
Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 31 realize that those challenges are the very things that 32 us and make us who we are .It is the same with the challenges that come with 32 .
When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two 34. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing 35 the challenge isn’t worth the 36 and call it quits. Although there are certainly 37 when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most 38 all that is needed is 39 and communication.
When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how 40 or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to 41 it and work it trough instead of running away from it. Communication is making a 42 for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. 43 you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” 44 “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.
In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for 45 they are: small hurdles you need to jump or 46 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is 47 to get over, and hurt only 48 to make us stronger. It is all part of growing up, it 49 to everyone, and some day you will 50 all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it made who I am today. And that is a good thing.”
A.seem toB.come toC.hope toD.try to
A.assessmentB.commitmentC.encouragement D.adjustment
A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else
A.pass byB.come acrossC.get throughD.run over
A.lock down onB.look back onC.look forward toD.look up to


小题1:因为前面有as we grow older这一过程,所以要选择come to realize,表示“逐渐认识到……”。
小题2:shape在这儿是动词,表示“塑造”。选择该词与下文中的make us who we are意思相一致。
小题3:根据本文的整体内容以及最后一段的第一句判断,本文的主旨是challenges in friendship。
小题4:根据下文中的we can beat it off, or we can decided that…判断,此处应该是讲到我们有两种选择。
小题5:词意辨析题。presenting the challenge是现在分词短语作定语,修饰the thing,presenting是to show something的意思。
小题6:上文中讲到的第一种选择是beat it off是表示“击退”,而第二种是对于不值得去做的可以call it quits,表示停止去做,即“放弃”。
小题8:in most cases是固定搭配,意思是在大多数情况下。
小题11:根据下文中的instead of running away from it可以推测这儿应该填face,“面对”的意思。
小题12:space这儿表示空间。该空之前有一个不定冠词“a”,说明该词是可数名词,而room做可数名词时只有“房间”的意思,所以据此可以排除选项room;而space做可数名词时意思是an area, especially one used for a particular purpose,这儿的purpose就是后面的discussion,所以我们判断是space。
小题15: 考查连接词的用法。在介词for后引导宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,所以用what。
小题16:该句是倒装句,正常语序应该是You need to jump or get through on your way through life。
小题19:根据上文可知,每个人在成长过程中都要经历这种情况。故选D。Happen to 发生。A打开B吸引,上诉C去D发生
小题20:该句中的some day是表示将来的某一天。自然要选择look back to,表示“回忆、回顾”。
Our Future Homes
 What kinds of homes will we live         the future? Nobody can be sure,         architects, and scientists are         new ideas now.
  Some architects are thinking about          whole cities under huge glass domes. Of course, complicated heating and        systems will be necessary to control the climate in the domes.        , there will never be any rain      snow, and the temperature will be always        .
  Perhaps everyone will live in vertical(立体的)       . High rises are so large that they can contain all the necessities of life. Since vertical cities will use        land than horizontal cities, and provide homes for more people, they will be       for small countries that have     populations.
Another idea that will be helpful to        countries (and island countries) is
the      city. Monaco has already built homes, stores, and offices         the water of the Mediterranean Sea. And a Japanese       has made a plan for constructing buildings on bridges over Tokyo Bay.
  There are some people who think we will go back to living in       . But the caves of the future will be quite      the caves of the Stone Age. Computers will control light and climate. Farms and parks will be on the land      the cave city. When people want to go to the country or to a park, a short ride in       will take them there.
A.inB.in atC.in inD.in for
A.working out B.working atC.working onD.thinking
A.So B.HoweverC.ThereforeD.Even if
A.orB.andC.butD. with
A.pleased B.happyC.contentD.comfortable
A.towns B.villagesC.buildingsD.cities
A.big B.manyC.muchD.large
A.huge B.smallC.strongD.great
A.floatedB.floatC.floatingD.to float
A.different from B.similar with C.equal toD.the same as
A.under B.inC.overD.far from
A.a busB.shipC.an elevatorD.a train
Women’s fashions change more rapidly than men’s. In the early 1990’s, all women wore their skirts to the ankle. Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short. Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then for years, they were not considered fashionable. Today, they’re back again in all colours, lengths and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all types of clothes on almost any occasion. While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained almost the same until a few years ago. And, in fact, most men are still dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear.                                                                                                               
小题1:What kind of skirts do women like to wear today?
