
短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

It’s well known which Wilma Rudolph is the first American woman   76. _____

to have won three Olympic gold medal in track! However, when     77. _____

she was young, she was sick most of the time. At four, he couldn’t     78. _____

move her left leg as a result of a serious illness. Followed the      79. _____

doctor’s advice, her mother rubbed her sick leg every day and take   80. _____

her to the hospital once a week. After a year, Wilma could manage     81. _____

a sort of jump. At eight, she was walking a bit at the aid of a       82. _____

walking stick. Soon she was out in the yard playing the basketball.   83. _____

Her mother was surprising to see that. Little by little,         84. _____

Wilma became famous as a track star but won medals.         85. _____

76. which→that 77. medal→medals 78. he→she 79. Followed→Following 80. take→took 81. √ 82. at→with 83. 去掉basketball前的the 84. surprising→surprised 85. but→and





第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







    Last Sunday, my friends and I went outing.                           76. ________

We started out earlier in the morning. It didn’t take                         77. ________

long to get to the South Lake, where is 10 kilometers                       78. ________

away the city. After we arrived there, we divided                           79. ________

ourselves into two team. We had a wonderful time                          80. ________

playing football. When it is time for lunch,                                81. ________

we made a fire to cook a meal. We shared that                             82. ________

we brought in with us. After that, we rowed boats                          83. ________

in the lake and took a lot of pictures. We went                             84. ________

back home late in the afternoon, tiring and happy.                          85. ________


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