
Terror attacked the heart of the World War I soldier,as he saw his lifelong friend falling in the battle.Caught in a trench(战壕)with________gunfire whizzing(飕飕地移动)over his head,the soldier asked his__________if he might go out into the “No Man's Land” between the trenches to bring his_______   partner back.

“You can go,”said the officer,“but I don't think it will be worth it.Your friend is___________dead and you may throw your own___________away.”

The officer's words didn't__________to him,and the soldier went anyway. Surprisingly he _______   to reach his friend,lift him onto his_________,and bring him back to their own trench.As the two of them    _______in together to the bottom of the trench,the officer____________the wounded soldier,and then looked kindly at his friend .

“I told you it wouldn't be worth it,” he said.“Your friend is dead,and you are terribly wounded.”

“It was worth it,________,sir,” the soldier said.

“What do you mean by ‘worth it’?” _________the officer.“Your friend is dead!” “Yes sir,” the soldier answered.“But it was worth it because when I got to him,he was still ________,and I had the _______of hearing him say,‘Jim,I knew you'd come.’

Many a time in________,whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on__________you look at it.Take up all your__________and do something your__________tells you to do so that you may not_______  doing it later in life.May each and every one of you be blessed with the company of_________friends.

1.A. bright B. dusty C. continuous D. loose

2.A. partner B. officer C. reporter D. brother

3.A. grateful B. forgetful C. selfless D. helpless

4.A. probably B. personally C. exactly D. entirely

5.A. work B. life C. gun D. friendship

6.A. matter B. agree C. escape D. succeed

7.A. tried B. decided C. planned D. managed

8.A. hands B. head C. shoulder D. legs

9.A. trapped B. fell C. jumped D. competed

10.A. checked B. recovered C. persuaded D. transported

11.A. although B. then C. while D. anyhow

12.A. advised B. warned C. responded D. ordered

13.A. alive B. afraid C. affected D. amazed

14.A. reality B. satisfaction C. responsibility D. experience

15.A. life B. battles C. nature D. society

16.A. what B. how C. when D. why

17.A. attention B. fear C. courage D. money

18.A. expression B. friend C. character D. heart

19.A. forget B. remember C. regret D. determine

20.A. true B. straight C. generous D. native


My family spent one summer vacation enjoying the beaches of beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama. We bought a boat thinking this would make for a really _______ day at the beach for my two little girls.

I probably became too _______ with my younger daughter on the sand. When I looked up I became _______. The little boat with my older daughter in it had _______ far out from the shore. I called to her to come in _______ to shore and, although she seemed frightened, she was doing all she could to _______ just that. But there were no oars (桨) and her little _______ were too short to reach across the boat and into the _______.

Others on the beach seemed to be doing nothing to help except _______. I was standing as far out ________ the water as I could — ________ instructions to her, but with no ________. At last I thought to myself, “I know I’m a ________ swimmer but my daughter needs my help. I have no ________.” I jumped into the water.

At first my arms started moving very ________. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I swam until I was breathless. I just kept hoping and ________ her. Finally, I reached the edge of the ________, grabbed the rope and began making my way back to shore. My child was crying so I tried ________ her, even though everything inside me was ________.

My life was forever changed by that ________. I learned if I believe in myself and dive right in I will have all the strength I need.

1.A. lucky B. fun C. moving D. peaceful

2.A. busy B. patient C. angry D. pleased

3.A. excited B. angry C. concerned D. amused

4.A. sunk B. stayed C. lost D. moved

5.A. closer B. faster C. earlier D. safer

6.A. avoid B. accomplish C. claim D. behave

7.A. legs B. fingers C. arms D. clothes

8.A. water B. shore C. board D. sand

9.A. applauding B. noticing C. swimming D. watching

10.A. off B. among C. in D. on

11.A. reading B. taking C. following D. shouting

12.A. hope B. reason C. end D. success

13.A. skillful B. poor C. brave D. new

14.A. choice B. way C. reason D. support

15.A. gently B. slowly C. confidently D. casually

16.A. keeping an eye on B. getting in touch with C. looking back at D. waving over to

17.A. strength B. oar C. boat D. beach

18.A. scolding B. calming C. praising D. helping

19.A. overjoyed B. changed C. missing D. trembling

20.A. point B. story C. experience D. scene

Working as a volunteer is sure to enrich your life, and the lives of others, in more ways than you could ever imagine. It’s an exciting and personally inspiring experience and you’ll develop memories that will be with you forever.

