
假设你是李华,你校交换生Tom在邮件中说他被Oxford university 录取了。邀请你本周六晚参加庆祝派对,但你那天要参加诗词(poetry)比赛,不能参加派对。请用英语给他回复邮件。



Dear Tom,


Li Hua


All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. Other children may have manners that are not like yours. There are all kinds of manners.

Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept quiet if grown-ups were talking. Today, well-mannered children have more freedom.

Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places. Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “burp(打嗝)” after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please.” In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat. What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia. You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into each one. The people will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no.

Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

1.How did polite children behave?

A. By looking into adults’ eyes while talking

B. By keeping silent while adults were talking

C. By slipping into the house without being heard

D. By not opening their mouths until spoken to

2.Which custom should we follow in order to look well-mannered?

A. Saying “Excuse me” on burping in Mongolia

B. Inviting guests to dinner together in Polynesia

C. Talking with a friend before he completes things in East Africa

D. Accepting an eating invitation in Arabia

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. Hear much, speak little

B. Love me, love my dog

C. When in Rome do as the Romans do

D. Do what you ought to and come what can

When your friends suddenly stop talking to you, it can leave you confused on what to do next. 1. However, basically, your friends are either really upset with you, or it has nothing to do with you at all. But how can you tell? What’s more, what should you do?

Find out if they have shut all their friends out or just you. It’s important to figure out if your friends have moved on from everyone, or just you. If it’s just you, then you probably did something at some point. 2. They try to get their forgiveness.

Reflect on yourself. Have your friends been upset with you for a while? Would you get it if they were? Not all people yell or scream when they’re upset. 3. If you fail to hear exactly what they’re saying, or you keep doing the same thing over and over again, they may move on and completely shut you out.

Communicate in a different way. There’s always the possibility that your friends haven’t shut you out completely, but they are bored with a certain form of communication, like texting or chatting online. 4. If so, trying a different method to reach your friends could make things better.

5. If you can’t get responses from your friends, consider reconciling (和解) with them at some point in the future. Send them a note—Let them know you care about them and leave the door open for them.

A. Give them a helping hand.

B. So sometimes they take a break from it.

C. If you feel it was something bad, apologize for it.

D. Let your friends know you’re open to friendships.

E. There are many reasons why your friends might shut you out.

F. Your friends may not answer your calls or emails suddenly.

G. Some people will talk to you calmly about something you did.

Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large circulation (发行). The “Daily Mirror “ and the “Daily express” both sell about four million copies everyday. British families generally buy a newspaper every morning and two or three on Sundays.

Besides the national papers, there is, however, another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and county area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own financially (财政) and many of them are very profitable (赚钱的).

These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events—births, weddings, deaths, council (地方会议) meetings and sports. Editors prefer to rely on people who know the district well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighborhood and it does not get out to date as quickly as national news.

The editors must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising (广告). He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason. But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to draw local readers, the business men are grateful for the opportunity (机会) to keep their products in the public eyes.

1.Visitors to Britain are surprised to learn that ________.

A. there are so many local newspapers there

B. local papers should have a circulation of four million

C. the “Daily Mirror “ and “Daily Express” sell as many as 4 million copies every day

D. British newspapers are so widely read

2.Local newspapers have ________.

A. a circulation as large as that of national newspapers

B. a daily circulation of 13 million

C. a slightly smaller circulation

D. an even larger circulation

3.In the writer’s opinion, no paper can possibly succeed without ________.

A. advertisements B. interesting reports

C. a great deal of national news D. an excellent sales manager

4.Which of the following is true?

A. All the local newspapers are very profitable.

B. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 14 million.

C. Local readers are much interested in local news.

D. Each British family buys three newspapers on Sundays.

I’m Mr. Lockwood and have been to see my landlord Mr. Heathcliff today. He was standing at the gate to his farm when I arrived. His black eyes looked at me suspiciously.

The name of Mr. Heathcliff’s house is Wuthering Heights. ‘Wuthering’ means ‘stormy’ or ‘windy’ in the local language and it describes the place well. The house stands on the top of a hill. On one side of it there are a few trees. They all lean in the same direction, blown by the strong north winds.

Then we went into the sitting room. The floor was made of smooth, white stone. There was a big fireplace at one end of it and a large dresser at the other end. Several large hunting dogs were lying in the dark corners of the room. I sat down in one of the chairs near the fire. But unfortunately, when Mr. Heathcliff was out for his servant, Joseph, I was attacked by his hunting dogs.