A.Long skirts.
B.Short skirts.
C.Both long skirts and short skirts.
D.Neither long skirts nor short skirts.
小题2:Now boots are considered ______now.
A.fashionableB.unfashionableC.uncommonD.fit for girls most
小题3:When today’s women go to the party, they wear _______.
A.skirts down to the ankle
B.red long boots
C.long skirts and short boots
D.any kinds of clothes they like
小题4:The passage tries to tell us _______.
A.boots for women have been thought fashionable since 1900
B.women’s shoes are back again in all colours, length etc.
C.today men are dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear
D.fashions for clothes, shoes and so on always change
Are you an optimist? Do you look at your glass and see it as half full? Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining and that things generally turn out for the best? Do you believe that if something is meant to be, it will be? If you reply “yes” to all of these questions, then you are an optimist. You probably are enthusiastic, cheerful and outgoing. You may be successful at work and in love.
But you may be misguided because things don’t turn out for the best. You may believe that when one door closes another one opens (for example, you may fail to obtain a new job; another chance will come around soon). Wrong. When one door closes, another door slams (砰然关上) in your face. That’s bitter reality.
Now a book has been published which confirms what pessimists (悲观者) have suspected all along. It’s called The Positive Power of Defensive Pessimism. Its author argues that defensive pessimism can lead to positive results. Defensive pessimism is a strategy used to manage fear, anxiety and worry. Defensive pessimists prepare for the things by setting low outcomes for themselves. They carefully consider everything that may go wrong and plan for ways to handle these problems. And this gives them a sense of control. Lawrence Sanno, a psychology professor, says, “What’s interesting about defensive pessimists is that they tend to be very successful people, so their low opinion of the situation’s outcomes is not realistic. They use it to motivate themselves to perform better.”
So far, so good. This is not rocket science. Defensive pessimists prepare carefully and consider what might go wrong, whether at work, on date or even in a sports game. It makes sense to have a back-up plan. There are many sayings in English urging caution. For example, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” And “Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.” To have a confident and optimistic approach to life’s problems is good. But listen to what Woody Alien, the American comedian says, “Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.”
There are pros and cons to being an optimist and a pessimist. Don’t feel bad if you see the glass half empty. You are a realist. But lighten up and hook up with someone who sees the same glass half full.
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A book that has recently been published.
B.How to become successful in life.
C.The dangers of being too optimistic.
D.The benefits of defensive pessimism.
小题2:The underlined sentence “This is not rocket science” (Para. 4) means __________.
A.it’s not a dangerous thing to do
B.it is quite simple to understand
C.the cost is not so high
D.there is no real proof
小题3:Which of the following English expressions would a defensive pessimist believe?
A.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
B.The glass is half full not half empty.
C.Whatever will be, will be.
D.Every cloud has a silver lining.
小题4:The writer would probably describe himself as __________.
A.an optimist B.a defeatist C.a realist D.a scientist
Two thirds of the singles looking for love in Britain turned to the Internet last year, according to figures made in public yesterday. Special sites offer introductions to smokers, to Roman Catholics, tall people, beautiful people, frequent flyers and vegans (素食者). Technology has brought about a great change in the dating game.
A survey by Parship, a British branch of Europe’s largest dating service with more than 1.5 million members, says that 65 percent of the 5.4 million Britons looking for a relationship used online dating services last year.
A spokeswoman for Relate, the relationship advisor, confirmed that a figure of two third feel it all right. “Doing it online allows people quite a lot of privacy, because they can do a bit of quiet research and look around from the comfort of their own home. You don’t have to meet a middleman or go to an actual dating agency office, which takes a lot of courage,” she said.
There are more than 100 independent online dating agencies in Britain. Parship says that 50 percent of single people believe they will meet a suitable partner through the Internet, up from 35 percent six months ago.
