Japanese households are being urged to go to bed one hour earlier than normal in order to help tackle climate change.

  The Japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce household carbon dioxide emissions.

The Morning Challenge campaign, launched by the Japanese Environment Ministry, is based on the belief that swapping late night electricity for an extra hour of morning sunlight could significantly cut the nation's carbon footprint.

  A typical family can reduce its carbon dioxide footprint by 85kg a year if everyone goes to bed and gets up one hour earlier, according to the campaign.

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions potentially saved from going to bed an hour early equals 20 percent of annual emissions from household lights," Many Japanese people waste elec?tric power at night time,for example by watching TV until very late, "a ministry spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph.

  But going to bed early and getting up early can avoid wasting electrical power which causes carbon dioxide emissions. If people change their lifestyle, we can save energy and reduce emis?sions. The campaign also proposes that people take advantage of an extra hour of morning sun?light by improving their lifestyles in general by running,doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast.

  It is the latest initiative(倡议) tackling climate change by the Japanese environment minis?try,which is faced with the challenge of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels within the next three decades.

  It was the same government department that launched the high-profile(备受关注的) Cool Biz campaign five years ago,which encourages workers to wear short-sleeved shirts and offices not to turn air conditioner lower than 28 degrees Celsius during summer. 

(   ) 5. The campaign mentioned in the passage is aimed at        .

   A.saving electricity

   B.taking full advantage of morning sunshine

   C.improving Japanese people's lifestyle

   D.reducing household carbon dioxide emissions

(   ) 6. The underlined phrase "carbon footprint" in Paragraph 3 probably means        .

   A.the footsteps the Japanese make

   B.carbon painting

   C.carbon dioxide emissions

   D.carbon paper

(   ) 7. By 2020, the Japanese hope to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the level of 1990 by        .

   A. 20%        B. 25%      C. 28%          D. 85%

(   ) 8. What can we learn about the Cool Biz campaign according to the passage?

    A.It was started by the Japanese Environment Ministry last year.

   B.It was intended to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

   C.It demanded that workers should not wear short-sleeved shirts.

   D.It discouraged the workers from turning on air conditioner during summer.

 While many of us use the Internet to enhance life through online shopping,bill paying,and surfing our interest areas,there is a "dark" side to the online world. It is common knowledge that many suffer from Internet addictions related to gambling and video games, blow,however,there is research indicating that social media use could lead to depression—Facebook may be harmful to your health.

  The online universe can be an intense emotionally-charged world and many may measure their own self-worth through unrealistic cyber perceptions. Pictures of partying peers and online postings can harm self-esteem if one is not included in the fun. Many teens that view these pages feel their life is comparatively inadequate. Additionally, a lot of kids think of Facebook as a popularity contest of who can have the most connections and post the coolest pictures.

  Facebook is also a place for teens to announce their accomplishments and receive accolades from their friends and family. This is an excellent way to use Facebook, and encouraging loved ones to participate in this manner is highly appropriate. On the opposite side of the spectrum, think about the kids who think they have nothing to post and nobody to comment about their suc?cesses.

  Lastly, cyber bullies(网络暴力) can sink victims to a new low. Bullying behavior can have the long lasting emotional effects. Online harassment(賸扰) is public and can potentially remain in cyberspace forever,often making it difficult for kids to recover or escape from an incident.

Using social media is one of the most common activities that kids engage in today. Re?search has also indicated that online interactions can have many benefits,including better techni?cal skills, enhanced communication abilities, and stronger social connections. If,however, you are not part of the "in-crowd",it could lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.

(   ) 1. Which of the following causes the depression of Facebook users?

    A. Internet addiction.   B. Comparing with others.

   C. Receiving many comments.   D. Lack of friends. 

(   ) 2. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that online bullying        .

   A.can easily be avoided

   B.is not so serious as bullying in the real world

   C.usually finishes when the incident ends '

   D.can be even more harmful than bullying in the real world

(   ) 3. According to the text, a Facebook user will not be depressed if he        .

   A.feels part of the " in-crowd"

   B.only uses it now and then

   C.keeps in touch with his friends

   D.uses it for its advantage

(   ) 4. The main purpose of the text is to        ,

   A.tell us how to make good use of facebook

   B.tell us the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook

   C.explain why Facebook can be harmful to the users

   D.analyze the common behaviors of Facebook users

  When I was a little boy,my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one evening 1 when she made breakfast after a long, 2 day at work. On that 3 so long ago,my mom placed a plate of eggs,sausage and extremely burn?ed biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if my dad 4

  5all my dad did was reach for his biscuit,6 at my mom and asked me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that evening, but I do remember watching him eat it happily!

  When I got up from the table to my room to prepare for tomorrow's 7   ,I heard my mom 8 to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said―"Baby,I  9 burned biscuits.”

  Later that night, I asked him if he 10 liked the burned biscuits. "Your mom put in a hard day at work today and she's real very 11    ," he said. " 12   ,a little burnt biscuit never 13 anyone!" Hearing that,I was very moved by the 14 of my father and the deep love between them.

  In bed that night,I thought about the 15 at dinner and the kindness my Daddy 16 to my Mom.

You know,life is full of 17 things and people:Fm not the best housekeeper or cook.What I've learned over the years is that learning to 18 each other's faults is one of the most important 19 to creating a healthy, permanent relationship. We could extend this to any 20 in fact. For example, we should show consideration to our friends. 

