

  A friend of mine met with an accident driving in the darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn't move. What was 1       ,he found himself unable to ask for help—his mobile phone went out of 2       as a result of the exhausted (用尽的) battery. Nothing could be done but 3        in the cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke,and then the 4        of the rescue.

  It was almost 5        that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his 6        First of all I checked up my7      conditions and found myself not in deadly danger. As there was no 8        to call for help,I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from9       . In this way I dozed (打盹) off."

  His story put an end to my regret for the 10        of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men 11       exploring a mountain cave and got lost. 12       to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of 13       Finally they fell dead because of fear and ex?haustion. According to the 14        people that found them,the place where they got lost was only about 10metres away from the 15        of the cave. If they had stayed on the spot,when they lost their way,and had tried to16      themselves down,they would have probably sensed a faint light flashing not far away.

  Don't you think that you can compare it with 17        itself? When you meet with difficulties in life,you are lost in darkness. 18       you that it's unclear yet and you needn't put up struggles 19       . It seems to be a negative (消极的) attitude,20       a person who can do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

1. A. hopeless   B. worse   C. more   D. best

2. A. service   B. way   C. control   D. work

3. A. cry   B. lie   C. wait   D. sleep

4. A. delay   B. success   C. team   D. arrival

5. A. untrue   B. unimaginable   C. possible   D. useless

6. A. plan   B. decision   C. explanation   D. excuse

7. A. physical   B. mental   C. working   D. medical

8. A. method   B. way   C. tool   D. strength

9. A. rotting   B. spreading   C. bleeding   D. running

10. A. loss   B. failure   C. disappointment   D. sadness

11. A. enjoyed   B. managed   C. tried   D. planned

12. A. Willing   B. Unable   C. Determined   D. Inspiring

13. A. hearing   B. sight   C. feeling   D. direction

14. A. rescue   B. village   C. local   D. brave

15. A. end   B. top   C. opening   D. side

16. A. save   B. help   C. stop   D. calm

17. A. adventure   B. work   C. life   D. mankind

18. A. Mind   B. Watch   C. Imagine   D. Warn

19. A. really   B. immediately   C. carefully   D. hopefully

20. A. and   B. so   C. but   D. while


1. B作者的朋友在黑暗中遭遇车祸后双腿不能移动,更为严重的是无法求助。

2. D out of service不在服务区;out of control失去控制。根据下文可知,造成作者的朋友不能求救的原因是手机的电池电量耗尽,致使手机不能处于工作状态。

3. C作者的朋友唯一能做的事就是在严寒的荒野里等待救援的到来。

4. D此处指天亮后救援队的到来(arrivals delay耽搁;suc?cess成功;team队;arrival到达>

5. B他能长时间在黑暗中忍受恐惧真是让人难以想象。


6. C根据下文作者朋友所说的话可判断,此处应为他在事后做出的解释和阐述。

7. A根据语境可知,作者的朋友先是检查了一下身体状况,发现伤口并不致命。因为无法求助,于是他便仰靠在座位上以便止血。


8. 13 there is no wayto do sth无法做某事;method尤指为众人所了解并运用的措施或方法;tool工具,器具;strength力量,长处。

9. C rot腐烂,变质;spread展开,延伸;bleed流血;run奔跑,经营,行驶。

10. B loss丢失,损失;failure失败;disappointment失望;sad?ness悲伤,难过。

11. C一群年轻人试图探索山间岩洞却不幸迷路。

enjoy do?ing sth喜欢做某事;manage to do sth成功地做成某事;try doing sth试图做某事;plan to do sth计划做某事。故选(:。

12. B由于找不到岩洞出口,他们怀着恐慌的心情,毫无方向感地乱跑。

willing乐意的,愿意的,自愿的;determined坚111 inspiring鼓舞人心的;unable不能的,不会的。

13. D a sense of direction方向感。

14. A根据下文可知,此处所指应为"救援人员"。

15. C the opening of the cave指"岩洞的出口 "。

16. D此处指队员们在迷路时若能保持镇定而不是处于一种恐慌的状态,那么他们或许就会察觉到不远处微弱的光线。

save挽救,攒(钱) ;help帮助;stop把……停下来,使停止; calm使镇静,使平静。

17. C根据下文中的"When you meet with difficulties in life,you…"可知此处应填life.

18. A mind you这里表示"提醒"。watch观看,照管;imagine 想象

19. B请注意,情况还不清楚,你不必马上努力挣扎(以便摆脱困境) 。really事实上,真正地,确实;immediately立即;carefully仔细地,慎重地;hopefully有希望地。

20. C这样做似乎是一种消极的态度,但一个勇于这样做的人首先一定具有远见和极大的勇气。



 Amy Pankratz spent a few nights in the hospital with her daughter,Isabella,who caught bad flu. "Lying in bed beside Isabel?la,I could hear the cries of children in pain," says Amy. "It completely broke my heart."

  When Isabella was getting well and could leave her room,she wore her prized possession―a "superhero cape (fe 斗篷) ”Amy had sewn to encourage her—and walked into the hallway. The pink cape was an instant hit with the other young patients,who were doing exercise around the nursing station. "Then,all the kids were taking turns wearing the cape,giggling," Amy said. "These were some of the same children that I had heard crying the night before,and here they were playing and having fun―kids just being kids!"

  From that moment on,Amy began making Comfort Capes for little ones battling with serious illnesses. "I felt God presenting an opportunity," she said. "I hoped Com?fort Capes can help these kids feel brave,to lift some of the fear away."

  Since then,Amy has made and donated more than 5 ,000 capes in the United States. Amy usually pays for materials herself,although she accepts donations.

  The capes she makes for kids in treatment are differ?ent from those her own children have. Before Amy starts to sew she learns what image or character the little boy or girl connects with. " I choose the pattern,colour and theme specially for each child," explains Amy.

  When she is not sewing,Amy is raising awareness of childhood cancers and looking into ways to get Comfort Capes to more kids who need them. "If a cape can help a child,even only for a moment,forget his illness,it's worth the time spent sewing," she says.

11. What made Amy feel sad when she was staying with her daughter in the hospital?

   A. Her daughter's serious illness.

   B. The cries of children in pain.

   C. The tiredness from sewing the cape.

   D. The illness of children in her daughter's room.

12. What purpose did Amy have when she began making Comfort Capes for sick children?

   A. To make them feel warm.

   B. To find friends for her daughter.

   C. To make them happy and fearless.

   D. To raise the awareness of children's illness.

13. According to the passage,we can get that the author's attitude towards Amy's behaviour is         .

   A. indifferent   B. neutral

   C. negative   D. supportive

14. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. Turning sick kids into superheroes

   B. How to treat the sick children

   C. A strong mum who helps others

   D. Amy: a considerate woman

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