
【题目】Green invaders are taking over America. Not invaders from space, but plants! You might not think of plants as dangerous, but in this case they are threatening nature’s delicate food chain.

The invaders are plants brought here from other countries to make gardens and yards look pretty. Ever since people started to arrive on America’s shores, they have carried along trees, flowers, and vegetables from other places. Now there are so many of those plants, they are crowding out the native plants that have lived here since before human settlers arrived.

And that’s a problem, says Dr. Doug Tallamy. He’s insect expert at the University of Delaware. He explains that almost all the plant-eating insects in the United States are specialized, which means they eat only certain plants. Monarch butterfly caterpillars(幼虫),for example, dine on milkweed. If people cut down milkweed and replace it with another plant, the butterflies will not have the food source that they need to survive.

But the trouble doesn’t stop there. When insects can’t get the right plants to eat and they die off, then the birds don’t have enough bugs for their meals. Tallamy points out that almost all migrating birds depend on insets to feed their young.

“We cannot let the plants and animals around us disappear.” says Tallamy, “The way to preserve them is to give them food to eat. But when we plant non-native plants, we are clobbering the food chain, because then we don’t have the insects the birds need to live.”

Fewer of the right plants mean fewer bugs, and fewer bugs mean fewer birds. And that’s bad for the Earth, because we need a variety of living things to keep the planet healthy and beautiful.

The good news is, garden centers sell native plants. “Just Google ‘native plants’ and your location, and you can find out which plants really belong where you live,” says Tallamy

1How did green invades arrive at America?

A.They fell down from space.

B.They floated to the America’s shores.

C.They were brought in from foreign countries

D.They has lived here since human settlers arrived

2According to Dr.Tallamy, which of the followings about the insects in the US is NOT true?

A.Almost all the plant-eating insects in a place eat certain plants.

B.Monarch butterfly caterpillars can’t survive without milkweed.

C.If insects can’t eat the right plants, they will find another one.

D.The insects’ death will greatly affect the migrating birds’ survival

3The underlined word “clobber” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _________.

A.protect B. damage C. create D. collect

4We can know whether a plant is native by _________.

A.Googling on the Internet B. asking Dr. Doug Tallamy

C. looking up in books D. searching in garden

5What is the best title of the pass age?

A.Green invaders——local living things

B. Green invaders——dangerous food chain

C.Green invaders——environmental protectors

D. Green invades——threat to local nature









1C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句The invaders are plants brought here from other countries to make gardens and yards look pretty.它们是从国外引进的植物。从这里可知选C

2C细节理解题。根据第四段第二句When insects can’t get the right plants to eat and they die off,找不到合适的植物他们就会灭绝,选项C不符原文,故选C

3B词义猜测题。根据倒数第三段最后一句because then we don’t have the insects the birds need to live.从这里可知它的意思是破坏。故选B

4A细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Just Google ‘native plants’ and your location, and you can find out which plants really belong where you live,” 只是谷歌植物和你的位置, 并且你可以找出哪些植物真的属于你住在哪里。故选A



【题目】You know eating fruit and vegetables does good. But do you know it can also make you look good? People who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and appeared more attractive, researchers found. Scientists at St Andrews University found eating them slightly increased yellow and red pigments in the volunteers' skin. They monitored the food intake of 35 people and took pictures of their faces, arms and hands using a sensitive camera at the start, and after three and six weeks. Increasing their intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day was found to make the person look healthier and an extra 3.3 portion could enhance their attractiveness, when their photographs were rated by others.

Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids (类胡萝卜素),which are known to protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays, and can also prevent age-related diseases including heart disease and cancer. But while it was known eating extreme amounts of certain vegetables such as carrots could turn skin orange ,it was not known a small increase was perceptible(被觉察)to others - and was seen as appealing.

A camera measured changes to the skin's redness, yellowness and lightness, and found it significantly changed in people who naturally increased their intake. These changes were not evident in three weeks. Using light sensors, the researchers showed these red and yellow hues were linked with the levels of carotenoids in their skin. There are hundreds of carotenoids but those thought to have the most dramatic effect are lycopene(番茄红素)-which gives tomatoes and red peppers their red colour - and beta-carotene found in carrots as well as broccoli, squash, and spinach. Skin colour is also affected by chemicals called polyphenols(多元酚),found in apples, blueberries and cherries, which cause blood rush to the skin surface.

【1】What do we know from the research?

A. If you take in a little more fruit and vegetables, you will obviously look more attractive in three weeks.

B. The researchers took the pictures of the 35 people in the research at different stages.

C. Increasing your intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day can greatly improve your health.

D. People who increased their intake of greens by 3.3 portions a day were found the most attractive after six weeks.

2Which of the following is NOT the function of carotenoids?

A. They can protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays.

B. They can prevent heart disease and cancer.

C. They can prevent age-related diseases.

D. They can keep you in good health.

3Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. We've already known eating extreme amounts of carrots can turn skin orange.

B. We knew in the past that eating a few more carrots could make us look appealing.

C. The research showed the improvement in skin is linked with the levels of carotenoids in it

D. Among hundreds of carotenoids, lycopene is thought to have the most dramatic effect on the skin.

4We can infer from the passage that _____

A. Skin's redness, yellowness and lihtness make a person look more healthy and attractive.

B. Carotenoids have the same effect as lycopene.

C. It is carotenoids that give tomatoes and red peppers their red colour.

D. Both beta-carotene and polyphenols affect skin colour by causing blood rush to the skin surface.

5Which can be the best title of the passage?

A. Eating fruit and vegetables does good .

B. Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids.