To my surprise, I enjoyed our conversation very much, though. When it was time for me to leave, I said, ‘I’ll come and see you again tomorrow’. I set out after lunch the following day. But Mr. Heathcliff wasn’t in, and a young man led me to the sitting room. His manner was proud and free, so I couldn’t decide if he was a servant or not. He was dressed like one and spoke like one.

A few minutes later, Heathcliff walked in. We all drank our tea in silence and there was a very tense atmosphere in the room. I thought it was my fault so I tried to be sociable.

‘This is a beautiful part of the country,’ I said, ‘but very isolated. However, you seem very happy here, with your wife and family…’

‘My wife!’ Heathcliff exclaimed looking around him. ‘Where? Are you talking about her spirit?’

How stupid of me! Of course the girl wasn’t his wife! She was much too young for him. She must be married to the young man.

‘Mrs. Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law’, said Heathcliff, reading my thoughts. There was hatred on his face as he spoke.

‘Ah, yes,’ I said. ‘You are very lucky to have such a lovely wife, young man.’

The youth went red and looked down at his plate.

‘I said she was my daughter-in-law, sir. She was married to my son,’ said Heathcliff.

‘And this young man is…’

‘Not my son.’

‘My name is Hareton Earnshaw,’ growled the youth angrily.

The atmosphere began to depress me. After a long silence I asked, ‘Perhaps one of your servants is free now to take me home?’

‘There’s only Heathcliff, Hareton, Zillah the housekeeper, Joseph and me here’, said the girl.

‘Then I suppose I’ll have to stay until the morning.’ I replied

That night, I was arranged in a house where the master didn’t usually allow people to stay. I closed the door and got into bed. I put my candle on a small shelf next to a pile of old books. To my surprise, I saw that the shelf was covered in writing. These names were scratched in the paint: Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Heathcliff and Catherine Linton.

I picked up one of the books on the shelf. It was a diary. On the first page I read, ‘Catherine Earnshaw, her book’, and a date of twenty-five years ago. Curious to know more about this Catherine, I started to read. I understand the following: Catherine Earnshaw’s father was dead and she lived with her cruel older brother Hindley. Catherine and Heathcliff were close friends, but Hindley and his young wife Frances heated and abused the adopted Heathcliff.

I had terrible dreams that night. There was a lot of noise-rapping and tapping sounds. I woke up. The branch of a tree outside was hitting the glass in the window. I got up, pushed my hand through the glass and pout out my arm. But instead of the branch my fingers closed on a little ice-cold hand. The hand held mine tightly and a sad voice sobbed, ‘Let me in!’

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘Catherine Linton’ it replied. ‘I’ve come home. I lost my way on the moor! Let me in!”

1.All of the following descriptions of Mr. Heathcliff’s house are true EXCEPT “_____”.

A. It was built on the top of a hill

B. It was named after the local climate

C. On the hill grow a few trees leaning north

D. The floor of the living room was made of stone

2.The underlined sentence ‘He was dressed like one and spoke like one’ in paragraph four means _____.

A. he was well-dressed but poorly-behaved

B. he was poorly-dressed but well-behaved

C. what he said does much what he did

D. what he wore does match what he said

3.Who is the housekeeper among the following characters?

A. Heathclliff. B. Joseph.

C. Hareton. D. Zillah.

4.From the conversation between Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Heathcliff, we can infer______.

A. Mr. Heachcliff is a sociable person

B. Mr. Heathcliff’s son had been dead for years

C. Mr. Heathcliff’s wife had been dead for years

D. Mr. Heathcliff liked his daughter-in-law very much

5.According to the last four paragraphs, what can we learn about Catherine?

A. Catherine Heathcliff was Heathcliff’s elder sister.

B. Catherine Earnshaw owned the room ten years ago.

C. Catherine Linton used to live in the room long before.

D. Catherine Earnshaw wasn’t interested in writing diaries.

6.Which of the following can be served as the best title of the passage?

A. A narrow escape B. An unfriendly visit

C. An unpleasant experience D. An unforgettable banquet

RED lanterns adorn(点缀) the aisles of a small supermarket. There are stacks of red envelopes on sale, for stuffing cash in and handing out as gifts. A sign offers seasonal discounts. Such festive trappings are quite common in China in the build-up to the lunar New Year, which this year starts on January 28th. But this is Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, where Han Chinese are a mere 2.5% of the country’s population. They are a sign that Chinese New Year is becoming a global holiday.

