
Women’s fashions change more rapidly than men’s. In the early 1990’s, all women wore their skirts to the ankle. Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short. Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then for years, they were not considered fashionable. Today, they’re back again in all colours, lengths and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all types of clothes on almost any occasion. While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained almost the same until a few years ago. And, in fact, most men are still dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear.                                                                                                               
小题1:What kind of skirts do women like to wear today?
A.Long skirts.
B.Short skirts.
C.Both long skirts and short skirts.
D.Neither long skirts nor short skirts.
小题2:Now boots are considered ______now.
A.fashionableB.unfashionableC.uncommonD.fit for girls most
小题3:When today’s women go to the party, they wear _______.
A.skirts down to the ankle
B.red long boots
C.long skirts and short boots
D.any kinds of clothes they like
小题4:The passage tries to tell us _______.
A.boots for women have been thought fashionable since 1900
B.women’s shoes are back again in all colours, length etc.
C.today men are dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear
D.fashions for clothes, shoes and so on always change


小题1:考查细节的题,根据Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short.确定答案。可知现在的女性又喜欢长裙子也喜欢短裙子,选C
小题2:理解题,根据对Women's shoes have also gone through all sorts of boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then for years, they were not considered fashionable. Today, they're back again in all colours, lengths and materials.的理解,可知靴子在女性中又受欢迎了,确定答案。选A
小题3:考查细节的题,根据In fact, today's women can wear all types of clothes on almost any occasion.可知现在的女性参加聚会会穿各种各样的衣服, 确定答案D。

Our particular parenting style reflects our own way of “looking”. Here’s a great piece of writing reflecting parent’s particular ways on the parenting style that have become known humorously as helicopter parenting and submarine parenting.
Helicopter parents hover over their children, managing every aspect of their child’s life. On the contrary, submarine parents remain “hidden” coming to the surface when guidance is needed.
While helicopter parents may have the best intentions, in reality, they are raising children with few problem solving skills. Children with hovering parents never get the chance to face disappointment and build up their ability to recover from misfortune.
Think about your typical submarine. Submarines usually remain underwater. In case of a need for emergency surfacing, submarines can rise so quickly. They are driven partially out of the water. Submarine parents also remain out of sight, yet able to appear in the case of an emergency.
I admit I’m a submarine mom. My job as a parent is to have fun with my daughters while letting them explore and learn natural consequences.

My older daughter found herself acting in commercials and making more than minimum wage as a teen. To give her a sense of the real world, I insisted she spend three weeks every summer, picking strawberries and earning $3.50 on a good day.
When my youngest daughter Sondra was six, she wanted a very expensive American Girl Doll. I cut the full color 18" picture out of the American Girl catalogue and had it laminated (压膜). “Here’s your American Girl Doll.” I said “When you turn nine, I’ll buy you the 3D doll on your birthday.” Sondra played with her flat doll for months, making clothes and furniture for her. She learned creativity. I saved $88.00.
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A.Various means of transportation.
B.Funny experiences of a mom.
C.Humorous stories about parents.
D.Different styles of parenting.
小题2:The underlined phrase “hover over” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_____”.
A.leave behind B.fly aroundC.watch overD.set aside
小题3:Which of the following can be learned about helicopter parents from the passage?
A.They give their children proper guidance.
B.They try to do everything for their children.
C.They teach their children how to face failures.
D.They help their children explore by themselves.
小题4:The author supports her point of view mainly by _____.
A.stating facts and offering advice
B.using figures and giving evidence
C.analyzing data and drawing conclusions
D.making comparisons and giving examples
It’s become part of the restaurant table setting: knife, fork, napkin and cell phone.
   Distracted (思想不集中的) dining is the new concern with customers constantly texting friends, uploading a Weibo photo of the meal they’re about to chew down or emailing the boss. For many smart-phone users, it’s hard just to focus on the meal and company at hand.
   Now, one restaurant in Los Angeles is giving diners a reason to turn off the digital world, by offering customers willing to check (寄存) their phones at the door a 5-percent discount on their bill. Owner and chef Mark Gold of Eva Restaurant, located on Beverly Boulevard near N. Gardner Street, hopes this gives customers a way to truly sit back and relax, enjoy their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.
   “For us, it’s really not about people disturbing other guests. Eva is home, and we want to create that environment of home, and we want people to connect again,” he explained. “It’s about two people sitting together and just connecting, without the distraction of a phone, and we’re trying to create an atmosphere where you come in and really enjoy the experience and the food and the company.”
   Gold said applying the suggestion reminds him to avoid cell phone usage, too. “I’m guilty of it as well. When my wife and I go to dinner it seems like the cell phone is part of the table setting now. Every table you look at, it’s a wine glass, the silverware and the cell phone,” he joked.
