
17. What seems to be a simple idea always turns out   that is hard to put into practice.

A, the one      B. one

C. ones         D. another

17. B考查代词的用法。句意:看似简单的想法结果总是成为一个很难实施的想法。这里需要代词代替an idea,用one可以泛指可数名词的单数;the one是特指可数名词单数;ones 是泛指可数名词复数;another另一个。所以选B。



Gordon Sato was born in Los Angeles in the 1920s. He learned to make corn grow in the dry and dusty soil. He later became a cell biologist. He earned many honours for his research.

In 1985, he went to Eritrea. There he noticed that camels were eating the leaves of mangrove trees(红树)growing along the coast. He planted more mangroves so they could be used to feed livestock. But at first all the new trees died. Then Gordon Sato observed that mangrove trees only grew naturally where there was fresh water some of the time. The fresh water provided minerals(矿物质)that salt water lacked. Gordon Sato found a way to provide these minerals by putting the minerals into small plastic bags at the base of each tree. Each plastic bag had a tiny hole that was very careful?ly sized.

The women in the village of Hargigo started to feed the leaves of the mangrove trees to their sheep and goats. But the animals were not produ?cing enough milk for their babies. Gordon Sato asked the villagers to grind (磨碎)the remains of fish they had eaten and spread this fish paste on the leaves. This provided protein for the sheep and goats so they could produce more milk.

Today there are more than one million mangrove trees around the vil?lage. Gordon Sato has also started a large garden in Mauritania to grow more mangrove trees. He is always looking for new projects and new ways to pay for them. "You don't have to be brilliant to do useful work. All you have to have is intelligence and determination, and you can make a contribu?tion to this world," Gordon Sato said.

9. After seeing camels eat the leaves of mangrove trees, Gordon Sato

 A. wanted to study mangrove trees

B. wanted to raise more farm animals

C. decided to plant more mangrove trees

D. wanted to know why they loved mangrove tress

 10.Why did the newly-planted mangrove trees die at first?

  A.Because nobody helped wato therii. I

B. Because they lacked certain minerals.

C. Because they were short of salt water, ;

D Because they were too close to each other.

11. Gordon Sato asked the villagers to grind the remains of fish in order to

A. help mangrove trees grow better

B. provide protein for their animals

C. make their animals love eating leaves

D. put some kinds of minerals into fresh water

12.What Gordon Sato said in the last paragraph shows that .

A. it is not easy to make a contribution to this world

B. intelligence is more important than determination

C. we all can make a contribution to the world if we keep trying

D. we cannot make a contribution to the world if we are not brilliant

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