Mary Balfour, the founder, says that the Internet has changed the dating industry completely. “It’s like a return to old-fashioned love letters,” she said. “You don’t base your initial judgment on how someone looks or what his or her figure is like. You e-mail or talk before you actually see each other. Everybody you know who is single these days has at least had a good look at a dating website, introduction agency or personal ad. They have to, because all the old matchmaking institutions have gone. People work harder, settle down later and live more isolated lives. They’re much more likely to end the day with a DVD and a can of beer than by going to a village dance.”
小题1:Singles in Britain can look for love online mainly because of ________.
A.ParshipB.the help of go-betweens
C.technologyD.the revolution of dating game
小题2:About ________ Britons tried to find love online last year according to this passage.
A.1.5 millionB.3.5 millionC.5.4 millionD.65 million
小题3:For those who want to look for love online, they _________.
A.don’t need to do any research at all
B.have to meet first before they can e-mail each other
C.don’t have to find a go-between.
D.must go to an actual dating agency office first
小题4:From this passage we can infer that ________.
A.not all single people believe the Internet can help them find their partners
B.looking for love online needs a lot of courage
C.old-fashioned love letters become popular again
D.single people don’t like to look for their partners online.
If you are living in the city, have you ever thought of going to live in the country for a change? Many people want to move from the country to the city because they think life in the city is more exciting and better than that in rural (农村的) areas, especially young people who like new and modern things.
Often people feel that they can find the latest styles only in the city. Other people are interested in technological (科技的) things and high-tech jobs and think they can find them only in a big city. If they want to find a job, especially a good position in a company, they feel they have to live in a city. To get these jobs, they are willing to put up with many of the disadvantages (不利因素) of city life such as heavy traffic and pollution.
However, it is now possible to enjoy a higher quality of life in the countryside and still enjoy some of the advantages (好处) of living in the city.
Nowadays, travel is fast and information is available (可获得的) on the Internet, so many people are able to do their work in home offices.
Because they have e-mail and personal computers, they don't have to be in big cities to do their business. It is not important where they actually work because the results of their work can be sent everywhere with technology. Now they can enjoy life in the countryside and still be able to do good business and successful careers.
小题1:The underlined phrase “put up with” (in Para. 3) probably means “_____”.
C.be angry withD.be pleased with
小题2:Now people can enjoy life in the countryside and still be able to do good business and successful careers _____.
A.because of the Internet and fast travel
B.because of e-mail and personal computers
C.because travel is fast
D.because the rural areas are developing faster than cities
小题3:What is the author's opinion?
A.She / he prefers to live in the countryside rather than live in the city.
B.She / he prefers to live in the city rather than live in the countryside.
C.She / he likes both city life and countryside life.
D.It is not clear which life she / he prefers.
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Life in the cityB.Life in the country
C.Go and live in the cityD.Go and live in the country
In the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.
First, let's talk about culture. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a landline goes to a place. If you call my mobile, you get me. If you call my fixed-line phone, you get whoever answers it.
This has several implications(含义). The most common one, however, and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever, is the “meeting” influence. People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance. You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place. Now,however, a night out can be arranged on the run. It is no longer “see you there at 8”,but "text me around 8 and we'll see where we all are."
Texting changes people as well. In their paper, “Insights into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging", two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users: the “talkers” and the “texters”-those who prefer voice to text messages and those who prefer text to voice.
They found that the mobile phone's individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.
Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language. There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone. There is the “speakeasy”: the head is held high, in a self-confident way, chatting away. And there is the “spacemaker”: these people focus on themselves and keep out other people.
Who can blame them? Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera- phones intrude(侵入)on people's privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you needn't worry so much. After all, it is good to talk.
小题1:According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effects are mostly likely to be seen on                    
A.talkersB.the “speakeasy”C.the “spacemaker"D.texters
小题2: We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters are
A.quite revealingB.well written
C.unacceptable by othersD.shocking to others
小题3:According to the passage, who is afraid of being heard while talking on the mobile?