As a volunteer, you’re making a meaningful contribution, working side-by-side with local people and sharing in the goals of a community that warmly welcomes you. You’re experiencing another culture like never before and really getting to know its people. You’ll gain a better understanding of the culture and yourself. There are a huge number of volunteering programs that offer different focuses. You may participate in a conservation project to help protect local environment or endangered wildlife, an educational project helping women or the disadvantaged, or a community project helping build essential facilities (基础设施) for a village or town.

These experiences will be hugely rewarding and also challenging, and will allow you to show what you really can achieve. Expect a culture shock as this is a grass-roots type of adventure, as you will be placed in remote areas with no phones, no television and sometimes no flushing toilet! What you will learn is the beauty of human nature, the power of team work and the difference you can make to the global community. You will also improve your personal growth. Increasing your social awareness, gaining self-confidence, building a sense of independence, discovering your strengths and talents, developing skills, expanding your social circle and developing a job finding network are just some of the potential benefits that will result from your volunteering experiences. You will get as much out of volunteering as you put into it—and quite often, you will get a whole lot more.

1.What would you focus on if you participate in an educational project?

A. Spreading a new culture.

B. Protecting endangered wildlife.

C. Helping kids from poor families.

D. Improving basic facilities.

2.What is needed for volunteer work according to the passage?

A. A wide range of social circles.

B. A good knowledge of local culture.

C. The volunteer experiences in remote areas.

D. The willingness to live a hard life.

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage volunteer work.

B. To describe the difficulties with volunteer work.

C. To show sympathy for the poor.

D. To introduce the operation of volunteer work.

This year’s winners of the Wenjin Book Award, announced by the National Library of China on April 23, are from three main categories — children’s books, popular science and social science titles.

The annual awards announced on World Book Day are meant to build a bridge between readers, writers and publishers to create a conductive feeling for reading books and fulfill the duty of libraries to promote culture and educate the people.

Started in 2004 and first celebrated in 2005, the award’s group of judges is drawn from a pool of great scholars and journalists.

Zhang He, a senior culture reporter from the People’s Daily, says the awards are considered the most honorable in China’s book world because it fully focuses on the quality of the books.

Every year, the award selects 10 books from those published within the past 12 months, covering three areas: humanities and social science, popular science and children’s book. The judging group also makes dozens of book recommendations for the public.

From 2005 to 2014, with a break in 2012, judging groups selected 99 books and recommended some 421 others from a pool of 6,000 titles.

Critics (评论员) praised the winning books, especially Zhongguo Gudai Wuzi Wenhua, or Tangible Culture in Ancient China, published by the Zhonghua Book Company in July 2014. Based on a series of the writer Sun Ji’s lectures on Chinese culture, the book has 10 chapters that attempt to answer people’s questions about various aspects of ancient Chinese people’s lives. Chen Li, a writer and one of the judges says that the book has the “newest, most comprehensive and systematic description” on Chinese culture.

For more information, please click liuzhihua@chinadaily.com.cn

1.According to the passage, all of the followings are TRUE except ________.

A. There is a competition for the Wenjin Book Award every year.

B. World Book Day dates back to the year 2005.

C. It was because the award focuses on the quality of books that made it the most honorable in China’s book world.

D. The awarded books are about humanities and social sciences, popular science and children’s books.

2.Which of the following about Wenjin Book Award is RIGHT?

