
There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people      to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you     is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you      others. Because while there will be times      outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely     . The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are     . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision      anyway.
You were      with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and      the appropriate action, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own     .
Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of      a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the      necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to      on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being      to Wall Street, I intended to suppose that my more senior      knew more than I did, and so I      too much significance to their opinions.
You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in     . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by      and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to      this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to      and to life.
A.easyB. readyC. unwillingD. hard
A.leadB. lendC. takeD. earn
A.look atB. pick upC. turn toD. learn from
A.thatB. sinceC. whenD. while
A.uselessB. usefulC. pricelessD. clever
A.gettingB. makingC. sufferingD. facing
A.on one handB. on your ownC. on the wholeD. on all sides
A.bornB. tiredC. satisfiedD. covered
A.enjoyB. stepC. planD. take
A. assumptionB. judgmentC. conditionD. fortune
A. basingB. dependingC. relyingD. focusing
A. researchB. searchC. resourcesD. activity
A. povertyB. lazinessC. richnessD. diligence
A. usedB. accustomedC. newD. old
A. studentsB. brothersC. colleaguesD. classmates
A. owedB. paidC. gaveD. held
A. disasterB. progressC. failure D. success
A. eitherB. anotherC. eachD. others
A. thinkB. rememberC. realizeD. recall
A. paymentB. dreamsC. happinessD. business


小题1:考查动词。 根据You will find many people     to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), 可知这里意思是你会发现许多人准备给你提出建议。Easy容易;ready准备;unwilling不愿意;hard困难的,故选B。
小题2:考查动词。根据but always remember that the life you    is yours and nobody else’s.可知这里意思是但是要记得生活是你自己在过。Lead领导;lend借给;take拿;earn赚,故选A。
小题3:考查短语。根据It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you     others.可知这里意思是在你向其他人求助之前。look at看着;pick up捡起;turn to求助于;learn from向……学习,故选C。
小题4:考查连词。根据there will be at least as many times when it proves completely    .所以这里填when。That那个;since自从;when当……时候;while然而,故选C。
小题5:考查形容词。根据Because while there will be times     outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely    . 可知这里意思是有时候,它被证明是完全无用的。Useless无用的;useful有用的;priceless无价的;clever聪明的,故选A。
小题6:考查动词。根据The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are    .可知这里意思是面对挑战。Getting得到;making制造;suffering遭受;facing面对,故选D。
小题7:考查短语。根据Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision     anyway. 可知这里意思是在大多数情况下,你应该独自做出明智的决定。on one hand一方面;on your own独自地;on the whole大体上;on all sides到处,故选B。
小题8:考查短语。根据with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest.可知这里意思是你天生具有这种能力。Be born with是固定用法,意思是生就。故选A。
小题9:考查短语。根据Most of the time, you will make the right decision and     the appropriate action,可知这里填take。Take action是固定用法,意思是采取行动,故选D。
小题10:考查名词。根据and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own    . 可知这里意思是违反你自己的判断。Assumption假定;judgment判断;condition情况;fortune财富,故选B。
小题11:考查短语。根据Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of     a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the     necessary to make a wise decision.可知这里填basing。Base on是固定用法,意思是以……为基础,故选A。
小题12:考查名词。根据Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of     a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the     necessary to make a wise decision.可知这里意思是没有进行做出明智决断的有必要的研究。Research研究;search寻找;resources资源;activity活动,故选A。
小题13:考查名词。根据But, being     to Wall Street, I intended to suppose that my more senior     knew more than I did,可知我这样做并不是由于懒惰。Poverty贫穷;laziness懒惰;richness富裕;diligence勤奋,故选B。
小题14:考查分词。根据I intended to suppose that my more senior     knew more than I did,可知我是新来华尔街的。Used用过的;accustomed习惯;new新的;old旧的,故选C。
小题15:考查名词。 根据Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of     a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the     necessary to make a wise decision. 可知这里填colleagues。Students学生;brothers兄弟;colleagues同事;classmates同学,故选C。
小题16:考查动词。根据too much significance to their opinions.可知这里意思是我太注重他们意见的重要意义了。Owed归功于;paid付给;gave给予;held举行,故选A。
小题17:考查名词。根据Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by     and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions.可知我最终以失败告终。Disaster灾难;progress进步;failure失败;success成功,故选C。
小题18:考查名词。根据and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions.可知这里意思是我不再让自己受其他人的影响。Either任何一个;another另一个;each每个;others其他人,故选D。
小题19:考查动词。根据It took me until I was almost 30 years old to     this可知这里意思是直到三十岁我才意识到这些。Think想;remember记得;realize意识到;recall使想起,故选C。
小题20:考查名词。根据it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to     and to life.