C. How to become attractive.

D. Eating fruit and vegetables makes you look good

【题目】Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life. Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, even pets, will all do the trick, but the biggest longevity(长寿)boost seems to come from marriage or an equivalent relationship. The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows and widowers(鳏夫)were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers. Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man’s life and two to a woman’s. The effect holds for all causes of death, whether illness, accident or self-harm.

Even if the odds are stacked against you(the conditions are not favourable),marriage can more than compensate. Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart. Likewise, a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn’t smoke. There’s a flip side, however, as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their spouses; death, and caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems. Even so, the odds favour marriage. In a 30-year study of more than 10,000 people, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.

So how does it work? The effects are complex, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological mechanisms(机制).For example, social contact can boost development of the brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life. People in supportive relationships may handle stress better. Then there are the psychological benefits of a supportive partner.

A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100.The best social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says:” People are interconnected, so their health is interconnected.”

1William Farr’s study and other studies show that________.

A.social life provides an effective cure for illness

B.Being sociable helps improve one’s quality of life

C.Women benefit more than men from marriage

D.Marriage contributes a great deal to longevity

2Linda Waite’s studies support the idea that________.

A.older men should quit smoking to stay healthy

B.Marriage can help make up for ill health

C.The married are happier than the unmarried

D.Unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life

3It can be inferred from the context that the “flip side”(Line5,Para2)refers to________.

A.the disadvantages of being married

B.The emotional problems arising from marriage

C.The responsibility of taking care of one’s family

D.The consequence of a broken marriage

4What does the author say about social networks?

A.They have effects similar to those of a marriage.

B.They help develop people’s community spirit.

C.They provide timely support for those in need.

D.They help relieve people of their life’s burden

5What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.It’s important that we develop a social network when young.

B.To stay healthy, one should have a proper social network.

C.Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.

D.We should share our social networks with each other.

【题目】Alibaba started taking the lead in Chinasimply enoughby connecting big Chinese manufacturers(制造商) with big buyers across the worldIts business-to-business siteAlibabacom allowed business to buy almost everythingAlibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to identify: sizeAlibaba is just bigeven by Chinese standardsIts marketplaces attract 231 million active buyers8 million sellers113 billion orders a year—and_______________It encourages people to use its markets—not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale

If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on daily Chinese lifetake my experienceI moved to Beijing almost a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowdedpolluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronicsbathroom furnishingsand anything else my wife wanted“You’re looking for what exactlyWhy not tryit” my Chinese teacher asked me one dayWith thatmy wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began

Alibaba’s original business-to-business model now is secondary to consumer buyingChinese retail(零售)buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profitand leading that group is Taobaowith 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you’ll ever findTMallcom is Alibaba’s other big sitewhere you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices

What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the USis how China has gone beyond traditional shopping—big-box retailers especially —in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sitesIn smaller towns than Beijingwhere big retailers have not yet traveledshopping online is shoppingand shopping is Taobao

I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how extensive the marketplace isAlmost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shippingI’m not even a big buyerbecause I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language siteWhen I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teacher’s iPadwhich helps me buy goodsI looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine

1Alibaba’s advantage mainly lies in ___________

A. its big size

B. its business-to-business service

C. its not charging small sellers

D. its low price

2What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the passage

A. Alibaba is of middle size among all the online sites

B. Alibaba will continue to develop

C. Alibaba stands out as the best online site

D. Alibaba acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers

3What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to

A. a new store

B. Alibaba

C. a business

D. a foreign website

4What can be inferred from the passage

A. The author’s Chinese teacher is also an online purchase lover

B. Taobao has no obvious advantage over other similar online sites

C. Alibaba’s business-to-business service earns more money than retail now

D. TMallcom provides more profit than Taobao

5What is the passage mainly about

A. Shopping online is TaoBao

B. The influence of shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping

C. Alibaba greatly influences people’s daily purchase in China

D. How the author purchases online in China

【题目】I first went to Harrow in the summer term. The school had the biggest swimming pool I had ever seen. It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite a habit of this with boys of my own size or less.

One day 1 saw a boy wrapped in a towel on the side of the pool. He was no bigger than I was, so I thought him a fair game. Coming secretly behind, I pushed him in, holding on to his towel so that it would not get wet, I was surprised to see an angry face come out from the water, and a being of great strength making its way by fierce strokes(猛力地划)to the shore. I fled, but in vain. He overtook me, seized me violently, and threw me into the deepest part of the pool. I soon climbed out on the other side, and found myself surrounded by a crowd of younger boys. ‘‘Do you know what you have done?" they said, It's Amery ;he is in Grade Six. He is champion at gym. He has got his football honor.

I was frightened and felt ashamed. How could I tell his position when he was wrapped in a bath towel and so small. He didn't seem pleased at all, so I added in a most brilliant word, My father, who is a great man, is also small. At this he laughed, and after some general words about my rude behavior and how I had better be careful in the future, signified the incident was closed.

【1】The writer thought Amery "a fair game "because the boy ________.

A. looked like an animal

B. was fond of games

C. was of similar size

D. was good at sports

【2】 The writer felt" ashamed" because ________.

A. he was laughed at by other boys

B. Amery turned out to be in the same grade

C. he pushed Amery hard and hurt him

D. he played a joke on an outstanding athlete

【3】 By saying My father, who is a great man, is also smallthe writer ________.

A. tried to please Amery

B. challenged Amery

C. threatened Amery

D. admired his father

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer could run faster than Amery.

B. The writer liked playing on boys of all sizes.

C. Amery was a student in Grade Four,

D. Amery forgave the writer for his rude behavior.

【5】 What does the underlined word "overtook" mean?

A. caught hold of

B. caught up with

C. took a look at

D. shouted at

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