(   ) 1.A. in particular   B. on purpose   C. by accident   D. at first 

(   ) 2.A. hungry   B. tough   C. unique   D. strange

(   ) 3.A. holiday   B. midnight   C. morning   D. evening

(   ) 4.A. imagined   B. sensed   C. noticed   D. stared

(   ) 5.A. Yet   B. Thus   C. Otherwise   D. As

(   ) 6.A. aimed   B. glared   C. shouted   D. smiled

(   ) 7.A. interview   B. classes   C. breakfast   D. housework

(   ) 8.A. agree   B. refer   C. apologize   D. complain

(   ) 9.A. love   B. miss   C. forget   D. cook

(   ) 10.A. just   B. already   C. recently   D. actually

(   ) 11.A. unhappy   B. tired   C. careless   D. nervous

(   ) 12.A. Therefore   B. Besides   C. So   D. However

(   ) 13.A. disappoints   B. changes   C. hurts   D. worries

(   ) 14.A. humour   B. consideration   C. motivation   D. attention

(   ) 15.A. scene   B. comment   C. emergency   D. struggle

(   ) 16.A. promised   B. supplied   C. showed   D. pointed

(   ) 17.A. uncertain   B. useless   C. unusual   D. imperfect

(   ) 18.A. discover   B. accept   C. remove   D. doubt

(   ) 19.A. commands   B. ideas   C. keys   D. rules

(   ) 20.A. generation   B. experience   C. environment   D. relationship

  Germany's mystery English-speaking "forest boy" is said to be having trouble adjusting to normal life. Sources close to the case claim he is having difficulty sleeping in a proper bed and wants to return to the wild. Other creature comforts, such as soap,hot showers, and running water, are also " unsettling" the youngster.

  Known only as Ray and believed to be around 17 ,the boy is thought to have spent at least five years sleeping rough in woods south of the German capital. Ray is in good physical shape and had no signs of abuse apart from a small scar that was at least three years old.

  He handed himself in to officials on September 5 ,and was carrying a rucksack,tent and sleeping bag. He told police his father had recently died after a fail and he had buried him in a shallow grave. He then walked north for a fortnight for help until he got to the German capital. The boy claimed that his father―identified only as Ryan―had taken him into the woods south of Berlin after his mother, Doreen, died in a car crash.

  Now detectives have begun a search for the grave, or any other place where Ryan's body might be lying. The boy is unable to tell them exactly where he buried his father,but claimed he "followed his compass northwards".

  In the meantime, they are trying to make Ray a ward of court(受法院监护的人) ,so that an official can be appointed to make important decisions on his behalf. DNA,fingerprint and dental records can also then be handed over to officials so that his records can be checked against those of missing children. A police spokesman confirmed that a search had started for Ryan's grave af?ter the boy said that he was buried under stones "two weeks south of Berlin".

Officials believe the teenager could be British because he speaks English but only basic Ger?man. The British Consul(领事) is also working with police to try to solve the mystery.

(   ) 5. The underlined word in Paragraph 1 most probably means        .

A. satisfying   B. annoying   C. boring   D. amazing

(   ) 6. It can be concluded from the passage that        .

   A.The police found the boy in the woods south of the German capital

   B.From the small scar we know that he has been abused for three years

   C.The boy's father died in woods while his mother died in a car crash 5 years ago

   D.The boy possibly came from Britain because he could only speak a little German 

(   ) 7. The police are trying to make Ray a ward of court in order to        .

   A.help the boy adjust to the normal life

   B.hand over DNA.fingerprint and dental records to Interpol

   C.appoint an official to make important decisions for the boy

    D. start a search for Ryan's grave where Ryan's body might be lying

(   ) 8. The passage is probably taken from a        .

    A. newspaper report   B. travel journal

   C. science fiction   D. scientific research

  American novelist Margaret Mitchell was the author of one of the most famous novels ever written,Gone with the Wind (19S6) ,for which she won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. An Ameri?can film adaptation, in 1939 received a record-breaking number of Academy Awards.

  Margaret Mitchell was born on November 8 , 1900 in Atlanta,Georgia.

  Her father was president of the local historical society and her mother was president of one of the South's suffragette(鼓吹妇女参政) groups. She was also a strict woman who did not want to spoil(溺爱) her daughter. Apparently? Mitchell grew up listening to stories about the battles the Confederate Army had fought there during the American Civil War. At the same time the awareness of women's rights formed in her mind at a young age. Later, she used these tales as inspiration for her famous novel.

  At the age of 22 ,Mitchell began a career as a journalist, but an ankle injury forced her to rest at home. By that time she had married and started to work on her novel, which took ten years to complete. When a traveling book editor visited Atlanta in search of new material, she unwillingly let him have a look at her manuscript(手稿) .Gone with the Wind was published when Mitchell was 36.

  Gone with the Wind is a clearly drawn tale of the American Southern life during and after the Civil War,which is told through the lives of two families,their relatives,friends and slaves. It centers on Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler. It has been praised as the first novel to tell the story of the Civil War from a Southern woman's point of view. The effect Gone with the Wind had and still has on the world is immeasurable. With Gone With the Wind Margaret brought a promising message to all people "Tomorrow is another day". 

(   ) 1. We learn from the first paragraph that Gone with the Wind        .

   A.wasn't much of a success until the film adaptation was released

   B.was a great success both as a novel and a film

   C.was widely read only after 1939

   D.wasn't an immediate success as a film

(   ) 2. What do we know about Margaret Mitchell's mother?

   A.She held a position in the government office.

   B.She had a good knowledge of history.

   C.She was very strict with Margaret Mitchell.

   D.She had no interest in politics.

(   ) 3. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Margaret Mitchell        .

   A.was positively influenced by her family background

   B.didn't have a happy childhood

   C.had the idea of writing a great novel at a young age

   D.was taught at home by her parents

(   ) 4. What can we infer from the passage?

   A.Gone with the Wind didn't attract the traveling book editor.

   B.Mitchell had always wanted her novel to be published.

   C.Mitchell began to write novels before she got married.

   D.Gone with the Wind was published thanks to the traveling book editor.

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