DIABETES? Is your CHOLESTEROL number up?
Life shouldn’t be a game of chance. But if you have dia­betes (胆固醇) and raise cholesterol(糖尿病), you have an increased chance of heart disease or stroke. So it’s really im­portant that you find out your cholesterol number (the level of cholesterol in your blood) — especially since your cholesterol level is controllable, just like your diabetes. Your doctor is the best person to talk to about this.  
So don’t play a game of chance with your health, call for a FREE copy of our ChoLESterol booklet. It contains useful in­formation and may help you talk to your doctor.
Call 0800 068 0439 today. Call any time for a FREE booklet.
You can also write to ChoLESterol, Dept 9,FREEPOST NEA 10820,Rotherham S639BR,or visit our website: www. lesscholesterol. co. uk where you can download or request your booklet.
10. Who will be interested in this passage?
A. Doctors who treat diabetes.      B. People who like free books.
C. Patients with heart disease.       D. People who suffer diabetes and raise cholesterol.
11. What information will the booklet provide for its readers?
A. When to see a doctor. B. How to cure your diabetes.
C. How to know the level of your cholesterol.     D. How to get the free book.
12. The word ChoLESterol in the passage probably means
A. keeping cholesterol steady B. making cholesterol fall down
C. the level of cholesterol         D. curing your diabetes
13. The purpose of this advertisement is ________.
A. to help doctors get more patients  B. to help people with higher level of cholesterol
C. to obtain benefit from the booklet  D. to make the organization well known
According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, we might all be braggarts(大话王) in this competitive society addicted to social networking.
Take a close look at your social­networking sites. Do you like to post photos of yourself in restaurants to show others what an exciting life you have? Or do you like to write about how happily in love you are? Or perhaps you are of the subtle type who constantly complain about jobs but really just want to impress others with your important position.
According to the results of a series of experiments conducted by Harvard University neuroscientists(神经科学家), the reward areas of our brain——the same areas that respond to “primary rewards” such as food ——are activated when we talk about ourselves. We devote between 30 to 40 percent of our conversation time to doing just that. Unfortunately, Bernstein says, some people can't tell the difference between sharing positive information that others might actually want to know and direct bragging. She suggests that bragging involves comparison, whether stated or implied.
“We are expected to be perfect all the time. The result is that more and more people are carefully managing their online images”. says Elizabeth Bernstein, a columnist with the Wall Street Journal.
But the issue is not limited to the Internet. In a fiercely competitive job market we must sell ourselves on multiple platforms and show that we are better than others. In fact, we have become so accustomed to bragging that we don't even realize we are doing it, says Bernstein. This is harmful to our relationships and puts people off.
Bernstein talked to some experts who said that people brag for all sorts of reasons: to appear worthy of attention; to prove to ourselves we are doing fine and that people who said we would fail are wrong; or simply because we're excited when good things happen to us.
“Feel sorry for them, because they're doing this unconscious, destructive thing that won't help them in the long run,” said Professor Simian Valier, a research psychologist at Washington University.
小题1:The underlined word “subtle” in Para.2 is closest in meaning to “________”.
小题2:Which of the following is one of the features of braggarts?
A.They control conversation and only talk about themselves.
B.They know well how to share positive information.
C.They self­promote to stand out in their career.
D.They don't pay much attention to their online image.
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Braggarts make a good first impression but the effect decreases over time.
B.People who like bragging know what they are doing.
C.Braggarts always adopt comparison directly to show they are excellent.
D.They care much about the feelings of others when talking.
To see the world is one thing;to have someone to share it with is another.Indeed,travel becomes more interesting when you have a travel partner.A travel partner can be a close friend,a family member,a pal you’ve met online,or a business friend.
You can have someone to talk to
Traveling alone is fun,but wouldn’t you feel lonely?Having a travel partner can remove the feeling of loneliness.This is especially true if you can get a travel companion who is very familiar with the place you’re traveling to.You don’t have to ask any information from the locals,and you can increase the time you spend in the country.
