkness. 18       you that it's unclear yet and you needn't put up struggles 19       . It seems to be a negative (消极的) attitude,20       a person who can do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

1. A. hopeless   B. worse   C. more   D. best

2. A. service   B. way   C. control   D. work

3. A. cry   B. lie   C. wait   D. sleep

4. A. delay   B. success   C. team   D. arrival

5. A. untrue   B. unimaginable   C. possible   D. useless

6. A. plan   B. decision   C. explanation   D. excuse

7. A. physical   B. mental   C. working   D. medical

8. A. method   B. way   C. tool   D. strength

9. A. rotting   B. spreading   C. bleeding   D. running

10. A. loss   B. failure   C. disappointment   D. sadness

11. A. enjoyed   B. managed   C. tried   D. planned

12. A. Willing   B. Unable   C. Determined   D. Inspiring

13. A. hearing   B. sight   C. feeling   D. direction

14. A. rescue   B. village   C. local   D. brave

15. A. end   B. top   C. opening   D. side

16. A. save   B. help   C. stop   D. calm

17. A. adventure   B. work   C. life   D. mankind

18. A. Mind   B. Watch   C. Imagine   D. Warn

19. A. really   B. immediately   C. carefully   D. hopefully

20. A. and   B. so   C. but   D. while

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