
I am 20 years old and work at a nursing home. Even though I go back home late every night, I never feel 17 with my job; because I know that I have  18  someone's heart.

One night while I was19 ,1 was talking with a 76-year-old lady-named Retta. We were having a conversation about the mystery meat din?ner, 20 she stopped suddenly. She had a fixed 21 on her face and tears in her eyes. When I asked her what was 22 , she merely smiled and took my hand. She then drifted into(不知不觉地陷人)a sound 23 .

 When I returned after a while to give a snack to Retta who had woken up, she watched me like we would 24see each other again. Then, out of nowhere she spoke, "You are my 25 . You treat me as though we were a 26 I just want you to know that God has a special place for you. You have given me 27 in my last days here. Don't cry when I am 28  I will watch over you while I stay with God."

I was so touched that my 29were falling. I told Retta how much that  30  to me and kissed her good night.

I was off the next night and when I returned to work the following day I was met with the 31  news that Retta had passed away the  32 on which we had spoken. I was heartbroken. The family asked me to 33 the funeral(葬礼)since I had been one of Retta,s "favourites".

After the funeral, I began to realize that I shouldn't be upset. She knew she was going home and she was   34 ,

Retta inspired me. I 35 her every time when I prepare to go to work. Because of Retta, I get more and more devoted to my job. She will be in my 36 forever.

17.  A. satisfied        B.  bored   C.  pleased       D. excited

18.  A. hurt             B.  attacked        C.  attracted       D. touched

19.  A. in bed          B.  on duty        C.  in trouble      D.  in surprise

20.  A. after            B.  when          C.  so            D. because

21.  A. look            B.  smell          C.  type          D. emotion

22.  A. perfect          B.  good          C.  right          D. wrong

23.  A. journey         B.  trouble       C.  sleep          D. adventure

24.  A. ever             B.  never         C.  later          D. immediately

25.  A. partner          B.  manager       C.  leader         D. angel

26.  A. family          B.  group         C.  team          D. unit

27.  A. knowledge        B.  money             C. joy          D. medicine

28.  A. fired            B.  lost           C.  killed          D. gone

29.  A. tears            B.  teeth          C.  papers       D. books

30.  A. suggested      B.  meant              C.  led           D. contributed

31.  A. comfortable         B. .welcome       C.  bad           D. encouraging

32.  A. night            B. week          C.  morning          D. afternoon

33.  A, celebrate       B.   attend        C.   refuse       D. press

34.  A. happy           B.  sad          C.  disappointed      D. frightened

35.  A. come across        B.  chat with      C.  care about     D.  think of

36.  A. garden          B.  home         C.  hand           D. heart

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