
【题目】 Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.

In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all whether rich or poor, clever or stupid, one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough: we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees; they refuse to do what they think “low” work; and in fact, work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor; we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would get terrible diseases in our towns.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we are educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ability, and secondly, that we realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.

1The writer of this passage thinks that________.

A.free education can solve all of the world’s problems

B.free education for all probably leads to a perfect world

C.free education won’t help to solve social problems

D.all the social problems can’t be solved by free education

2According to the passage, ________.

A.work with hands is dirty and shameful

B.work with hands is low work

C.work with hands is the most important

D.we can’t regard work with hands as low work

3The purpose of education is _________.

A.to choose a system of education

B.to let everyone receive education

C.to prepare children for their future life

D.to prepare children for well-paid jobs







1细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all whether rich or poor, clever or stupid, one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough”一段时间以来,在一些现代国家,认为通过对所有人——无论贫富、聪明与否——的免费教育,一种做法就可以解决所有的社会问题,建立一个完美的国家,这已经成为一种时尚。但我们已经看到,仅为所有人提供免费教育是不够的。由此可知,作者认为免费教育并不能够解决所有的社会问题。结合选项,故选D

2推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“and in fact, work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor; we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would get terrible diseases in our towns.”事实上,用手工作被认为是肮脏和可耻的。但是,我们只要想一想就会明白,一个完全没有受过教育的农民的工作要比一个教授的工作重要得多;没有教育我们可以生存,但是没有食物我们就会死亡。如果没有人打扫我们的街道,没有人把垃圾从我们的房子里拿走,我们的城镇就会有可怕的疾病。由此可以推断出,我们不能把手工劳动看作是低级的劳动。结合选项,故选D

3推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.”教育不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。换句话说,我们教育孩子不仅仅是为了教育他们。我们的目的是使他们适应生活。由此可以推断,教育的目的是使孩子能够更好的适应未来生活。结合选项,故选C


【题目】 Artificial intelligence (AD) technology may soon be a useful tool for doctors. It may help them better understand and treat diseases like breast cancer in ways that were never before possible.

Rishi Rawat, who teaches AI at the University of Southern California's (USC) Clinical Science Center in Los Angeles, is part of a team of scientists who are researching how AI and machine learning can more easily recognize cancerous growths in the breast.

Rawat provides information about cancer cells to a computer. He says this data helps the machine learn. “... You can put the data into them and they will learn the patterns and the pattern recognition that's important to making decisions"" David Agus, another USC researcher, believes that machines are not going to take the place of doctors, but they will help make certain decisions and look for things that the human brain can't recognize.

Once a confirmed cancerous growth is removed, doctors still have to treat the patient to reduce the risk of cancer returning. The form of treatment depends on the kind of cancer. Currently, researchers take a thin piece of tissue, put it on a small piece of glass and add color to better see the cells. The process could take days or even longer. Scientists say artificial intelligence can do something better than just count cells. Through machine learning, it can recognize complex patterns or structures, and learn how the cells are organized. They hope that machines will soon be able to make a quick identification of cancer that is free of human mistakes.

"All of a sudden, we have the computing power to really do it in real time...We couldn't have done this, but now it's all changed."" Agus adds that the process could be done for almost no cost in the developing world." He says that having a large amount of information about patients is important for a machine to effectively do its job in medicine.

The USC researchers are now only studying breast cancer. But doctors predict artificial intelligence will one day make a difference in all forms of cancer.

1What does the author intend to tell us?

A.AI technology will aid to predict some cancers.

B.Doctors will be replaced by AI machines.

C.AI technology will help cancer treatment.

D.Doctors will get improved with AI technology.

2What is vital for an AI machine to do its medical job according to USC researchers?

A.Cell counting machines.B.Well designed process.

C.Patterns of cancer.D.Enough information of patients.

3What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.When is the best time to remove cancer.B.Why USC researchers argue about AI.

C.What treatment AI technology provides.D.How AI technology helps in medicine.

4What section of a magazine is the text probably taken from?

A.Entertainment & Arts.B.Science & Technology.

C.World News.D.Health Report.

【题目】 Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks confidence, he uses big words to appear smarter, of which most people don’t know the meaning. “Only when I need to impress the person. I prefer using big words,” says the 45-year-old.

Adkins is not alone. Many people use longer words in place of shorter ones because they know, consciously or unconsciously, that when others form impressions of them after a glance or a short conversation, they often work harder to give the “right” impression. “People think, if I can show that I have a good vocabulary, I’ll sound smarter says Daniel Oppenheimer, PhD, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. However, if the listeners do not understand those long words, he adds, it will leave a bad impression instead.

