
  For most of us,we thought that Galileo Galilei was the inventor of telescope because this is what our science teachers have told us and^this  is what wv have read in our books.But truth is that we are wrong because even if Galileo was one of the greatest astrono?mers this planet has ever produced,he was not the one who invented the telescope. So who invented the telescope is a question that has been puzzling us.

  The answer to the question on who invented the telescope is Hans Lippershey. He was the one who invented the telescope and his invention has greatly contributed to the world of astronomy and science. The telescope is used not only in discovering the world outside our planet such as the stars*planets and other objects but even in our daily lives.

  Now when we go back to the question on who invented the telescope,this guy named Hans Lippershey was the cause for a big change in our world. He was born in Germany and built his home in the Netherlands. When Italians came up with glass technique that was introduced to the Netherlands,such development has brought new ideas and progress and people then began to try out different ways of creating lenses (镜片) .It was in 1608 that telescopes were invented.

  After the invention,telescopes were then produced in numbers and were spread across Europe and eventually in America and Asia. The early telescopes can only in?crease the size of an object thrice (三倍) its original size. But the present telescopes can view objects that are light years away and can see even tiny objects.

1. Our school teachers have told us that         .

   A. it was Galileo who invented the telescope

   B. Galileo was one of the greatest astronomers

   C. who invented the telescope is still a puzzle to us

   D. Galileo was famous mainly because he invented the telescope

2. From Paragraph 2 we know that the invention of the telescope is         .

   A. frightening   B. useful

   C. casual   D. difficult

3. Who were very important to the invention of the telescope?

   A. The Netherlanders. B. The Germans.

   C. The Italians. D. The French.

4. The last paragraph mainly tells us that         .

   A. many kinds of telescopes have been produced

   B. telescopes have been improved and used worldwide

   C. telescopes are being produced in large numbers worldwide

   D. modern telescopes are much better than early ones


 As we know,it's the beginning of the end for TV. Apple has released Apple TV,a tiny white box that connects the shows and movies you've downloaded from the computer,and wirelessly (无线地) sends them to your TV screen.

  No longer will you have to pay a monthly fee to your cable (有线的) company to watch your favourite show. Apple's iTunes has made it possible to download a TV show for about $ 2,keep it stored on your computer and watch it whenever you want. It's a blow to the cable networks,which offer services that are often expensive and make hundreds of channels and thousands of shows nothing to watch.

  American networks have gone one step further,allowing audiences to watch their shows for free online. If the cable companies don't keep up with technology,we'll soon be giving them up.

  "This is the biggest kind of entertainment in history," says Colin Dixon, "I don't think that traditional broadcasts—cable and satellite—are going away tomor?row,but they must change to keep the market share."

  The Internet changes businesses at an unbelievable speed. Now it's happening with video. Canadians are being kept behind the times. Some Canadian channels are starting to follow American companies. Global offered Survivor: Cook Islands on?line,and CTV is doing the same for Degrassi:The Next Generation t And cable companies say that video on demand and personal video recording technology can compete with the Net.

  "You watch when you want it," says Michael Lee,adding that the Net doesn't give viewers the opportunity to just sit on the couch and flip (浏览) through chan?nels.

However,it takes time.

  "Up until this year even the US sites didn't offer a lot of online content. We've seen an explosion of it this fail," she says.

1. According to the text,Apple TV          .

   A. marks the end of TV

   B. makes its users more convenient

   C. can download movies from computers

   D. can send movies to TV by wire

2. The appearance of Apple's iTunes means         .

   A. good news for the cable companies

   B. the cable companies can earn a lot more

   C. the serious situation for cable companies

   D. the rapid development of technology

3. According to Colin Dixon's words,which of the following agrees with his idea?

   A. Cable companies need to turn to technology for help.

   B. Cable and satellite will disappear at last.

   C. There's no need for cable companies to change.

   D. Traditional broadcasts are the only entertainment now.

4. According to the text,what does the underlined word " it" in the last but one paragraph refer to?

   A. The cable company. B. The online content.

   C. Viewers' opportunity. D. The change of cable networks.


  After my brother died in an accident,my mother was very sad. I was only 4 years old at the time,but I still understood the 24       in my mums attitude towards safety. 25      ,everything around us was potentially 26       . 1 grew up with a lot of 27        and rules that were meant to 28        me. For example,I was not 29      to walk home from school by myself,even though everyone I knew already did. I couldn't 30      evening parties or go to summer camp,31      what if something happened to me?

  As I got older,the list of things to 32       got lon?ger. I became a natural33       . I was concerned about things like getting cancer,losing my wallet,being caught in car accidents and earthquakes—34       big and small,real and 35      .The funny part is that you'd never know it by looking at my life,because I'm constantly 36      myself to do the things that frighten or worry me. In fact,I've developed a37      for myself; if it scares me,then I have to do it38      once. I've done lots of things that would have39      my mum:Ive ridden a motorcycle,I've travelled alone,and I've performed standup comedy.

  Courage isn't a natural attribute (品质) of human be ings. I believe that we have to practise being courageous. The more 40        I do things that scare me or that make me 41       ,the more I realize that I can do a lot more than I originally thought I could do.

  Even though I have inherited (经遗传获得) my mother's cautious 42      ,I've also come to believe that fear can be a good thing,if we 43       it. Believing that has made my world a less scary place.

24. A. hint   B. change   C. scene   D. lesson

25. A. Slowly   B. Logically   C. Fortunately   D. Suddenly

26. A. important   B. inspiring   C. convenient   D. dangerous

27. A. restrictions   B. considerations   C. judgements   D. comparisons

28. A. limit   B. help   C. protect   D. train

29. A. allowed   B. encouraged   C. reminded   D. advised

30. A. arrange   B. attend   C. decorate   D. support

31. A. but   B. though   C. or   D. because

32. A. hope   B. fear   C. count   D. bear

33. A. worrier   B. dreamer   C. adult   D. thinker

34. A. ideas   B. affairs   C. actions   D. disasters

35. A. special   B. common   C. imaginary   D. practical

36. A. expecting   B. warning   C. forcing   D. promising

37. A. rule   B. form   C. case   D. hobby

38. A. in all   B. at most   C. after all   D. at least

39. A. threatened   B. shocked

   C. confused   D. entertained

40. A. rarely   B. quickly   C. often   D. fairly

41. A. confident   B. uncomfortable   C. happy   D. generous

42. A. nature   B. duty   C. work   D. task

43. A. know   B. get   C. avoid   D. face 

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