A.Talkers. B.The“speakeasy”
C.The “spacemaker”.D.Texters.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.The SMS Effect
B.Cultural implications of Mobile Phone Use
C.Changes in the Use of the Mobile
D.Body Language and the Mobile Phone
“Choo,Choo!”Here comes the Chunnel train. Get aboard if you want to learn more about this underground transportation system. This is an unusual form of transportation, because it is a tunnel that trains travel through and not an actual form of transportation.
The Chunnel is actually the English nickname for the Channel Tunnel. In French,it is called le tunnel sous la Manche. It is a rail tunnel beneath the English Channel at the Straits of Dover. It connects Cheriton in Kent, England with Sangatte in northern France. It is the second longest rail tunnel in the world.
Did you know that the British and the French had a race while they were building the Chunnel? The race was to see who could get to the middle of the tunnel first. The British won by a little bit. It took 15,000 workers over seven years to dig the tunnel. The tunnel was finished in 1994.
The completed Chunnel cost about $21 billion. But it all paid off, because it became very popular, very quick. Millions of people use it. Now it is getting even more popular.
There are three complete tunnels in the Chunnel. The two outside ones are the passenger trains. The small inner one is a guidance train. The guidance train is not used for transportation. Each track is exactly parallel to each other.
There are four different train systems in the Chunnel. The Eurostar is a high speed passenger service that connects London, Paris, Brussels and Lille. The Eurotunnel shuttle is a rail ferry service. These shuttles carry cars and vans. These are railcars that allow drivers to drive their vehicles on and off. There are also two Eurotunnel goods service trains.
Now you know more about the Chunnel. Everybody off,this is the last stop.
小题1:The Channel Tunnel links   ________with________.
A.London; ParisB.Cheriton; Sangatte
C.Lille; BrusselsD.Dover; Kent
小题2:Which of the following shows the structure of the tunnels in the Chunnel?

小题3:The Eurotunnel shuttle is intended to carry________.
A.passengers B.drivers and their vehicles
C.goodsD.staff members of the Chunnel
小题4:The text can most probably be ________.
A.found in a guidebookB.read in a magazine
C.broadcast on a trainD.heard in a railway station
Actually we have known a lot of examples and meaningful words to support the fact that we should try our best to ease the bad impression of others. Just like the old saying goes, we should give a better assumption to the one than we think he was. But many of us always fail to do this.
Take the situation of my class for example. Right at the beginning of the first semester when we were freshmen we all showed great favor to each other. And when there was an activity that needed some people to join, we would be willing to attend whether it was interesting or not. And we were really like brothers and sisters, and our class was just like a family, a warm family. But now, I feel tired of those meaningless activities not only because of the boring activities themselves but also the cool response of our classmates.
I think the reasons why the passion of most classmates is so low may be as follows:
To start with, many of us take part in more than one organization, which will certainly make us tired. Also, in the study fields, many of us may find that our courses are sometimes difficult to understand or comprehend, especially the specialized subjects. Moreover, “history” teaches us that if one does not study hard, it is possible to fail in the exams. So it is a big and good excuse to say that “I do really want to attend, but I have a lot of homework to do, so...”
Last but not least, some people believe that some of our leaders should not be regarded as a leader, maybe I should say we, as leaders, lost the reputation, support and trust of yours. At least I am the warm-hearted one, although I cannot promise you that your advice will be adopted surely, at least I will spare no effort to “give” you the right to be heard, and to serve you.
Be active to show your talents and abilities and to create a better image of our class. Most important of all, work painstakingly for a better condition that we should have reached.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Students’ passion for activities was high at first but disappeared gradually.
B.Students’ passion for activities grew gradually because they were interesting.
C.Students were too busy to take part in activities after their classes.
D.Students were unwilling to participate in activities because of their leaders.
小题2:We can infer from the passage that the writer must be ______.
A.a supporter of activitiesB.a responsible teacher
C.a top student in classD.a devoted class leader
小题3:The writer hopes that all the members of the class will ______.
A.develop better talents and skillsB.improve their abilities and creativity
C.work together to make a better class D.adopt others’ advice patiently

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