Several countries in Asia celebrate the lunar New Year in their own way. But dragon and lion dances in Chinatowns the world over have helped to make China’s the most famous. These days growing numbers of people who are not of Chinese descent are joining in. In Tokyo window cleaners dress up as the animals of the Chinese zodiac(十二生肖). Barcelona’s Chinese parade includes dracs (a Catalan species of dragon). America, Canada and New Zealand have issued commemorative stamps for the year of the chicken. Last year New York City made the lunar New Year a school holiday for the first time.

The spread of the spring festival, as China calls it, is partly due to recent emigration from China: 9.5 million Chinese people have moved abroad since 1978, many of them far richer than earlier waves of migrants. It also reflects the wealth and globe-trotting ambitions of China’s new middle class: festivities in other countries are partly aimed at the 6 million Chinese who are expected to spend their weeklong holiday abroad this year. International brands are trying to lure these big spenders with chicken-themed items.

Conscious of China’s growing economic and political clout, foreign leaders have taken to noting the occasion. Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, has given a video address, a tradition started in 2014 by her predecessor, David Cameron. Last year the country’s royal family tweeted a picture of Queen Elizabeth dotting the eye of a Chinese lion-dancer’s costume. Also in 2016, Venezuela’s culture minister admitted that his country was celebrating Chinese new year for the first time—with six weeks of festivities—in a bid to improve economic ties with China. It is rumored that this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual to avoid clashing with Chinese New Year.

China also sponsors related events, such as a display this year of martial arts in Cyprus and a traditional Chinese temple—fair in Harare, Zimbabwe. It may give Chinese officials satisfaction to see foreigners enjoy such festivities. They lament the growing enthusiasm among Chinese for Western celebrations such as Christmas—in December cities across China are bedecked with Santas and snowflake decorations. Chinese New Year is a welcome chance to reverse the cultural flow.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Many countries in Asia are similar to each other in celebrating the Chinese lunar New Year.

B. This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual to avoid clashing with Chinese New Year.

C. Venezuela is the first country in South America to celebrate the Chinese spring festival.

D. Partly owing to recent emigration from China, the Chinese spring festival could be spread worldwide.

2.Paragraph 2 is conducted by means of ________.

A. analyzing reasons B. giving examples

C. listing arguments D. comparing facts

3.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word in Para 3?

A. hook B. attack

C. interfere D. exclude

4.The sentence “China hopes the festival will boost its cultural ‘soft power’ abroad.” should be put at the beginning of Paragraph ________.

A. Two B. Three

C. Four D. Five

5.Why are Chinese officials pleased to see foreigners enjoy Chinese new year festivities?

A. Because these activities are beneficial to improving economic ties with foreign countries.

B. Because these activities can bring about large amounts of money.

C. Because these activities offer a chance to promote Chinese culture.

D. Because these activities would bring forth peace and harmony of the world.

Computers have done us a lot since they turned up. In the future they will play a more important part in many _____,such as education,transport,personal lives,scientific research and so on. Nowadays,computers are being _____ in agriculture and industry and can help the farmers to _____ the conditions of the plants.

More and more computers will come into our daily life with the _____ of science and technology. If you want to change money or pay your electricity bills,you won't have to go to the _____.A computer and a telephone will help you. It can also help you to do the housework and it can even _____ human voices and carry out the instructions. It is _____ that the majority(大多数)of the labour force will work at home. People will be able to use the videophone _____ conferences. This can help us to save a lot of energy and _____.It is said that trains in Japan will have no drivers,because they'll be well ______ by computers,which can also tell the best ______ between trains.

Computer programmes for ______ whole texts are already well developed. You can ______ the name of a certain subject and a worldwide list of book titles will ______ on your screen. You may choose ______ you want.

1.A. families B. fields C. factories D. places

2.A. used B. put C. shown D. given

3.A. form B. grow C. control D. manage

4.A. increase B. progress C. production D. development

5.A. office B. bank C. shop D. post office

6.A. understand B. carry C. hear D. recognize

7.A. important B. necessary C. possible D. complete

8.A. at B. for C. with D. in

9.A. material B. time C. place D. money

10.A. operated B. done C. made D. run

11.A. position B. direction C. distance D. way

12.A. storing B. writing C. remaining D. recording

13.A. give B. put C. type D. write

14.A. show B. appear C. offer D. come up

15.A. whatever B. what C. whichever D. which

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