

_【1】__ less red meat and more fiber, less saturated fat (饱和脂肪) and more fruit and vegetables, right? Wrong, according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe. In the book, Harcombe charts her careful journey of research into studies that underpin (巩固) dietary advice—and her myth(误区)breaking conclusions are surprising.


Real fat is not bad for ussays Harcombe.It’s manmade fats we should be demonizing.Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat? In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.

Myth: We should eat more fiber.

For three decades, we have eaten fiber into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving.__3_ says Harcombe.

The advice to eat more fiber is put forward along with the theory that we need to clean our digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines (肠道), so why do we want to wash everything out? Concentrate on not putting bad foods in.

Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Fiveaday is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice says Harcombe.You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit.__4__.‘Fiveaday’started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and vegetable companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991.There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.

Myth: Frui and vegetables are the most nutritious things to eat.

Apparently not Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet—if served in butter to deliver the fatsoluble(dissolved) vitamins they contain—but natural sugar, the fruit sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat.__5__ says Harcombe, who adds Vitamins and minerals in animal foods—meat, fish, eggs and dairy products—beat those in fruit hands down.

AThink again

BThis is not a good idea

CFat is bad for us

DFruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight

EWant to lose weight? Don’t trust these

FWe need take more exercise

GWe think we know what to eat











【3】B 前文误区二提到我们应该多吃纤维,有下文可知这并不是一个正确的观点,所以答案是B。

【4】A由前文Youd think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit及后文Fiveadaystarted as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and vegetable companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991可知衔接两个句子的是答案A。





【1】A safari park is a park in which wild animals are kept. They are mainly located in east or central Africa. They often occupy a very wild area, with mountains and rivers. To visit the park and look at the animals, people have to drive around in a car for a few of hours because the park is huge.

【2】In south Africa there is a safari park, which contains all sorts of wild animals like lions, elephants, rhinoceroses(犀牛), zebras, wild pigs, deer and giraffes.

【3】There is a wild road leading through the park, but nobody is permitted to walk on the road. Anyone traveling in the park has to go in a car because wild animals may fiercely attack people. From the car he may see almost every types of African wildlife. Some of these are getting scarce (稀有的) because people kill them for various reasons. For example, rhinoceroses are killed for their horns (角), which are used in traditional Chinese medicines for colds and headaches. Perhaps they will be seen only in museums and books one day.

【4】Travels may buy food for the animals. They can feed them when they tour the park. Of course, they should not feed them in a close distance because the wild animals may attack people. In addition, they should only give proper food to the animals.

【5】A traveler may carry a gun with him in his journey. The gun is given to him by the government. However, it is not used for hunting. In fact, a seal(封条) is fixed to it. The traveler may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in case he is attacked. However, he has to prove to the government that he has been attacked and that he has not fired at a harmless animal.

【1】List one of the reasons why travelers have to stay in a car during their visit.(no more than 6 words)


2】Why are rhinoceroses getting scarce?(no more than 7 words)


3】What warning are given to travelers when they feed the animals?(no more than 15 words)


4】How does the government know the gun is fired?(no more than 10 words)


5】What is the passage mainly about?(no more than 6 words)_____________________________________________________________________

【题目】Son’s Help

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him. It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen. ―“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, ―“so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”

【1】Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A.he worked in a factory

B.he had a lot of work to do

C.he had worked there for a long time

D.he was a driver

【2】Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

B.she couldn’t find any work

C.she thought her husband was tired

D.her husband spent all time in gambling

【3】The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A.he wouldn’t stop gambling

B.he had been put into lockup

C.he was hardly sent away by the factory

D.he didn’t love her any longer

【4】Which of the following is right?

A.The boy thought his father needed some policemen.

B.The boy hoped his father would stop gambling soon.

C.The boy hoped his mother would come back.

D.The boy hoped his father would be put into lockup again.

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