The truth is that it can easily go wrong. “It’s almost a game that two people are playing,” says Eric Igou, PhD, a social psychologist at Ireland’s University of Limerick. “If the observer, person B, doesn’t have the same theory, it can backfire.” Person A may be regarded as showing off instead of being intelligent.

Using big words may also confuse listeners, which is definitely moving in the wrong direction, “People associate intelligence with clearness of expressions,” says Oppenheimer. That’s especially true when it comes to the written word. A small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology (应用认知心理学) found that the more writers tried to sound smart, the less intelligent they were considered to be.

So what can you do to sound smarter? Speak clearly and directly. Leave the dictionary at your desk.

1Why does Kevin Adkins prefer saying big words sometimes?

A.He wants to make himself more easily understood.

B.He believes that it is cool.

C.He enjoys the feelings of being mysterious.

D.He hopes that what he says sounds smart.

2What is Professor Oppenheimer’s attitude towards the behavior of using big words?



3What does Eric Igou mean by saying “it can backfire” in paragraph 3?

A.It can catch fire.B.Person B can fire person A.

C.It can deliver an opposite effect.D.The observer can also fight back.

4What can we learn from the small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology?

A.The writer who never uses big words is more intelligent.

B.The writer who uses big words the most is the most intelligent.

C.People like the writers who only use short and clear expressions.

D.The writers should avoid using big words often in their writings.

【题目】 Frederick Phiri is the junk-art king of Zambia: at just 22, he started to earn an international reputation for being able to make complex and elegant sculptures from scrap (废弃的) metal found in his community.

Phiri’s father died when he was starting primary school. Then his mother abandoned him and he had to stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid for his schooling through primary school but when he entered secondary school, he had to get various jobs to pay for his fees. Yet even in school, he was always drawing and making things in class.

After graduating, he did what he could to support himself by making animal sculptures from wires and sold them to tourists. His work was so popular that it caught the eye of Karen Beattie, director of Project Luangwa, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education and economic development in central Africa.

“I introduced him to a local welder (焊工),” Beattie told Newsweek.

In 2017, Phiri worked with welder Moses Mbewe during the rainy season, helping to make a complex set of doors for Project Luangwa. The piece sparked an idea in Beattie’s mind: “I handed him a bunch of scrap metal and said, ‘Make something with this.’ And he did. It was wonderful.”

Today, Phiri continues his art, using pieces of junk people bring him—keys, broken bike chains, old metal plugs and whatever scrap metal is lying around. He then turns the junk into abstract animals—elephants, cranes, giraffes, chameleons—and sells them at Project Luangwa headquarters. The community has recognized his talents.

“My dream is to earn enough to study art at the Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka and be able to make a living from it,” Phiri said “and then to make very large sculptures.”

1What is Phiri known for?

A.Serving his community.B.Collecting works of art.

C.Being the king of Zambia.D.Turning trash into treasure.

2What can we learn about Phiri from paragraph 2?

A.He had an unhappy childhood.B.He paid for his primary school.

C.He had to support his grandfather.D.He missed school to do part-time jobs.

3How does Phiri feel about his future?



4What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.A Successful Path of Art.B.The Junk-art King of Zambia.

C.A Young Man’s Wildest Dream.D.The Modern Junk Works of Art.

【题目】Dear Mr.ing,

I’m Bob Watson, one of the customers in your grocery store. I’m writing to express my idea about your goods.

Your Supermart is outstanding in many ways. First I enjoy the selection of produce and fresh bakery items. Second your low prices and excellent customer service keep me coming back to Supermart. I have found, however, that I must make a separate shopping trip to one of your competitors because there are many items your store does not carry. This becomes inconvenient for me, as my time is valuable, and I don’t like to make two trips. I have been a long time Supermart shopper and hope to continue for many years. If I could find all the items I need in one place, I would be a more satisfied customer.

Specifically, I have never been able to purchase nacho cheese soup at your store. I can find other flavors (味道) of soup, but your store does not carry nacho cheese soup, a common ingredient (原料) in many of my recipes. In addition, I can only find large wonton wrappers, while many other stores carry both large and small and offer a more varied selection for their customers. Another example is Regent Brand Chili Seasoning. Though it is not a leading brand, it is still common on the shelves of other grocery stores in this area and is superior in flavor to its competitors.

I sincerely hope to continue a relationship with your store, and I hope that you will consider the possibility of expanding your goods to be more competitive.

Yours truly,

Bob Watson

1From the letter, we can learn that the author is ________.

A.a very picky reporter

B.a regular customer of the store

C.a responsible nutritionist

D.a competitor of the store

2How does the author present his point in Paragraph 2?

A.By comparing two different stores.

B.By analyzing the figures.

C.By providing scientific findings.

D.By giving examples.

3According to Bob, the grocery store ________.

A.offers good customer service

B.is outstanding in every way

C.meets all his needs

D.lacks convenient transportation

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