One of the major headaches in traveling is the costs involved.You can’t simply ignore the rising price of hotels or plane tickets.You should also think about your daily needs,such as your food.Of course,you can’t simply go back without bringing any souvenirs (纪念品) to your friends and family.All these can ruin your budget.However,when you have a travel friend,you can have someone to share the expenses with.
You can meet a good friend
Having a travel mate is a good way of meeting a new friend or even a lifelong partner.You can never count the number of couples who actually found their way into each other’s heart while traveling together in another country.
You can have someone to watch out for you 
When you’re in a foreign land,you’ll never be really safe.You don’t know the rules as well as the culture of the people.A travel mate will be perfect to remind you of your duties in the country and to watch your back just in case you get lost.So why don’t you find a travel companion now?
Let’s find out how ...
小题1:What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To introduce a travel company.
B.To encourage us to have a travel partner.
C.To explain how to be a perfect travel partner.
D.To tell an interesting experience with a travel partner.
小题2:What’s the best title for the 3rd paragraph?
A.You can have someone to share the expenses with.
B.You can know the local culture well.
C.You can enjoy food with your partner.
D.You can save money by bargaining together.
小题3:Which of the following statements agrees with the author’s opinion?
A.Traveling alone is not fun.
B.Buying souvenirs isn’t necessary.
C.Many people fall in love when traveling.
D.It’s better to choose a stranger as a travel partner.
小题4:The following paragraph will probably talk about________.
A.how to get along with a travel partner
B.how travel can benefit people
C.what we can learn from travel
D.how to find a travel partner
I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.
I was on my lunch break and had ___ the office to get something to eat. On the way,I __a busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some ___ in my pocket,but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would __ use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He___ like that type— young and ragged. ___ what was I going to spend the money on? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then ___ I had no right to place myself above ___ just because he was busking.
I ___ and dropped all the coins into his __,and he smiled at me. I watched for a while. As ___ as it sounds,I expected something more to come from that moment—a feeling of ___ or satisfaction, for example. But nothing happened.  ___ ,I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of __  .”I thought.
On my way home at the end of the ___ , I saw the busker again and he was __ .I watched him pick up the hat and walk __ a cafe counter. There he poured the ___ contents into a tin collecting __ an earthquake fund­raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity!
Now I donate any ___ I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.
A.walking aroundB.passing by
C.packing upD.running off
A shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The boy walked a long way, and finally came upon a beautiful castle where the wise man lived.
Rather than finding a holy man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were chatting in the corners and a small orchestra was playing soft music. The wise man talked with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn.
The wise man listened carefully to the boy’s explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didn’t have time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested the boy look around the palace and return in two hours.
“Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something,” said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. “As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill”.
The boy began to walk up and down stairs in the palace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned.
“Well,” asked the wise man, “Did you see the Persian tapestries (波斯织锦) hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that it took the master gardener 10 years to create?”
The boy was embarrassed, and replied that he had observed nothing. His only concern had been not to spill the oil.
“Then go back and observe the wonderful things of my world,” said the wise man.
Then the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and the walls. He saw the gardens and the mountains all around him. When he returned, he described in detail everything he had seen.
“But where are the drops of oil I gave to you?” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.
“Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the wise man. “The secret of happiness is to see all the wonders of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.”
小题1:When the shopkeeper’s son arrived at the castle, he ______.
A.received warm welcome from the wise man
B.didn’t expect to see so many people around
C.was shown around the palace by the local people
D.had already missed his chance to talk to the wise man
小题2:The wise man gave the boy two tasks in order to ______.
A.let the boy enjoy his palace and garden
B.show him how to observe the wonderful things in the world
C.make him learn from his mistakes
D.teach him the secret of happiness
小题3:We can infer from the article that “the drops of oil on the spoon” probably refer to ______.
A.the beauty of nature
B.the fortune a person owns
C.the responsibilities of a person
D.the great opportunities in life
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?
A.The wise man was satisfied with the way the boy performed the second task
B.It took the wise man about 10 years to finish his garden.
C.The wise man wasn’t paying much attention to the boy at first.
D.The boy took no notice of the surroundings during his first task.
There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy,        becomes unhappy. This        from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds.
The people who are to be happy        their attention to the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conversation, the well-prepared dishes, the goodness of the wines, and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the        things. They are,       , continually unsatisfied. By their words, they complain about the pleasure of society, offend many people, and        themselves disagreeable (不受欢迎的) everywhere. If this turn of mind were founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up        by imitation (模仿). It grows into a habit, unknown        its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it are        its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and        them change this habit.