   The husband and wife team runs Eva, a 40-person space with European flair. Gold said a little less than half take advantage of the deal, and no one has gotten upset about it.
   “I think once the server approaches the table and they’re presented with the offer, they like the idea of actually talking to each other again,” he said.
小题1:When having meal in Eva Restaurant, we are not offered             on the table.[学,
小题2:Why does Gold think people should not use cellphones at table?
A.Because it can cause health problems.
B.Because it will disturb other customers.
C.Because it can get a 5-percent discount on the customers’ bills.
D.Because it may prevent people communicating with their companions.
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Many people would like to upload a photo of their food before they eat nowadays.
B.People are forbidden to use cellphones in Eva Restaurant.
C.More than half of the customers in Eva Restaurant have enjoyed the discount.
D.People can easily connect with each other anytime without using cellphones.
小题4:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.No Cellphone at Table!
B.Focus on Your Cellphone!
C.Eva Restaurant – Home to Customers.
D.Talk Face to Face.
Accidents happen almost every day. Some accidents are not serious and some are. We read about such accidents nearly every day in the newspapers. It is wrong for people to think that accidents take place only on the roads or highways, or even at work places. Home accidents are just as common. Because very few home accidents are reported, people come to think that there are few accidents which happen in homes.
There have been many cases where people fall to their deaths from high rise flats. Children often fall over while coming down the stairs. Old people may slip (滑跤) on wet floors if they are not careful.
Nowadays there are a lot of modern electrical appliances (电器) such as rice cookers which make life easy for the modern house wives. These appliances can kill if they are not used in the proper way. Gas stoves (煤气灶) used for cooking are also dangerous if they are not properly used. They may cause burns or, in more serious cases, even fires.
But all such accidents can be stopped if we are careful and follow simple rules of safety. For example, it is unwise for people to try repairing their own electrical appliances if they do not know how to. It is safer to get them repaired by an electrician (电工).
小题1:Accidents take place ____.
A.mostly in homes
B.mostly on roads and highways
C.mostly in factories
D.almost everywhere
小题2:Which of the following accidents may NOT happen in homes?
A.People may fall to death from high buildings.
B.People may be knocked down by cars on the roads.
C.Gas stoves may cause burns or even fires.
D.People may be killed by an electrical appliance.
小题3:People are advised____ .
A.to avoid using electrical appliances
B.to repair their own electrical appliances
C.not to repair their own electrical appliances
D.not to get their electrical appliances fixed
Some years ago, writing in my diary used to be a usual activity. I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the day’s events, feelings, and impressions in my little blue diary. I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words, but I gained a certain satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper. After all, isn’t accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?
When I was thirteen years old, I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley, well-equipped with pens, a diary, and a camera. During the trip, I was busy recording every incident, name and place I came across. I felt proud to be spending my time productively, dutifully preserving for future generations a detailed description of my travels. On my last night there, I wandered out of my tent, diary in hand. The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows. I automatically took out my pen.
  At that point, I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley. All I remembered of the previous few days were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.
  Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling. I still love to record ideas and quotations that strike me in books, or observations that are particularly meaningful. I take pictures, but not very often—only of objects I find really beautiful. I’m no longer blindly satisfied with having something to remember when I grow old. I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.
  I don’t want to wake up one day and have nothing but a pile of pictures and notes. Maybe I won’t have as many exact representations of people and places; maybe I’ll forget certain facts, but at least the experiences will always remain inside me. I don’t live to make memories — I just live, and the memories form themselves.
小题1:Before the age of thirteen, the author regarded keeping a diary as a way of __________.
A.observing her school routine
B.expressing her satisfaction
C.impressing her classmates
D.preserving her history
小题2:What does the author put in her diary now?
A.Notes and beautiful pictures.
B.Special thoughts and feelings.
C.Detailed accounts of daily activities.
D.Descriptions of unforgettable events.
小题3:The author comes to realize that to live a meaningful life is __________.
A.to experience it
B.to live the present in the future
C.to make memories
D.to give accurate representations of it
You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourself, “Where has all my money gone”? To help you better run your salary, here come some money-saving tips.
First, you need to set goals to encourage yourself to save money. For example, you plan to have a good dress in one year, to have a car in two years’ time or to buy a house in five years.
Second, form money-saving habits and stay away from the ones that waste money. Learn to keep a diary of how much you spend and what it’s for. Think twice before using money on expensive skin care products(护肤品). The best way to keep your skin in good condition is enough sleep.
Third, pay attention to your daily things. Leave no more than one light on when you leave home. Buy vegetables from a market where vegetables are less expensive and fresher, not a supermarket. When going to a supermarket, take a notebook with you. Write down what you want to buy.
