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    Last Sunday, my friends and I went outing.                           76. ________

We started out earlier in the morning. It didn¡¯t take                         77. ________

long to get to the South Lake, where is 10 kilometers                       78. ________

away the city. After we arrived there, we divided                           79. ________

ourselves into two team. We had a wonderful time                          80. ________

playing football. When it is time for lunch,                                81. ________

we made a fire to cook a meal. We shared that                             82. ________

we brought in with us. After that, we rowed boats                          83. ________

in the lake and took a lot of pictures. We went                             84. ________

back home late in the afternoon, tiring and happy.                          85. ________




76. ¡Ì    77. earlier¡úearly   78. where¡úwhich.  79. awayºó¼Ófrom 80. team¡úteams

81. is¡úwas  82. that¡úwhat    83. È¥µôin   84. in¡úon   85. tiring¡útired 




Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born           76.           
in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£®   77.           
Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with       78.           
her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê)        79.           
Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬      80.           
she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did          81.           
her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to       82.           
Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded       83.           
in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year         84.           
late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£®       85.           

¡°Practice makes perfect¡± was an old saying. It tells us that it          76.    
does not any matter if we are slow at doing something. As            77.    
long as we keep on trying and practice, we¡¯ll do a good job          78.    
in the end. The saying is especial useful in English study.             79.    
Since a student is poor at speaking, he should grasp every             80.    
chance to open mouth and speak English. His oral English            81.    
may be excellent one day due to his hard works. Not only is           82.    
the saying useful in English study, it is also helpful in our             83.    
daily life. To an extent, it is no short cut in doing everything           84.    
since key to success lies in ¡°Practice makes perfect¡±.                 85.    









Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born           76.           

in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£®   77.           

Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with       78.           

her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê)        79.           

Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬      80.           

she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did          81.           

her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to       82.           

Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded       83.           

in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year         84.           

late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£®       85.           










Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born            76.           

in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£®   77.           

Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with        78.           

her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê)         79.           

Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬       80.           

she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did           81.           

her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to        82.           

Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded        83.           

in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year          84.           

late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£®        85.           









Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born            76.           

in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£®   77.           

Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with        78.           

her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê)         79.           

Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬       80.           

she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did           81.           

her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to        82.           

Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded        83.           

in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year          84.           

late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£®        85.           

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