Although in fact it is chiefly an act of imagination, it has serious        in life, since it causes deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others, nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most        politeness and respect. This        puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at obtaining        advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step        speak a word to favor their hopes. If they cause themselves public objections (反对), no one will        or excuse them, and many        join to criticize their wrongdoings. These people should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing,        worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not,        will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient,        when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
A.other B.anotherC.the other D.one another
A.same B.contraryC.happyD.funny
A.convinced forB.convincing forC.convinced ofD.convincing of
A.and B.butC.soD.or
A.withB.withoutC.but forD.in case of
I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack.  About a week after his death, she _________ some of her insight with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in _________ the classroom windows and the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the _________ of her desk and sat down there.
With a gentle look on her face, she paused and said,"Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought __________ I feel is very important. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves...and ______ of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is a(an) _________that we must make the most out of every single day."
Her eyes beginning to__________, she went on,"So I would like you all to make me a _________...from now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see---it________ be a scent(香味)--perhaps of__________ baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the __________ the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground. Please, look for these things, and remember them.
"For, _________ it may sound silly to some people, these things are the 'stuff' of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for ________. We must make _______important to notice them, for at any time...it can all be taken away."
The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room _________ .That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what a deep _________ she made on all us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all __________.
Take notice of something _________you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone. _______ as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often _______, but the things we didn't do.
A.enjoyedB.sharedC.changed D.connected
A.through B.on C.across D.along
A.back B.front C.feet D.edge
A.what B.which C.when D.where
A.no oneB.every C.none D.any
A.sign B.signal C.symbol D.scene
A.cry B.sweat C.run D.water
A.present B.promise C.discoveryD.contribution
A.should B.mustC.couldD.need
A.eventuallyB.freshly C.graduallyD.slightly
A.wayB.method C.access D.process
A.because B.since C.unless D.although
A.responsibilityB.granted C.fun D.pleasure
A.one B.that C.them. D.it
A.happily B.silentlyC.sadly D.tiredly
A.expressionB.depression C.impression D.progress
A.notice B.forget C.overlook D.remember
A.special B.nice C.beautiful D.typical
A.like B.regret C.neglect D.remember
People who show confidence really seem to have it made. They seize more rewarding careers, keep good relationships, and just seem to do everything with more styles than the rest of us.
So what is the secret? There isn’t one. Self-confidence is a skill and habit that anyone can learn to develop. And although people who are raised in an encouraging environment with confident role models have a hard start in self-confidence development, we all can learn to become more confident at any age.
Try these simple tips for practising and increasing your self-confidence levels:
Dare to fail. Anybody who’s out there bravely performing is going to fail repeatedly. If you are not failing, you are not trying. So don’t take failure too hard or too personally. Just learn to deal with it and use its lessons to keep improving.
When in doubt, pretend you know what you are doing. Because, if you are confident of your abilities, by the time you have done it, you will be experienced.
Dress for success. You don’t have to be beautiful to be confident. Make the most of your own unique physical characters and weaken your disadvantages.
Listen to yourself. You are the only person who knows what’s right for you. Don’t put others’ opinions above your own inner voice.
Build a confident vocabulary. Stop putting yourself down and give up continually blaming your tiny weaknesses. Learn to show up your strong points and the world will learn to see and celebrate them with you.
Pass on the praise. Praise others for their virtues and strengths. This practice will not decrease your confidence, but help increase it.
小题1:The passage is written mainly __________.
A.to explain the definition of self-confidence
B.to explain the secret of self-confidence
C.to tell people how important self-confidence is
D.to tell people how to build self-confidence
小题2:The main idea of the sixth paragraph is __________.
A.to be confident means to have no disadvantages
B.taking full advantage of your physical characters will help you be confident
C.your unique characters will help you be confident and be successful
D.to be confident means to be beautiful
小题3:All the following are tips to increase your self-confidence level EXCEPT______.
A.not to be afraid of failureB.dress yourself properly
C.pretend to know everything D.make your advantages more obvious
小题4:_______ will weaken your self-confidence.
A.Praising others for their strong points
B.Always following others’ advice to do things
C.Giving up blaming your weaknesses
D.Believing in yourself

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