A. The books have to be written in the past years.

B. Themes of the books include humanities and social science as well as natural science

C. In the past decade, about one hundred books have won the Wenjin Book Award.

D. The award’s judges are from great scholars and writers.

3.Where can you probably read this passage?

A. On a website. B. In a magazine.

C. In a textbook. D. In a guidebook.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Winners of Wenjin Book Award. B. World Book Day.

C. Work on Wenjin Book Award. D. Best-sellers on World Book Day.

Jonathan Cranwell sat on a hard bench behind the long narrow desk and watched the flies fly lazily in the sun. The drone of the younger boys reading letters and the older boys reciting Latin verbs made him sleepy. Jonathan had to force his eyes to stay open. He wanted to learn something new!

He looked up at the schoolmaster’s high desk in the front of the room. The new teacher was from Harvard College. Jonathan’s father had been impressed with him. The boys had already had several other teachers, but none of them seemed to inspire Jonathan. So far, there was nothing to show that this one was special, though he’d only been there two days.

“It’s too hot to sit and memorize lessons,” the schoolmaster said. “We’ll move outdoors for the next part of our lesson.” He led the group of boys into the schoolyard. “You younger boys, dig for grubs and beetles ( 幼虫和甲虫). Count their feet. See if you can describe their shells”.

Jonathan watched the teacher surrounded by laughing young students. No one had ever used the schoolyard itself for a classroom. “What next ?” he thought. Soon he didn’t have time to think about the younger boys, for he was running after butterflies and dragonflies himself.

Jonathan and his friends liked this new way of learning.

“It will be a clear night tonight. Go outside and look at the sky,” said the schoolmaster. “Look at the stars and notice their brightness and the patterns they make. These patterns have names from Greek mythology(神话), names like Orion, Aries, and others. Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient stories on them.”

“How is the new schoolmaster?” asked Jonathan’s father that evening, when Jonathan announced he was going out to look at the sky.

“He’s different from any other schoolmaster we’ve had,” Jonathan admitted. “He seems interested in everything around him, and he wants us to be curious too. He even used the schoolyard as a classroom!”

“So Mr. John Adams and his new ways make school useful to you after all,” joked Jonathan’s father.

“I believe he has,” said Jonathan. “I know I won’t forget the lessons he has taught us!”

1.What does the underlined word “drone” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Clear speaking voices.

B. Enthusiastic responses.

C. Continuous low dull sounds.

D. Voices of exciting reading and reciting.

2.From the last but one paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. Mr. Cranwell was not satisfied with the new ways

B. Jonathan had previously complained about school

C. Mr. Cranwell had met the new schoolmaster

D. Jonathan had shown his father his homework.

3.What is the main idea of this story?

A. Science is all around us.

B. School provides us with the best education.

C. Homework is an important part of education.

D. There is more than one way to learn.

You have heard it said many times — the only thing constant in life is change. Change happens in every area in our lives, such as moving into a new apartment or home and changes in career or business. So we cannot avoid change in life. 1. Here are some of the benefits of change:

Change leads to opportunities. You will realize that each change in your life is actually an invitation to new opportunities. Remember every new opportunity has its own benefits.2. However, it is always advisable to consider the benefits that those new opportunities will bring. If you accept changes in your life, you will benefit from each new opportunity.

3. If you are used to doing the same thing over and over again, you may get bored, and lose the interest in your life. Change ensures that your experiences differ from day to day, month to month. Remember that the world is always in a continuous motion.4. These make life exciting.

Change means progress. If you look back to your life ten years ago, you were very different from what you are today. 5. This is called progress. And these growth experiences are the reason why you should appreciate changes in your life.

There, we should take advantage of change and make it work for us in positive ways.

A. Luckily, change is important in our lives.

B. Technologies, trends, and politics keep on changing.

C. Change is one thing that makes our lives interesting.

D. You may reject these opportunities, whenever they come.

E. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

F. You have the power to make every day a good day by accepting changes.

G. There are many things that have happened in your life, which helped you grow.

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