Fourth, save your social life. Take the dishes that haven’t been eaten up away for next day when you have dinner in a restaurant. When it’s your turn to offer a meal, invite your friends to your home, and cook the dinner yourself. If you are to attend a party and an expensive present is needed, ask several friends to go together to share a present.
小题1:The passage is mainly about          .
A.four ways to save money
B.how to set goals to save money
C.where to keep money
D.how to live well with little money
小题2:Which of the following does the author favor?
A.Have some good skin care products.
B.Enough sleep does good to skin.
C.All things in supermarkets are expensive.
D.Vegetables in a market taste good.
小题3:If you want to save money, you should           .
A.have dinner in a restaurant
B.buy dishes in a restaurant and eat at home
C.invite friends home and cook yourself
D.attend a party alone
小题4:Which of the following is NOT suggested by the author?
A.Making a plan saving money.
B.Forming habits of saving money.
C.Cutting down the prices when buying things.
D.Leaving few lights on when you leave home.
Whether in the workplace or on the football field, effective teamwork can produce amazing results. However, working successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem. Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen automatically; it takes a great deal of hard work and compromise. There are a number of factors that must be in place to make a good team.
Effective leadership is one of the most important factors of good teamwork. The team’s leader should possess the skills to create and preserve a positive working environment and motivate and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed. An effective team leader will promote a high level of spirit and make them feel supported and valued.
Communication is a vital factor of all interpersonal relationship and especially that of a team. Team members must be able to articulate their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other’s opinions.
Conflicts will arise no matter how well a team functions together. The best way to deal with conflicts is to have some organized methods of handling conflicts. Team members should be able to voice their concerns without fear of offending others. Instead of avoiding conflict issues, a hands-on approach that settles them quickly is much better. It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain objective if possible.
The team leader must set a good example to create good teamwork. In order to keep team members positive and committed and motivated, the team leader himself needs to show these qualities. The team turns to the leader for support and guidance. So any negative words or behaviors on the leader’s part can be disastrous.
Regardless of what type of work you are in, knowing how to effectively work on and with a team is going to be extremely important to your success and that of your team.
小题1:66. Effective leadership is important partly because ___________________.
A.it creates a positive working environment
B.it makes a leader feel supported and valued
C.it helps a leader to develop lots of skills
D.it depends on interpersonal relationship of a team
小题2:67. The underlined word “articulate” probably means _________________.
小题3:68. When conflicts arise among team members, the team leader should ________.
A.worry about the team members
B.ignore the team members’ voices
C.work out their differences
D.try to avoid conflict issues
小题4:69. To become a good team leader, you have to ________.
A.set up a good team
B.be positive and committed
C.look for support from the team
D.avoid natural disasters
小题5:70. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Football And Teamwork
B.Communication And Teamwork
C.Handle Conflict In A Team
D.What Makes Effective Teamwork
Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 31 realize that those challenges are the very things that 32 us and make us who we are .It is the same with the challenges that come with 32 .
When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two 34. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing 35 the challenge isn’t worth the 36 and call it quits. Although there are certainly 37 when calling it quits is the right thing to do, in most 38 all that is needed is 39 and communication.
When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how 40 or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to 41 it and work it trough instead of running away from it. Communication is making a 42 for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. 43 you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” 44 “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.
In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for 45 they are: small hurdles you need to jump or 46 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is 47 to get over, and hurt only 48 to make us stronger. It is all part of growing up, it 49 to everyone, and some day you will 50 all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it made who I am today. And that is a good thing.”
A.seem toB.come toC.hope toD.try to
A.assessmentB.commitmentC.encouragement D.adjustment
A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else
A.pass byB.come acrossC.get throughD.run over
A.lock down onB.look back onC.look forward toD.look up to
Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships.One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances.Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to deal with major life changes and daily difficulties.People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties.Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, show that the presence of social support helps people protect themselves from illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.
Social support cushions stress in a number of ways.First, friends, relatives and coworkers may let us know that they value us.Our self respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others despite our faults and difficulties.Second, other people often provide us with informational support.They help us to explain and understand our problems and find solutions to them.Third, we typically find social companionship supportive.Engaging in leisure time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distract(转移…注意力)us from our worries and troubles.Finally, other people may give us important support—financial aid, material resources, and needed services—that reduces stress by helping us solve and deal with our problems.
小题1:Research shows that people’s physical and mental health has much to do with      .
A.the social medical system
B.the amount of support they get from others
C.their strength for dealing with interpersonal ties
D.their ability to deal with daily worries and troubles
小题2:The underlined word “cushions” probably means “    
A.adds up to B.decreases the effect of
C.gets rid of D.lays the foundation for
小题3:Social companionship is beneficial in that it
A.helps strengthen our ties with relatives
B.enables us to get rid of our faults and mistakes
C.makes our leisure time activities more enjoyable
D.draws our attention away from our worries and troubles

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